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> Коллекция алгоритмов от Johna Smith, в качестве учебного материала 
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Дата 21.12.2004, 17:52 (ссылка) | (нет голосов) Загрузка ... Загрузка ... Быстрая цитата Цитата

Где я? Кто я?

Группа: Экс. модератор
Сообщений: 3094
Регистрация: 25.3.2002
Где: СПб

Репутация: 18
Всего: 62

 Выложенные здесь алгоритмы преследуют исключительно учебные цели. 
Код неоптимизирован, местами морально устарел и показывает только принцип решения той или иной задачи. Однако он вполне рабочий и может быть использован с соответствующей дорботкой под Ваши собственные нужды.


    * Перевод из... в...
    * Графические алгоритмы
    * Специальные функции
    * Динамические структуры данных
    * Сортировка массивов
    * Сортировка файлов
    * Методы поиска
    * Матрицы
    * Операции с комплексными величинами
    * Математическая статистика
    * Интегрирование функций
    * Календарь
    * Решение систем линейных уравнений
    * Решение нелинейных уравнений
    * Интерполяция
    * Операции с полиномами
    * Сжатие и шифрование
    * Решение дифференциальных уравнений
    * Вычисление CRC
    * Разное

 Перевод из... в...

Градусы, минуты, секунды - в градусы


//  Translating angle from degrees, minutes, seconds to degrees
//  (c) Johna Smith, 1996
//  Method description:
//    Here we just use the following formula:
//      phi=(phi"/60+phi')/60+phiш

#include <stdio.h>

struct angle
  float degrees;
  float minutes;
  float seconds;

void print_angle(angle a)

float dms_to_d(angle a)
  float f;


  return f;

void main(void)
  angle a={30,30,30};

  printf("= %fш",dms_to_d(a));

Градусы - в градусы, минуты, секунды


//  Translating angle from degrees to degrees, minutes, seconds
//  (c) Johna Smith, 1996
//  Method description:
//    degrees is the integer part of angle f
//    minutes is the integer part of the remainder multiplied by 60
//    seconds is the integer part of 60*(phi_in_minutes-phi')

#include <stdio.h>

struct angle
  float degrees;
  float minutes;
  float seconds;

void print_angle(angle a)

angle d_to_dms(float f)
  angle a;


  return a;

void main(void)

Комплексных величин - в экспоненциальную форму


//  Complex values operations (converting from a+bi form to M*exp(i*phi))
//  (c) Johna Smith, 1996
//  Given: z - complex value
//  z=a+i*b
//  z=M*exp(i*phi)
//  M=(a^2+b^2)^(1/2)    phi=arccos(a/|M|)

#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>

struct complex
  float re;
  float im;

struct exp_complex
  float M;
  float phi;

void show_complex(complex c) // this functions displays complex value

void show_exp_complex(exp_complex c) // this functions displays complex value

exp_complex Convert(complex a)
  exp_complex b;


  return b;

complex a={-1,1};

void main(void)
  printf(" = ");


Это сообщение отредактировал(а) maxim1000 - 5.5.2008, 21:08
PM WWW ICQ   Вверх
Дата 22.12.2004, 08:53 (ссылка) | (нет голосов) Загрузка ... Загрузка ... Быстрая цитата Цитата

Где я? Кто я?

Группа: Экс. модератор
Сообщений: 3094
Регистрация: 25.3.2002
Где: СПб

Репутация: 18
Всего: 62

Градусы по Фаренгейту - в градусы по Цельсию


//  Translatintg Farengheit degrees to Celsy degrees and in other direction
//  (c) Johna Smith, 1996
//  Method description:
//    oF = 5/9(n-32) oC     oC = (32+9n/5) oF

#include <stdio.h>

float Cels2Fareng(float degree)
 return (5*(degree-32)/9);

float Fareng2Cels(float degree)
 return (32+9*degree/5);

void main(void)
 printf("100oC = %f oF\n",Cels2Fareng(100));
 printf("-50oF = %f oC\n",Fareng2Cels(-50));

Декартовы координаты - в полярные (2D)


//  Translatintg Decart coordinates to polar coordinates in 2 dimensions
//  (c) Johna Smith, 1996
//  Method description:
//  r=(x^2+y^2)^(1/2)
//  phi=+/- arccos(x/r)

#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>

struct decart
 float x;
 float y;

struct polar
 float r;
 float phi;

polar Decart2Polar(decart c)
 polar p;


 return p;

decart d={1,1};
polar p;

void main(void)
 printf("(x,y)=(%f,%f) -> (r,phi)=(%f,%f)\n",d.x,d.y,p.r,p.phi);

Полярные - в декартовы


//  Translatintg polar coordinates to Decart coordinates in 2 dimensions
//  (c) Johna Smith, 1996
//  Method description:
//  x=r*cos(phi)
//  y=r*sin(phi)

#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>

#define Pi 3.1415926536

struct decart
 float x;
 float y;

struct polar
 float r;
 float phi;

decart Polar2Decart(polar p)
 decart d;


 return d;

polar p={1.4142135624,Pi/4};
decart d;

void main(void)
 printf("(r,phi)=(%f,%f) -> (x,y)=(%f,%f)\n",p.r,p.phi,d.x,d.y);

Декартовы координаты - в сферические (3D)


//  Translatintg Decart coordinates to spherical coordinates in 3 dimensions
//  (c) Johna Smith, 1996
//  Method description:
//  r=(x^2+y^2+z^2)^(1/2)
//  phi=+/- arccos(x/(x*x+y*y)^(1/2))
//  theta=arccos(z/r)

#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>

struct decart
 float x;
 float y;
 float z;

struct spherical
 float r;
 float phi;
 float theta;

spherical Decart2Spherical(decart c)
 spherical p;


 return p;

decart d={1,1,1};
spherical p;

void main(void)
 printf("(x,y,z)=(%f,%f,%f) -> (r,phi,theta)=(%f,%f,%f)\n",

Сферические - в декартовы


//  Translatintg spherical coordinates to Decart coordinates in 3 dimensions
//  (c) Johna Smith, 1996
//  Method description:
//  x=r*cos(phi)*sin(theta)
//  y=r*sin(phi)*sin(theta)
//  z=r*cos(theta)

#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>

#define Pi 3.1415926536

struct decart
 float x;
 float y;
 float z;

struct spherical
 float r;
 float phi;
 float theta;

decart Spherical2Decart(spherical p)
 decart d;


 return d;

spherical p={1.732051,0.785398,0.955317};
decart d;

void main(void)
 printf("(r,phi,theta)=(%f,%f,%f) -> (x,y,z)=(%f,%f,%f)\n",

PM WWW ICQ   Вверх
Дата 22.12.2004, 09:16 (ссылка) | (нет голосов) Загрузка ... Загрузка ... Быстрая цитата Цитата

Где я? Кто я?

