Модераторы: Sardar, Aliance


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  Дата 13.5.2017, 19:28 (ссылка) | (нет голосов) Загрузка ... Загрузка ... Быстрая цитата Цитата


Группа: Участник
Сообщений: 1
Регистрация: 13.5.2017

Репутация: нет
Всего: нет

Здрасти, может я не так понял что делается в этой теме на форуме, но мне нужен алгоритм выпадения числа, не могу понять откуда что берется, растолкуйте чайнику, пожалуйста. Я так понимаю все заложено здесь:


animateRoulette: function(digit, callback) {

        var that = this,
            animation_time = 15000,
            sector = 360 / 15,
            circle_count = 10,
            deg, dx, normalize;

        if(digit <= 7) {
            dx = (digit * 2 - 1);
        else {
            dx = (digit - (14 - digit));
        if(digit == 0) {
            dx = 0;

        deg = that.markup.roulette.circle.data('deg');

        normalize = deg == 0 ? 0 : 360 * (1 - (deg / 360) % 1);

        deg =  deg + normalize + 360 * circle_count - dx * sector;

        that.markup.roulette.circle.data('deg', deg);

            "-webkit-transition": "transform " + animation_time + "ms cubic-bezier(.32,.64,.45,1)",
            "-moz-transition": "transform " + animation_time + "ms cubic-bezier(.32,.64,.45,1)",
            "-o-transition": "transform " + animation_time + "ms cubic-bezier(.32,.64,.45,1)",
            transition: "transform " + animation_time + "ms cubic-bezier(.32,.64,.45,1)",
            "-webkit-transform": "rotate3d(0, 0, 1, " + deg + "deg)",
            "-moz-transform": "rotate3d(0, 0, 1, " + deg + "deg)",
            "-ms-transform": "rotate3d(0, 0, 1, " + deg + "deg)",
            "-o-transform": "rotate3d(0, 0, 1, " + deg + "deg)",
            transform: "rotate3d(0, 0, 1, " + deg + "deg)"

вот все полностью:


var App = App || {};

App.Games.double = {

    GAME_STATE_WAIT: 'wait',
    GAME_STATE_GAME: 'game',

    GAME_TIME: 30,

    socket : undefined,

    game: {
        id: null,
        hash: null,
        bank: 0,
        bets: [],
        state: null
    /*bet: {
        username: 'USER1',
        avatar: 'ab99f8d7008edafbb759787cfb0575df990da54b_full.jpg',
        amount: 34.56576878,
        type: 'zero'

    request: {
        sending: false,
        sending_time: 0

    history: [4, 5, 1, 0, 4, 5, 9, 6, 7],
    history_limit: 9,

    colors: {},

    timer: undefined,
    interval_handler: undefined,

    init: function() {

        this.game.state = this.GAME_STATE_WAIT;
        this.timer = this.GAME_TIME;

        var that = this;

        this.socket = App.Sockets.sockets.double;

        this.socket.on('newBet', function (bet) {
            App.Tools.log('double - newBet', bet);

        this.socket.on('newGame', function (game) {
            App.Tools.log('double - newGame', game);
            that.newGame(game['id'], game['hash']);

        this.socket.on('startGame', function (game_id) {
            App.Tools.log('double - startGame', game_id);

        this.socket.on('digit', function (digit) {
            App.Tools.log('double - digit', digit);





    sendBet: function(amount, type) {

        if(amount > App.Balance.get()) {
            alert2('Не достаточно средств на балансе');

        var that = this;

        this.request.sending = true;
        this.request.sending_time = new Date().getTime();

        App.Sockets.ping(function() {

            var time = new Date().getTime();
            if((time - that.request.sending_time) / 1000 > 10) {
                that.request.sending = false;

                url: 'ajax/bet.php',
                type: 'POST',
                data: {
                    amount: amount,
                    type: type
                dataType: 'JSON',
                beforeSend: function() {
                success: function(response){

                    if(response['status'] == 'error') {
                        that.request.sending = false;