Группа: Экс. модератор
Сообщений: 3094
Регистрация: 25.3.2002
Где: СПб

Репутация: 18
Всего: 62

Число из системы с основанием М - в систему с основанием N


//  Translating number from M-system to N-system
//  (c) Johna Smith, 1996
//  Method description:
//    1) translate number to decimal
//    2) translate from decimal using sequence of divisions by nbase
//       remainders will be digits of the number in the new system

#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>

enum digit {A=10,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,I,J,K,L,M,N,O,P,Q,R,S,T,U,V,W,X,Y,Z};

char mbase=16;    // from hex
char nbase=2;  // to binary

digit m[]={F,E,D,C,B,A};  // (FEDCBA)(16)
digit n[255];

void main(void)
 unsigned long int decimal=0,tmp=1;
 float tmpf;

 // printing given number
 for (int i=0;i<sizeof(m)/sizeof(digit);i++)
   if (m[i]<10)
   else printf("%c",m[i]+55);
 // translate number to decimal
 printf("(%d) = %ld(10) = ",mbase,decimal);
 // translating from decimal
 // rounding to nearest integer
 if (tmpf-tmp>0.5) tmp++;
 for (i=tmp;i>=0;i--)
 // printing converted number
 for (i=0;i<=tmp;i++)
   if (n[i]<10)
   else printf("%c",n[i]+55);

Приведение периодической дробной части к нормальному виду


//  Transforming periodical decimal fraction to normal one.
//  (c) Johna Smith, 1996
//  Method description:
//    This method uses the fact that periodical fraction can be
//   calculated as a sum of infinite geometr. progression = 1/(1-q).
//    For example: 235.353535353...
//    The period is 35, the base (aperiodical part of the fraction) is 200,
//   number of digits in the period is 2. These parameters are required by
//   function Convert.
//    q=10^(-2)  x0=35   SUM=x0+q*x0+q^2*x0+q^3*x0+...

#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>

struct fraction
 long int a;
 long int b;
 long int c;
} f;    // f=a+b/c

fraction Convert(double base, double period, int digits)
 fraction f;
 double tmp;


 // calculating 1/(1-q)
 while (floor(tmp)!=tmp)

 // adding base to the fraction
 while (floor(base)!=base)

 // if this fraction isn't right: b>c we should convert it
 // into the right fraction a+ b1/c, where b1<c1 & a*c+b1=b
 if (f.b/f.c>1)

 return f;

void main(void)
 printf("235,(35) = %ld %ld/%ld\n",f.a,f.b,f.c);
 printf("0.0783(441) = %ld %ld/%ld",f.a,f.b,f.c);

PM WWW ICQ   Вверх
Дата 22.12.2004, 09:31 (ссылка) | (нет голосов) Загрузка ... Загрузка ... Быстрая цитата Цитата

Где я? Кто я?

Группа: Экс. модератор
Сообщений: 3094
Регистрация: 25.3.2002
Где: СПб

Репутация: 18
Всего: 62

Графические алгоритмы

Рисование 3D объекта


//  Drawing 3D object
//  (c) Johna Smith, 1996
//  Method description:
//    Function draw3Dobject recieves the following parameters:
//     object - reference to array of points of the drawn object
//     N - number of points in this array
//     rho     \
//     phi     |- spherical coordinates of point of view
//     theta   /
//     dist_to_screen - distance from viewpoint to screen
//     xshift, yshift - picture will be shifted by this values

#include <graphics.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <conio.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <dos.h>

#define Pi 3.1415926536

enum Action{move,draw};

struct Point3D
 int x;
 int y;
 int z;
 Action action;

// this function initializes graphics mode
// it will work only if you're using Borland C++ compiler & BGI drivers
// if you're using another compiler you should overwrite body of this function

void init_gr(void)
       /* request autodetection */
       int gdriver = DETECT, gmode, errorcode;

       /* initialize graphics mode */
       initgraph(&gdriver, &gmode, "");

       /* read result of initialization */
       errorcode = graphresult();

       if (errorcode != grOk)    /* an error occurred */
               printf("Graphics error: %s\n", grapherrormsg(errorcode));
               printf("Press any key to halt:");
               exit(1);               /* return with error code */

// this function shuts graphics mode down
// it will work only if you're using Borland C++ compiler & BGI drivers
// if you're using another compiler you should overwrite body of this function

void end_gr(void)

// this function moves CP to (x,y) position
// it will work only if you're using Borland C++ compiler & BGI drivers
// if you're using another compiler you should overwrite body of this function

void MoveTo(int x, int y)

// this function draws a line to (x,y) position
// it will work only if you're using Borland C++ compiler & BGI drivers
// if you're using another compiler you should overwrite body of this function

void LineTo(int x, int y)

void draw3Dobject(Point3D *object, int N, float rho, float theta,
                 float phi, float dist_to_screen, int xshift, int yshift)
 int x,y;
 float xe,ye,ze,costh,sinph,cosph,sinth,v11,v12,v13,v21,v22,v32,v33,v23,v43;

 // calculating coefficients
 v11=-sinth; v12=-cosph*costh; v13=-sinph*costh;
 v21=costh;  v22=-cosph*sinth; v23=-sinph*sinth;
                                 v32=sinph;        v33=-cosph;
 for (int i=0;i<N;i++)
     // calculating eye coordinates
     // calculating screen coordinates
     // drawing

int main(void)
 Point3D thetr[]={{100,100,100,move},
 int N=sizeof(thetr)/sizeof(Point3D);
 float rho=700,theta=Pi/4,phi=Pi/4,dist_to_screen=300;
 int xshift=300, yshift=150;

 // initializing graphics mode

 /* examples */
 while (!kbhit())
     // rotating viewpoint
     if (phi>2*Pi) phi-=2*Pi;

 /* clean up */

 return 0;

Вращение 3D объекта


//  Rotating 3D object
//  (c) Johna Smith, 1996
//  Method description:
//   Given: vector X, angle a
//   To rotate this vector about axe X we should apply the following
//   operation:  X'=X*Rx, where Rx - is matrix of rotation
//        [ 1 0      0     0 ]
//        [ 0 cos a  sin a 0 ]
//     Rx=[ 0 -sin a cos a 0 ]
//        [ 0 0      0     1 ]
//   Applying this operation to every point of the given object we
//   rotate it.

#include <graphics.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <conio.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <dos.h>

#define Pi 3.1415926536

enum Action{move,draw};

struct Point3D
 float x;
 float y;
 float z;
 Action action;

// this function initializes graphics mode
// it will work only if you're using Borland C++ compiler & BGI drivers
// if you're using another compiler you should overwrite body of this function

void init_gr(void)
       /* request autodetection */
       int gdriver = DETECT, gmode, errorcode;

       /* initialize graphics mode */
       initgraph(&gdriver, &gmode, "");

       /* read result of initialization */
       errorcode = graphresult();

       if (errorcode != grOk)    /* an error occurred */
              printf("Graphics error: %s\n", grapherrormsg(errorcode));
              printf("Press any key to halt:");
              exit(1);               /* return with error code */

// this function shuts graphics mode down
// it will work only if you're using Borland C++ compiler & BGI drivers
// if you're using another compiler you should overwrite body of this function

void end_gr(void)

// this function moves CP to (x,y) position
// it will work only if you're using Borland C++ compiler & BGI drivers
// if you're using another compiler you should overwrite body of this function

void MoveTo(int x, int y)

// this function draws a line to (x,y) position
// it will work only if you're using Borland C++ compiler & BGI drivers
// if you're using another compiler you should overwrite body of this function

void LineTo(int x, int y)

void draw3Dobject(Point3D *object, int N, float rho, float theta,
                 float phi, float dist_to_screen, int xshift, int yshift)
 int x,y;
 float xe,ye,ze,costh,sinph,cosph,sinth,v11,v12,v13,v21,v22,v32,v33,v23,v43;

 // calculating coefficients
 v11=-sinth; v12=-cosph*costh; v13=-sinph*costh;
 v21=costh;  v22=-cosph*sinth; v23=-sinph*sinth;
                     v32=sinph;             v33=-cosph;
 for (int i=0;i<N;i++)
        // calculating eye coordinates

        // calculating screen coordinates

       // drawing

void RotateX(Point3D *object, int n, float angle)
 float cosa,sina,y,z;

 for(int i=0;i<n;i++)

void RotateY(Point3D *object, int n, float angle)
 float cosa,sina,x,z;

 for(int i=0;i<n;i++)

void RotateZ(Point3D *object, int n, float angle)
 float cosa,sina,x,y;

 for(int i=0;i<n;i++)

int main(void)
 Point3D thetr[]={{100,100,100,move},

 Point3D cube[]={{-50,-50,-50,move},

 int N=sizeof(thetr)/sizeof(Point3D);
 int M=sizeof(cube)/sizeof(Point3D);
 float rho=1500,theta=Pi/4,phi=-3*Pi/4,dist_to_screen=700;
 int xshift=300, yshift=150,xshift1=200,yshift1=200;

 // initializing graphics mode

 /* examples */
 while (!kbhit())

 /* clean up */

 return 0;

PM WWW ICQ   Вверх
Дата 22.12.2004, 09:51 (ссылка) | (нет голосов) Загрузка ... Загрузка ... Быстрая цитата Цитата

Где я? Кто я?

Группа: Экс. модератор
Сообщений: 3094
Регистрация: 25.3.2002
Где: СПб

Репутация: 18
Всего: 62

Рисование куба


//  Generating and drawing cube
//  (c) Johna Smith, 1996
//  Method description:
//    Cube is one of simplest figures in stereometry.
//    We just need to generate 'n' squares parallel to X,Y and Z axes

#include <graphics.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <conio.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <dos.h>

#define Pi 3.1415926536

enum Action{move,draw};

struct Point3D
 int x;
 int y;
 int z;
 Action action;

// this function initializes graphics mode
// it will work only if you're using Borland C++ compiler & BGI drivers
// if you're using another compiler you should overwrite body of this function

void init_gr(void)
 /* request autodetection */
 int gdriver = DETECT, gmode, errorcode;

 /* initialize graphics mode */
 initgraph(&gdriver, &gmode, "");

 /* read result of initialization */
 errorcode = graphresult();

 if (errorcode != grOk)    /* an error occurred */
    printf("Graphics error: %s\n", grapherrormsg(errorcode));
    printf("Press any key to halt:");
    exit(1);               /* return with error code */

// this function shuts graphics mode down
// it will work only if you're using Borland C++ compiler & BGI drivers
// if you're using another compiler you should overwrite body of this function

void end_gr(void)

// this function moves CP to (x,y) position
// it will work only if you're using Borland C++ compiler & BGI drivers
// if you're using another compiler you should overwrite body of this function

void MoveTo(int x, int y)

// this function draws a line to (x,y) position
// it will work only if you're using Borland C++ compiler & BGI drivers
// if you're using another compiler you should overwrite body of this function

void LineTo(int x, int y)

void draw3Dobject(Point3D *object, int N, float rho, float theta,
                 float phi, float dist_to_screen, int xshift, int yshift)
 int x,y;
 float xe,ye,ze,costh,sinph,cosph,sinth,v11,v12,v13,v21,v22,v32,v33,v23,v43;

 // calculating coefficients
 v11=-sinth; v12=-cosph*costh; v13=-sinph*costh;
 v21=costh;  v22=-cosph*sinth; v23=-sinph*sinth;
             v32=sinph;        v33=-cosph;
 for (int i=0;i<N;i++)
    // calculating eye coordinates
    // calculating screen coordinates

    // drawing

int main(void)
 const int n=4; // number of cubes segments +1
 Point3D cube[15*n]; // coordinates for cubes points
 float rho=1900,theta=Pi/3,phi=2*Pi/3,dist_to_screen=600; // view point
 int xshift=300, yshift=140; // picture offset
 float side=300; // cubes parameters
 float delta;// auxulary variable

 // initializing graphics mode

 // generating cube
 for (int i=0;i<n;i++)
   for(int j=i*5;j<i*5+5;j++)
 int c=5*n;
 for (i=0;i<n;i++)
   for(int j=i*5;j<i*5+5;j++)
 for (i=0;i<n;i++)
   for(int j=i*5;j<i*5+5;j++)

 // drawing

 /* clean up */

 return 0;

Рисование тора


//  Generating and drawing torus
//  (c) Johna Smith, 1996
//  Method description:
//    Torus has two main circles, which are described by
//   two systems of eqations:
//    x=Rcos(a)     x=R+rcos(b)
//    y=Rsin(a)     y=0
//    z=0           z=rsin(b)
//    By generating this circles (approximating by polygons) we can get torus

#include <graphics.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <conio.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <dos.h>

#define Pi 3.1415926536

enum Action{move,draw};

struct Point3D
 int x;
 int y;
 int z;
 Action action;

// this function initializes graphics mode
// it will work only if you're using Borland C++ compiler & BGI drivers
// if you're using another compiler you should overwrite body of this function

void init_gr(void)
  /* request autodetection */
  int gdriver = DETECT, gmode, errorcode;

  /* initialize graphics mode */
  initgraph(&gdriver, &gmode, "");

  /* read result of initialization */
  errorcode = graphresult();

  if (errorcode != grOk)    /* an error occurred */
     printf("Graphics error: %s\n", grapherrormsg(errorcode));
     printf("Press any key to halt:");
     exit(1);               /* return with error code */

// this function shuts graphics mode down
// it will work only if you're using Borland C++ compiler & BGI drivers
// if you're using another compiler you should overwrite body of this function

void end_gr(void)

// this function moves CP to (x,y) position
// it will work only if you're using Borland C++ compiler & BGI drivers
// if you're using another compiler you should overwrite body of this function

void MoveTo(int x, int y)

// this function draws a line to (x,y) position
// it will work only if you're using Borland C++ compiler & BGI drivers
// if you're using another compiler you should overwrite body of this function

void LineTo(int x, int y)

void draw3Dobject(Point3D *object, int N, float rho, float theta,
                 float phi, float dist_to_screen, int xshift, int yshift)
 int x,y;
 float xe,ye,ze,costh,sinph,cosph,sinth,v11,v12,v13,v21,v22,v32,v33,v23,v43;

 // calculating coefficients
 v11=-sinth; v12=-cosph*costh; v13=-sinph*costh;
 v21=costh;  v22=-cosph*sinth; v23=-sinph*sinth;
             v32=sinph;        v33=-cosph;
 for (int i=0;i<N;i++)
     // calculating eye coordinates

     // calculating screen coordinates
     // drawing

int main(void)
 const int n=20;  // number of torus' segments
 Point3D torus[2*n*(n+1)]; // coordinates for torus' points
 float rho=1800,theta=0,phi=3*Pi/4,dist_to_screen=600; // view point
 int xshift=300, yshift=250; // picture offset
 float delta=2.0*Pi/n, r=75, R=300; // torus' parameters
 float alpha,cosa,sina,beta,x; // auxulary variables

 // initializing graphics mode

 // generating torus
 for (int i=0;i<n;i++)
    for (int j=0;j<n+1;j++)
      torus[i*(n+1)+j].action=((i==0 && j==0)?move:draw);
 int c=n*n+n;
 for (i=0;i<n;i++)
    for (int j=0;j<n+1;j++)

 // drawing

 /* clean up */

 return 0;

PM WWW ICQ   Вверх
Дата 22.12.2004, 10:02 (ссылка) | (нет голосов) Загрузка ... Загрузка ... Быстрая цитата Цитата

Где я? Кто я?