                    App.Sockets.transfer('double.bet', response['bet']);
                    if(response['start']) {
                        App.Sockets.transfer('double.start', response['game_id']);


                    that.request.sending = false;




    newBet: function(bet) {

        this.game.bank += bet['amount'];




    newGame: function(id, hash) {

        this.game.id = id;
        this.game.hash = hash;
        this.game.bank = 0;
        this.game.bets = [];
        this.game.state = this.GAME_STATE_WAIT;
        this.timer = this.GAME_TIME;


    startGame: function(game_id) {

        if(this.game.id !== game_id) {

        if(this.game.state == this.GAME_STATE_GAME) {

        this.game.state = this.GAME_STATE_GAME;

        var that = this;

        this.interval_handler = window.setInterval(function(){

            that.timer --;

            if(that.timer < 1) {


        }, 1000);


    stopGame: function() {


        this.timer = 0;
        this.game.state = this.GAME_STATE_PROCESS_WINNER;



    newDigit: function(digit) {

        if(this.game.state == this.GAME_STATE_GAME) {


        this.game.state = this.GAME_STATE_WAIT;




    animateRoulette: function(digit, callback) {

        var that = this,
            animation_time = 15000,
            sector = 360 / 15,
            circle_count = 10,
            deg, dx, normalize;

        if(digit <= 7) {
            dx = (digit * 2 - 1);
        else {
            dx = (digit - (14 - digit));
        if(digit == 0) {
            dx = 0;

        deg = that.markup.roulette.circle.data('deg');

        normalize = deg == 0 ? 0 : 360 * (1 - (deg / 360) % 1);

        deg =  deg + normalize + 360 * circle_count - dx * sector;

        that.markup.roulette.circle.data('deg', deg);

            "-webkit-transition": "transform " + animation_time + "ms cubic-bezier(.32,.64,.45,1)",
            "-moz-transition": "transform " + animation_time + "ms cubic-bezier(.32,.64,.45,1)",
            "-o-transition": "transform " + animation_time + "ms cubic-bezier(.32,.64,.45,1)",
            transition: "transform " + animation_time + "ms cubic-bezier(.32,.64,.45,1)",
            "-webkit-transform": "rotate3d(0, 0, 1, " + deg + "deg)",
            "-moz-transform": "rotate3d(0, 0, 1, " + deg + "deg)",
            "-ms-transform": "rotate3d(0, 0, 1, " + deg + "deg)",
            "-o-transform": "rotate3d(0, 0, 1, " + deg + "deg)",
            transform: "rotate3d(0, 0, 1, " + deg + "deg)"


        setTimeout(function () {



            setTimeout(function () {



                if(callback != undefined) {

            }, 4000);

                "-webkit-transition": "transform 0ms",
                "-moz-transition": "transform 0ms",
                "-o-transition": "transform 0ms",
                transition: "transform 0ms"

        }, 15000);


    appendToHistory: function(digit) {

        this.history.splice(0, 0, digit);

        if(this.history.length > this.history_limit) {

            this.history.splice(this.history_limit, this.history.length - this.history_limit);



    preload: function() {

        $.extend(this.game, App.boot['double']['game']);
        $.extend(this.history, App.boot['double']['history']);
        this.timer = App.boot['double']['timer'];
        $.extend(this.colors, App.boot['double']['colors']);


        if(this.timer > 0 && this.timer < this.GAME_TIME) {

        if(this.timer == 0) {


    renderGame: function() {



    renderAll: function() {



    renderBets: function() {

        var markup = '';

        for(var i = this.game.bets.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {

            markup += App.Tools.template(this.markup.bets.li, this.game.bets[i]);




    renderStatistics: function() {

        var groups = {
                red: 0,
                black: 0,
                zero: 0

        for(var i = 0; i < this.game.bets.length; i++) {

            groups[ this.game.bets[i]['type'] ] += this.game.bets[i]['amount'];



        this.markup.statistics.red.html( groups.red );
        this.markup.statistics.black.html( groups.black );
        this.markup.statistics.zero.html( groups.zero );

        var red_percent = parseInt(groups.red / this.game.bank * 100),
            zero_percent = parseInt(groups.zero / this.game.bank * 100),
            black_percent = parseInt(groups.black / this.game.bank * 100);
        this.markup.statistics.red_percent.css('width', red_percent > 0 ? (red_percent + '%') : 0);
        this.markup.statistics.zero_percent.css('width', zero_percent > 0 ? (zero_percent + '%') : 0);
        this.markup.statistics.black_percent.css('width', black_percent > 0 ? (black_percent + '%') : 0);


    renderTimer: function() {

        var timer_as_string = this.timer.toString();

        while(timer_as_string.length < 3) {
            timer_as_string = '0' + timer_as_string;

        this.markup.timer.s1.html( timer_as_string.charAt(0) );
        this.markup.timer.s2.html( timer_as_string.charAt(1) );
        this.markup.timer.s3.html( timer_as_string.charAt(2) );


    renderHistory: function() {

        var markup = '',

        n = this.history.length <= this.history_limit ? this.history.length : this.history_limit;