Группа: Экс. модератор
Сообщений: 3094
Регистрация: 25.3.2002
Где: СПб

Репутация: 18
Всего: 62

Рисование полусферы


//  Generating and drawing semisphere
//  (c) Johna Smith, 1996
//  Method description:
//    Hemisphere is described by following eqation:
//       2    2    2
//      x  + y  + z  = 1,    -1<=z<=0
//    By generating this points with step 'delta' we can approximate hemisphere

#include <graphics.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <conio.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <dos.h>

#define Pi 3.1415926536

enum Action{move,draw};

struct Point3D
 int x;
 int y;
 int z;
 Action action;

// this function initializes graphics mode
// it will work only if you're using Borland C++ compiler & BGI drivers
// if you're using another compiler you should overwrite body of this function

void init_gr(void)
  /* request autodetection */
  int gdriver = DETECT, gmode, errorcode;

  /* initialize graphics mode */
  initgraph(&gdriver, &gmode, "");

  /* read result of initialization */
  errorcode = graphresult();

  if (errorcode != grOk)    /* an error occurred */
     printf("Graphics error: %s\n", grapherrormsg(errorcode));
     printf("Press any key to halt:");
     exit(1);               /* return with error code */

// this function shuts graphics mode down
// it will work only if you're using Borland C++ compiler & BGI drivers
// if you're using another compiler you should overwrite body of this function

void end_gr(void)

// this function moves CP to (x,y) position
// it will work only if you're using Borland C++ compiler & BGI drivers
// if you're using another compiler you should overwrite body of this function

void MoveTo(int x, int y)

// this function draws a line to (x,y) position
// it will work only if you're using Borland C++ compiler & BGI drivers
// if you're using another compiler you should overwrite body of this function

void LineTo(int x, int y)

void draw3Dobject(Point3D *object, int N, float rho, float theta,
                   float phi, float dist_to_screen, int xshift, int yshift)
 int x,y;
 float xe,ye,ze,costh,sinph,cosph,sinth,v11,v12,v13,v21,v22,v32,v33,v23,v43;

 // calculating coefficients
 v11=-sinth; v12=-cosph*costh; v13=-sinph*costh;
 v21=costh;  v22=-cosph*sinth; v23=-sinph*sinth;
             v32=sinph;        v33=-cosph;
 for (int i=0;i<N;i++)
    // calculating eye coordinates

    // calculating screen coordinates

    // drawing

int main(void)
 const int n=10;  // number of hemispheres segments
 Point3D hemisphere[8*n*n+n]; // coordinates for hemispheres points
 float rho=1800,theta=Pi,phi=3*Pi/4,dist_to_screen=600; // view point
 int xshift=300, yshift=250; // picture offset
 float delta=Pi/(2*n), R=300; // hemisphere parameters
 float alpha,cosa,sina,beta,cosb,sinb; // auxulary variables

 // initializing graphics mode

 // generating semisphere
 for (int i=0;i<4*n;i++)
    for (int j=0;j<n;j++)
 int c=4*n*n;
 for (i=0;i<n;i++)
    for (int j=0;j<4*n+1;j++)

 // drawing

 /* clean up */

 return 0;

Вращение фигуры в плоскости


//  Rotations in 2 dimensions
//  (c) Johna Smith, 1996
//  Method description:
//    There is the following formulas for rotating in 2 dimensions:
//      x'=x0+(x-x0)*cos(phi)-(y-y0)*sin(phi)
//      y'=y0+(x-x0)*sin(phi)+(y-y0)*cos(phi)
//    To rotate the figure we should rotate each of its points

#include <graphics.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <conio.h>
#include <math.h>

#define Pi 3.1415926536

// this function initializes graphics mode
// it will work only if you're using Borland C++ compiler & BGI drivers
// if you're using another compiler you should overwrite body of this function

void init_gr(void)
  /* request autodetection */
  int gdriver = DETECT, gmode, errorcode;

  /* initialize graphics mode */
  initgraph(&gdriver, &gmode, "");

  /* read result of initialization */
  errorcode = graphresult();

  if (errorcode != grOk)    /* an error occurred */
     printf("Graphics error: %s\n", grapherrormsg(errorcode));
     printf("Press any key to halt:");
     exit(1);               /* return with error code */

// this function shuts graphics mode down
// it will work only if you're using Borland C++ compiler & BGI drivers
// if you're using another compiler you should overwrite body of this function

void end_gr(void)

// this function moves CP to (x,y) position
// it will work only if you're using Borland C++ compiler & BGI drivers
// if you're using another compiler you should overwrite body of this function

void MoveTo(int x, int y)

// this function draws a line to (x,y) position
// it will work only if you're using Borland C++ compiler & BGI drivers
// if you're using another compiler you should overwrite body of this function

void LineTo(int x, int y)

const N=6; // number of points in the figure

// coordinates of all given points
enum actions {MOVE,DRAW};
 actions action;
 int x;
 int y;
} figure[N]={{MOVE,360,270},{DRAW,360,260},{DRAW,355,260},{DRAW,360,250},

int x0,y0,dx,dy;
float phi;

int main(void)
 // initializing graphics mode

 // rotating about (x0,y0)
 // by 10 degrees

 // main loop
 for(int i=0;i<8;i++)
   // rotating the figure
   for (int j=0;j<N;j++)
   // drawing rotated figure
 for (j=0;j<N;j++)
     if (figure[j].action==MOVE)

 // clean up

 return 0;

PM WWW ICQ   Вверх
Дата 22.12.2004, 10:13 (ссылка) | (нет голосов) Загрузка ... Загрузка ... Быстрая цитата Цитата

Где я? Кто я?

Группа: Экс. модератор
Сообщений: 3094
Регистрация: 25.3.2002
Где: СПб

Репутация: 18
Всего: 62

Рисование линии (по Брезенхэму)


//  Bresengham line drawing
//  (c) Johna Smith, 1996
//  Method description:
//    Determine  dy=(y2-y1), dx=(x2-x1)
//    We plot first point of the line and increase errors of plotting
//    (xerr and yerr) by dx and dy respectively. If the error is greater
//    than largest from dx and dy then we should correct next point and
//    shift it to 1 pixel by that axe where error was too big.
//  ! This program is NOT optimized for best performance !
//  To do so don't use putpixel function - change bytes in video memory directly.

#include <graphics.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <conio.h>
#include <math.h>

// this function initializes graphics mode
// it will work only if you're using Borland C++ compiler & BGI drivers
// if you're using another compiler you should overwrite body of this function

void init_gr(void)
  /* request autodetection */
  int gdriver = DETECT, gmode, errorcode;

  /* initialize graphics mode */
  initgraph(&gdriver, &gmode, "");

  /* read result of initialization */
  errorcode = graphresult();

  if (errorcode != grOk)    /* an error occurred */
      printf("Graphics error: %s\n", grapherrormsg(errorcode));
      printf("Press any key to halt:");
      exit(1);               /* return with error code */

// this function shuts graphics mode down
// it will work only if you're using Borland C++ compiler & BGI drivers
// if you're using another compiler you should overwrite body of this function

void end_gr(void)

// this function puts pixel on the screen in (x,y) position using color 'color'
// it will work only if you're using Borland C++ compiler & BGI drivers
// if you're using another compiler you should overwrite body of this function

void PutPixel(int x, int y, int color)

void BLine(int x1,int y1,int x2, int y2, int color)
 int delta_x,delta_y,incx,incy,t,distance;
 int xerr=0,yerr=0;

 // determine dx and dy

 // determine steps by x and y axes (it will be +1 if we move in forward
 // direction and -1 if we move in backward direction
 if (delta_x>0) incx=1;
 else if (delta_x==0) incx=0;
 else incx=-1;

 if (delta_y>0) incy=1;
 else if (delta_y==0) incy=0;
 else incy=-1;


 // select largest from deltas and use it as a main distance
 if (delta_x>delta_y) distance=delta_x;
 else distance=delta_y;

 for (t=0;t<=distance+1;t++)
   // increasing error
   // if error is too big then we should decrease it by changing
   // coordinates of the next plotting point to make it closer
   // to the true line
   if (yerr>distance)

int main(void)
 // initializing graphics mode

 /* examples */
 BLine(0, 0, 640, 480,15);
 BLine(320, 0, 320, 480,10);
 BLine(0, 240, 640, 240,11);
 BLine(0, 480, 640, 0,12);
 BLine(320, 11, 10, 5,13);
 BLine(320, 11, 630, 5,13);

 /* clean up */
 return 0;

Рисование окружности (по Брезенхэму)


//  Bresengham circle drawing
//  (c) Johna Smith, 1996
//  Method description:
//    In this algorithm all floating point math changed to sequences
//  of additions and substractions. The main idea of this algorithm
//  is to increase x and y by the value of the error between them.
//  ! This program is NOT optimized for best performance !
//  To do so don't use putpixel function - change bytes in video memory directly.

#include <graphics.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <conio.h>
#include <math.h>

// this function initializes graphics mode
// it will work only if you're using Borland C++ compiler & BGI drivers
// if you're using another compiler you should overwrite body of this function

void init_gr(void)
  /* request autodetection */
  int gdriver = DETECT, gmode, errorcode;

  /* initialize graphics mode */
  initgraph(&gdriver, &gmode, "");

  /* read result of initialization */
  errorcode = graphresult();

  if (errorcode != grOk)    /* an error occurred */
     printf("Graphics error: %s\n", grapherrormsg(errorcode));
     printf("Press any key to halt:");
     exit(1);               /* return with error code */

// this function shuts graphics mode down
// it will work only if you're using Borland C++ compiler & BGI drivers
// if you're using another compiler you should overwrite body of this function

void end_gr(void)

// this function puts pixel on the screen in (x,y) position using color 'color'
// it will work only if you're using Borland C++ compiler & BGI drivers
// if you're using another compiler you should overwrite body of this function

void PutPixel(int x, int y, int color)

float const ratio=1.0; // you can change this to draw ellipses

// This function plots points that belongs to the circle
// It recieves offsets from center for the fist quadrant
// and plots symmetrical points in all four quadrants
void plot_circle(int x,int y, int x_center, int y_center, int color)
 int x_start,y_start,x_end,y_end,x1,y1;

 // the distanse between start and end can be greater than 1 if ratio!=1

 for (x1=x_start;x1<x_end;++x1)
   // plot points in all four quadrants

 for (y1=y_start;y1<y_end;++y1)
   // plot points in all four quadrants

// This is main function that draws circle using function

void Circle(int x1,int y1,int radius, int color)
 int x,y,delta;

//     Y    *              we start from * and increase x step by step
//          |              decreasing y when needed
//          |
//          |
// --------------------
//          |         X
//          |
//          |
//          |
 delta=3-2*radius; // delta is an error
 // calculate values for first quadrant
 for (x=0;x<y;x++) // x is a main axe
   // plot points symmetrically in all quadrants
   if (delta<0) delta+=4*x+6;
     y--; // it's time to decrease y
 if (y!=0) plot_circle(x,y,x1,y1,color);

int main(void)
 // initializing graphics mode

 /* examples */

 /* clean up */
 return 0;

PM WWW ICQ   Вверх
Дата 22.12.2004, 10:25 (ссылка) | (нет голосов) Загрузка ... Загрузка ... Быстрая цитата Цитата

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Группа: Экс. модератор
Сообщений: 3094
Регистрация: 25.3.2002
Где: СПб

Репутация: 18
Всего: 62

Сглаживание кривой В-сплайном


//  Curve fitting using B-splines
//  (c) Johna Smith, 1996
//  Method description:
//    We are drawing lines between points using the following formulas:
//    x(t)=((a3*t+a2)*t+a1)*t+a0
//    y(t)=((b3*t+b2)*t+b1)*t+b0
//    t=0..1
//    Look program for formulas for coefficients ai,bi
//    These coefficients depends on coordinates of current point,
//    previous one, next and next-next ones.

#include <graphics.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <conio.h>
#include <math.h>

// this function initializes graphics mode
// it will work only if you're using Borland C++ compiler & BGI drivers
// if you're using another compiler you should overwrite body of this function

void init_gr(void)
  /* request autodetection */
  int gdriver = DETECT, gmode, errorcode;

  /* initialize graphics mode */
  initgraph(&gdriver, &gmode, "");

  /* read result of initialization */
  errorcode = graphresult();

  if (errorcode != grOk)    /* an error occurred */
     printf("Graphics error: %s\n", grapherrormsg(errorcode));
     printf("Press any key to halt:");
     exit(1);               /* return with error code */

// this function shuts graphics mode down
// it will work only if you're using Borland C++ compiler & BGI drivers
// if you're using another compiler you should overwrite body of this function

void end_gr(void)

// this function moves CP to (x,y) position
// it will work only if you're using Borland C++ compiler & BGI drivers
// if you're using another compiler you should overwrite body of this function

void MoveTo(int x, int y)

// this function draws a line to (x,y) position
// it will work only if you're using Borland C++ compiler & BGI drivers
// if you're using another compiler you should overwrite body of this function

void LineTo(int x, int y)

// this function draws a line from (x1,y1) to (x2,y2)
// it will work only if you're using Borland C++ compiler & BGI drivers
// if you're using another compiler you should overwrite body of this function

void Line(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2)

const N=21; // number of points
const M=300.0; // number of steps between two points

// coordinates of all given points
int x[N]={50,25,50,125,200,225,275,475,590,615,615,615,600,475,275,225,200,125,50,25,50};
int y[N]={140,100,60,40,70,90,85,75,80,85,100,115,120,125,115,110,130,160,140,100,60};