        for(var i = 0; i < n; i++) {

            data = {
                type: this.colors[ this.history[i] ],
                digit: this.history[i]

            markup += App.Tools.template(this.markup.history.item_template, data);




    animateAppendToHistory: function(digit) {

        var markup;

        markup = App.Tools.template(this.markup.history.item_template, {
            type: this.colors[ digit ],
            digit: digit


        var items = this.markup.history.container.children();

        if(items.length > this.history_limit) {
            items[ items.length - 1 ].remove();


    markup: {
        bank_tab: undefined,
        game_id: undefined,
        game_hash: undefined,
        input: undefined,
        input_buttons: undefined,
        bets: {
            buttons: undefined,
            container: undefined,
            li: undefined
        statistics: {
            zero: undefined,
            black: undefined,
            zero_percent: undefined,
            black_percent: undefined
        history: {
            container: undefined,
            item_template: undefined
        roulette: {
            circle: undefined,
            labels: {
                processing: undefined,
                winning: undefined,
                end: undefined,

    _initMarkup: function() {

        var that = this;

        this.markup.bank_tab = $('.game_switch').find('.sum_bet_2');
        this.markup.game_id = $('.roulette_content .game_num');
        this.markup.game_hash = $('.roulette_content #roundHash');
        this.markup.input = $('.roulette_content .bonus_game_bet_input');
        this.markup.input.data('amount', 0);
        this.markup.input_buttons = $('.roulette_content .bonus_game_calc_button_list li');
        this.markup.statistics.red = $('.roulette_content .bonus_game_bet_value_container.red .bonus_game_bet_value');
        this.markup.statistics.zero = $('.roulette_content .bonus_game_bet_value_container.zero .bonus_game_bet_value');
        this.markup.statistics.black = $('.roulette_content .bonus_game_bet_value_container.black .bonus_game_bet_value');
        this.markup.statistics.red_percent = $('.roulette_content .bonus_game_bet_value_container.red .bonus_game_bet_value_progress');
        this.markup.statistics.zero_percent = $('.roulette_content .bonus_game_bet_value_container.zero .bonus_game_bet_value_progress');
        this.markup.statistics.black_percent = $('.roulette_content .bonus_game_bet_value_container.black .bonus_game_bet_value_progress');
        this.markup.bets.container = $('.roulette_content .game_bets_list');
        this.markup.bets.li = $('.roulette_content .template_game_bets_list').html();
        this.markup.bets.buttons = $('.roulette_content .place_bet_buttons li');
        var timer = $('.roulette_content .roulette_counter .span_2');
        this.markup.timer.s1 = timer.eq(0);
        this.markup.timer.s2 = timer.eq(1);
        this.markup.timer.s3 = timer.eq(2);
        this.markup.history.container = $('.roulette_content .game_roulette_history_list');
        this.markup.history.item_template = $('.roulette_content .template_game_roulette_history_list').html();
        this.markup.roulette.circle = $('.roulette_content .roulette_numbers');
        this.markup.roulette.labels.processing = $('.roulette_content .bonus_game_pre_end.processing');
        this.markup.roulette.labels.winning = $('.roulette_content .bonus_game_pre_end.winning');
        this.markup.roulette.labels.end = $('.roulette_content .bonus_game_end');
        this.markup.roulette.labels.counter = $('.roulette_content .roulette_counter');

        var show = function() {
            $('.roulette_content .bonus_game_state').removeClass('front').addClass('back');

        this.markup.roulette.circle.data('deg', 0);
        this.markup.roulette.labels.processing.show =     function() { show.call(this); };
        this.markup.roulette.labels.winning.show =         function() { show.call(this); };
        this.markup.roulette.labels.counter.show =         function() { show.call(this); };
        this.markup.roulette.labels.end.show = function(digit) {


    _initEvents: function() {

        var that = this;

        this.markup.input_buttons.on('click', function(){

            var bet_amount = 0;

            if($(this).data('cost') == 'all') {

                bet_amount = App.Balance.get();

            else if($(this).data('cost') == 'clear_bet') {
                bet_amount = 0;
            else {

                var current_amount = parseInt(that.markup.input.val());
                if(isNaN(current_amount)) {
                    current_amount = 0;
                bet_amount = current_amount + parseInt($(this).data('cost'));


            if(bet_amount > App.Balance.get()) {
                alert2('На балансе не достаточно средств');



        this.markup.bets.buttons.on('click', function(){

            var amount = parseInt(that.markup.input.val()),
                type = $(this).data('betType');

            if(isNaN(amount)) {
                alert2('Сперва укажите сумму ставки');

            that.sendBet(amount, type);




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