// coefficients
float t,xA,xB,xC,xD,yA,yB,yC,yD,a0,a1,a2,a3,b0,b1,b2,b3;
int n,i,j,first;

int main(void)
 // initializing graphics mode

  /* mark the given points */
  for (i=0;i<N;i++)

  /* main loop */
    // calculating coefficients
    xA=x[i-1]; xB=x[i]; xC=x[i+1]; xD=x[i+2];
    yA=y[i-1]; yB=y[i]; yC=y[i+1]; yD=y[i+2];
    a3=(-xA+3*(xB-xC)+xD)/6.0;  b3=(-yA+3*(yB-yC)+yD)/6.0;
    a2=(xA-2*xB+xC)/2.0;        b2=(yA-2*yB+yC)/2.0;
    a1=(xC-xA)/2.0;             b1=(yC-yA)/2.0;
    a0=(xA+4*xB+xC)/6.0;        b0=(yA+4*yB+yC)/6.0;
    for (j=0;j<M;j++) // drawing curve between two given points
      if (first)
      } else LineTo(((a3*t+a2)*t+a1)*t+a0,((b3*t+b2)*t+b1)*t+b0);

  /* clean up */
  return 0;

Постепенное затемнение


//  Fade to black (slowly turning the light off)
//  (c) Johna Smith, 1996
//  Method description:
//    We need only to decrease Red, Green and Blue components for each color
//    in palette. For example, if Red component of the first color was
//    initially 60 and we want to turn the light off in 30 steps we should
//    decrease Red component by 60/30=2 by step.
//  To increase productivity of this program you shouldn't use standart
//  BGI functions. Use direct methods instead.

#include <graphics.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <conio.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <dos.h>

// this function initializes graphics mode
// it will work only if you're using Borland C++ compiler & BGI drivers
// if you're using another compiler you should overwrite body of this function

void init_gr(void)
  /* request autodetection */
  int gdriver = DETECT, gmode, errorcode;

  /* initialize graphics mode */
  initgraph(&gdriver, &gmode, "");

  /* read result of initialization */
  errorcode = graphresult();

  if (errorcode != grOk)    /* an error occurred */
     printf("Graphics error: %s\n", grapherrormsg(errorcode));
     printf("Press any key to halt:");
     exit(1);               /* return with error code */

// this function shuts graphics mode down
// it will work only if you're using Borland C++ compiler & BGI drivers
// if you're using another compiler you should overwrite body of this function

void end_gr(void)

// this function set filling style
// it will work only if you're using Borland C++ compiler & BGI drivers
// if you're using another compiler you should overwrite body of this function

void SetFillStyle(int pattern,int color)

// this function draws a bar
// it will work only if you're using Borland C++ compiler & BGI drivers
// if you're using another compiler you should overwrite body of this function

void Bar(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2)

// this function sets palette entry using RGB color coding
// it will work only if you're using Borland C++ compiler & BGI drivers
// if you're using another compiler you should overwrite body of this function

void SetRGBPalette(int colornum, int red, int green, int blue)

// this function reads palette
// it will work only if you're using Borland C++ compiler & BGI drivers
// if you're using another compiler you should overwrite body of this function

void GetPalette(struct palettetype far *palette)

#define N 30 // steps of fading to black

struct palettetype pal;
struct {int R;int G;int B;} colors[16];

int main(void)
 // initializing graphics mode

 // creating palette
 for(int i=0;i<pal.size-1;i++)

 // drawing picture
 for (i=1;i<16;i++)

 // fading to balck
 for (int j=0;j<N;j++)
    for (i=1;i<pal.size;i++)

 // and back to the light
 for (j=0;j<N;j++)
    for (i=1;i<pal.size;i++)

 /* clean up */

 return 0;

PM WWW ICQ   Вверх
Дата 22.12.2004, 10:35 (ссылка) | (нет голосов) Загрузка ... Загрузка ... Быстрая цитата Цитата

Где я? Кто я?

Группа: Экс. модератор
Сообщений: 3094
Регистрация: 25.3.2002
Где: СПб

Репутация: 18
Всего: 62

Заливка замкнутой области


//  Filling closed area using given color
//  (c) Johna Smith, 1996
//  Method description:
//    1) Fill all pixels on the current line
//    2) Call FloodFill recursively for two remote points to reduce
//       the depth of the recursion
//    3) Call FloodFill recursively for all points on two nearest
//       horizontal lines
//  ! This program is NOT optimized for best performance !
//  To do so don't use PutPixel & GetPixel function -
//  change bytes in video memory directly.

#include <graphics.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <conio.h>

// this function initializes graphics mode
// it will work only if you're using Borland C++ compiler & BGI drivers
// if you're using another compiler you should overwrite body of this function

void init_gr(void)
  /* request autodetection */
  int gdriver = DETECT, gmode, errorcode;

  /* initialize graphics mode */
  initgraph(&gdriver, &gmode, "");

  /* read result of initialization */
  errorcode = graphresult();

  if (errorcode != grOk)    /* an error occurred */
     printf("Graphics error: %s\n", grapherrormsg(errorcode));
     printf("Press any key to halt:");
     exit(1);               /* return with error code */

// this function shuts graphics mode down
// it will work only if you're using Borland C++ compiler & BGI drivers
// if you're using another compiler you should overwrite body of this function

void end_gr(void)

// this function puts pixel on the screen in (x,y) position using color 'color'
// it will work only if you're using Borland C++ compiler & BGI drivers
// if you're using another compiler you should overwrite body of this function

void PutPixel(int x, int y, int color)

// this function gets color of pixel in (x,y) position
// it will work only if you're using Borland C++ compiler & BGI drivers
// if you're using another compiler you should overwrite body of this function

int GetPixel(int x, int y)
 return getpixel(x,y);

// this function gets maximum horizontal coordinate
// it will work only if you're using Borland C++ compiler & BGI drivers
// if you're using another compiler you should overwrite body of this function

int GetMaxX(void)
 return getmaxx();

// this function gets maximum vertical coordinate
// it will work only if you're using Borland C++ compiler & BGI drivers
// if you're using another compiler you should overwrite body of this function

int GetMaxY(void)
 return getmaxy();

void FloodFill(int x, int y,int fill_color, int border_color)
 int x_left,x_right,YY,i;


 // Light as many pixels as possible on line y
 // and determine x_left and x_right
 while (GetPixel(x_left,y)!=border_color && x_left>0)
 while (GetPixel(x_right,y)!=border_color && x_right<XMAX)
 // Recursive calls of FloodFill for two remote points
 x=(x_right+x_left)>>1; //shifting means division by 2
    while (GetPixel(x,YY)!=border_color && YY<YMAX && YY>0) YY+=i;
    if (GetPixel(x,YY)!=border_color && GetPixel(x,YY)!=fill_color) FloodFill(x,YY,fill_color,border_color);
 // Recursive calls for all "dark" (not filled) pixels next
 // to the line y (with x values between x_left and x_right
   while (x<x_right && YY>0 && YY<YMAX)
     if (GetPixel(x,YY)!=border_color && GetPixel(x,YY)!=fill_color) FloodFill(x,YY,fill_color,border_color);

int main(void)
  // initializing graphics mode

  // drawing area to fill
  moveto(520,90); lineto(520,190); lineto(470,240);
  lineto(520,290); lineto(520,390);
  lineto(320,315); lineto(120,390);
  lineto(120,290); lineto(170,240);
  lineto(120,190); lineto(120, 90);
  lineto(270,90); lineto(270,120);
  lineto(170,120); lineto(170,150);
  lineto(470,150); lineto(470,120);
  lineto(370,120); lineto(370,90); lineto(520,90);

  moveto(370,240); lineto(320,290); lineto(270,240);
  lineto(320,190); lineto(370,240);

  /* example */

  /* clean up */

  return 0;

Рисование линии


//  Line drawing
//  (c) Johna Smith, 1996
//  Method description:
//    Determine k=dy/dx, dy=(y2-y1), dx=(x2-x1)
//    Line equation is: y(x)=y1+x*k so we need only to plot all
//    these points. This algorithm is very slow, because it use
//    floating point math (requires coprocessor for best productivity)
//  ! This program is NOT optimized for best performance !
//  To do so don't use putpixel function - change bytes in video memory directly.

#include <graphics.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <conio.h>
#include <math.h>

// this function initializes graphics mode
// it will work only if you're using Borland C++ compiler & BGI drivers
// if you're using another compiler you should overwrite body of this function

void init_gr(void)
  /* request autodetection */
  int gdriver = DETECT, gmode, errorcode;

  /* initialize graphics mode */
  initgraph(&gdriver, &gmode, "");

  /* read result of initialization */
  errorcode = graphresult();

  if (errorcode != grOk)    /* an error occurred */
     printf("Graphics error: %s\n", grapherrormsg(errorcode));
     printf("Press any key to halt:");
     exit(1);               /* return with error code */

// this function shuts graphics mode down
// it will work only if you're using Borland C++ compiler & BGI drivers
// if you're using another compiler you should overwrite body of this function

void end_gr(void)

// this function puts pixel on the screen in (x,y) position using color 'color'
// it will work only if you're using Borland C++ compiler & BGI drivers
// if you're using another compiler you should overwrite body of this function

void PutPixel(int x, int y, int color)

void Line(int x1,int y1,int x2, int y2, int color)
 int delta_x,delta_y,incx,incy;
 float k;

 // determine dx and dy

 // determine steps by x and y axes (it will be +1 if we move in forward
 // direction and -1 if we move in backward direction
 if (delta_x>0) incx=1;
 else if (delta_x==0) incx=0;
 else incx=-1;

 if (delta_y>0) incy=1;
 else if (delta_y==0) incy=0;
 else incy=-1;


 // select greatest from deltas and use it as a main axe
 if (delta_x>delta_y && delta_x!=0)
    for (int i=0;i<delta_x;i++) PutPixel(x1+incx*i,y1+incy*floor(k*i),color);
    for (int i=0;i<delta_y;i++) PutPixel(x1+incx*floor(k*i),y1+incy*i,color);

int main(void)
 // initializing graphics mode

 /* examples */
 Line(0, 0, 640, 480,15);
 Line(320, 0, 320, 480,10);
 Line(0, 240, 640, 240,11);
 Line(0, 480, 640, 0,12);
 Line(320, 11, 10, 5,13);
 Line(320, 11, 630, 5,13);

 /* clean up */

 return 0;

Рисование прямоугольника


//  Rectangle drawing
//  (c) Johna Smith, 1996
//  Method description:
//  Draw four lines, using simplified line drawing method, cause we know
//  that only vertical and horizontal lines will be drawn.
//  ! This program is NOT optimized for best performance !
//  To do so don't use putpixel function - change bytes in video memory directly.

#include <graphics.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <conio.h>
#include <math.h>

// this function initializes graphics mode
// it will work only if you're using Borland C++ compiler & BGI drivers
// if you're using another compiler you should overwrite body of this function

void init_gr(void)
  /* request autodetection */
  int gdriver = DETECT, gmode, errorcode;

  /* initialize graphics mode */
  initgraph(&gdriver, &gmode, "");

  /* read result of initialization */
  errorcode = graphresult();

  if (errorcode != grOk)    /* an error occurred */
     printf("Graphics error: %s\n", grapherrormsg(errorcode));
     printf("Press any key to halt:");
     exit(1);               /* return with error code */

// this function shuts graphics mode down
// it will work only if you're using Borland C++ compiler & BGI drivers
// if you're using another compiler you should overwrite body of this function

void end_gr(void)

// this function puts pixel on the screen in (x,y) position using color 'color'
// it will work only if you're using Borland C++ compiler & BGI drivers
// if you're using another compiler you should overwrite body of this function

void PutPixel(int x, int y, int color)

void Line(int x1,int y1,int x2, int y2, int color)
 int delta_x,delta_y,incx,incy;

 // determine dx and dy

 // determine steps by x and y axes (it will be +1 if we move in forward
 // direction and -1 if we move in backward direction
 if (delta_x>0) incx=1;
 else if (delta_x==0) incx=0;
 else incx=-1;

 if (delta_y>0) incy=1;
 else if (delta_y==0) incy=0;
 else incy=-1;


 // select greatest from deltas and use it as a main axe
 if (delta_x!=0)
    for (int i=0;i<delta_x;i++) PutPixel(x1+incx*i,y1,color);
    for (int i=0;i<delta_y;i++) PutPixel(x1,y1+incy*i,color);

// this function draws a rectangle
void Rectangle(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, int color)

int main(void)
 // initializing graphics mode

 /* examples */

 /* clean up */

 return 0;

Фрактал (листья папоротника)

//  Leafs drawing
//  (c) Johna Smith, 1996
//  Method description:
//    We take a closed area, which will be main leaf. We want to generate
//  four fractal leafs from this one. To make it we need to scale, move and
//  rotate main leaf. These transformations described by the following
//  equations:
//          x'=ax+by+c, y'=dx+ey+f
//    So we need 6 coefficients for each leaf (24 coefficients at all).
//  These coefficients are calculated with special mathematical method
//  (here are already calculated coefficients)
//    To draw whole picture we need an iterational process:
//   1) Take any point within main leaf borders
//   2) Call function iterate for one of 4 leafs (its nuber we select
//      randomly but than the larger is leaf's area the higher is probability
//      that we call 'iterate' for this leaf
//   3) Then we take transformed point as (x,y) and repeat iterations
//  ! This program is NOT optimized for best performance !
//  To do so don't use putpixel function - change bytes in video memory directly.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <dos.h>
#include <graphics.h>
#include <conio.h>

// this function initializes graphics mode
// it will work only if you're using Borland C++ compiler & BGI drivers
// if you're using another compiler you should overwrite body of this function

void init_gr(void)
   /* request autodetection */
   int gdriver = DETECT, gmode, errorcode;

   /* initialize graphics mode */
   initgraph(&gdriver, &gmode, "");

   /* read result of initialization */
   errorcode = graphresult();

   if (errorcode != grOk)    /* an error occurred */
      printf("Graphics error: %s\n", grapherrormsg(errorcode));
      printf("Press any key to halt:");
      exit(1);               /* return with error code */

// this function shuts graphics mode down
// it will work only if you're using Borland C++ compiler & BGI drivers
// if you're using another compiler you should overwrite body of this function

void end_gr(void)

// this function puts pixel on the screen in (x,y) position using color 'color'
// it will work only if you're using Borland C++ compiler & BGI drivers
// if you're using another compiler you should overwrite body of this function

void PutPixel(int x, int y, int color)

#define N       200000L // number of points

float x=0, y=0; // iteration variables (are global)

//                       a     b     c    d    e    f        probability
float coeff[4][6] = {{ 0.00, 0.00, 0.00,0.16,0.00,0.00,},   // 01%
                    { 0.85, 0.04,-0.04,0.85,0.00,1.60,},   // 85%
                    { 0.05,-0.26, 0.23,0.22,0.00,1.60,},   // 07%
                    {-0.15, 0.30, 0.26,0.24,0.00,0.44,},}; // 07%

int colors[5]={10,11,2,3,2};

void iterate(char i,int c)
 float x1,y1;

 putpixel ((int)(y*64),240-(int)(x*48),c);

int main (void)
 int leaf,color;

 // initializing graphics mode

 // drawing leafs
 for (long int i=0;i<N;i++)
    color=colors[random(5)];  // random color
    leaf=random(1000);  // selecting leaf to draw
    if (leaf<=10) iterate(0,color);
    else if (leaf<=860) iterate(1,color);
    else if (leaf<=930) iterate(2,color);
    else iterate(3,color);

 /* clean up */

 return 0;

Множество Мандельброта

//  Mandelbrot set drawing
//  (c) Johna Smith, 1996
//  Method description:
//    1) Assume z(0)=0
//    2) Organize two loops by X and Y axes
//    3) Determine constant C=X+iY
//    4) Using iterative formula z(i)=z(i-1)*z(i-1)+c calculate Z(DEPTH),
//       where DEPTH is max depth of iterations
//    5) If Z(DEPTH) is near Z(0) then point (X,Y) belongs to Mandelbrot set
//  ! This program is NOT optimized for best performance !
//  To do so don't use putpixel function - change bytes in video memory directly.

#define DEPTH 100 // iterations depth

#include <graphics.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <conio.h>
#include <math.h>

// this function initializes graphics mode
// it will work only if you're using Borland C++ compiler & BGI drivers
// if you're using another compiler you should overwrite body of this function

void init_gr(void)
  /* request autodetection */
  int gdriver = DETECT, gmode, errorcode;

  /* initialize graphics mode */
  initgraph(&gdriver, &gmode, "");

  /* read result of initialization */
  errorcode = graphresult();

  if (errorcode != grOk)    /* an error occurred */
     printf("Graphics error: %s\n", grapherrormsg(errorcode));
     printf("Press any key to halt:");
     exit(1);               /* return with error code */

// this function shuts graphics mode down
// it will work only if you're using Borland C++ compiler & BGI drivers
// if you're using another compiler you should overwrite body of this function

void end_gr(void)

// this function puts pixel on the screen in (x,y) position using color 'color'
// it will work only if you're using Borland C++ compiler & BGI drivers
// if you're using another compiler you should overwrite body of this function

void PutPixel(int x, int y, int color)

void Mandelbrot(void)
 float zi, zr, ci, cr, tmp;

 // assuming graphics mode 640x480 16 colors
 for(int i=-320;i<320;i++)  // for all pixels on the X axe
    ci=((float)i)/320.0; // setting Im c = i/320
    for(int j=-380;j<160;j++)  // for all pixels on the Y axe
       cr=((float)j)/240.0; // setting Re c = j/240
       zi=zr=0.0; // fixing z=0 we'll change c - it's Mandelbrot set
       for(int k=0;k<DEPTH;k++)
  // z=z*z+c
  // zi=zr*zr-zi*zi+cr
  if (zr*zr+zi*zi>1.0E16) break; // break if |z| is very big
if (k<DEPTH)
  PutPixel(i+320,j+380,k%3+1); // z was very big => it is external point
else PutPixel(i+320,j+380,11); // internal point
    if(kbhit()) break;

int main(void)
 // initializing graphics mode

 /* example */

 /* clean up */

 return 0;

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Дата 22.12.2004, 10:50 (ссылка) | (нет голосов) Загрузка ... Загрузка ... Быстрая цитата Цитата

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Где: СПб

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Специальные функции

arccos x (x - real)


//  arccos x function calculating.
//  (c) Johna Smith, 1996
//  Method description:
//    Calculating arccos x using the following formula:
//                                        2n+1
//              Pi       N  1*3*5..(2n-1)x
//   arccos x = - - x - SUM ------------------ , |x|<1
//              2       n=1 2*4*6..(2n)(2n+1)

#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>

#define Pi      3.1415926536
#define N       30

double Arccos(double x)
 double arccos=x;
 double a=x;

 for (int i=1;i<N;i++)
 return Pi/2-arccos;

void main(void)
 printf("C++ arccos(0.5)=%g, this arccos(0.5)=%g.",acos(0.5),Arccos(0.5));

arccos z (z - complex)


//  Calculactin function arccos z, where z is a complex value
//  (c) Johna Smith, 1996
//  Method description:
//       1            2    2     1            2    2
//    A= - sqrt( (x+1)  + y  ) + - sqrt( (x-1)  + y  )
//       2                       2
//       1            2    2     1            2    2
//    B= - sqrt( (x+1)  + y  ) - - sqrt( (x-1)  + y  )
//       2                       2
//                                       2
//    arccos z = acrcos B - i*ln(a+sqrt(a  -1))

#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>

struct complex
 float re;
 float im;

void show_complex(complex c) // this functions displays complex value

complex Arccos(complex z)
 complex c;
 float A,B;

 A=sqrt((z.re+1)*(z.re+1)+z.im*z.im)/2 +
 B=sqrt((z.re+1)*(z.re+1)+z.im*z.im)/2 -


 return c;

complex z={3,2};

void main(void)
 printf(") = ");

arch x


//  arcch x function calculating.
//  (c) Johna Smith, 1996
//  Method description:
//    Calculating arccos x using the following formula:
//                       N  1*3*5..(2n-1)       1
//   arcch x = ln(2x) - SUM --------------- * ------  , x>1
//                      n=1 2*4*6..(2n)(2n)   x^(2n)

#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>

#define N       30

double Arch(double x)
 double arch=1/(2*x*2*x);
 double a=1/(2*x*2*x);

 for (int i=2;i<N;i++)
   a *= (2*i-1)*(2*i-2)/(2*i*2*i*x*x);
   arch += a;
 return log(2*x)-arch;

void main(void)
 printf("C++ arch(6.13229)=2.5, this arccos(6.13229)=%g.",Arch(6.13229));

arch z


//  Calculactin function arccos z, where z is a complex value
//  (c) Johna Smith, 1996
//  Method description:
//       1            2    2     1            2    2
//    A= - sqrt( (x+1)  + y  ) + - sqrt( (x-1)  + y  )
//       2                       2
//       1            2    2     1            2    2
//    B= - sqrt( (x+1)  + y  ) - - sqrt( (x-1)  + y  )
//       2                       2
//                            2
//    arch z = +/- ln(a+sqrt(a  -1)) +/- i*acrcos B

#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>

struct complex
 float re;
 float im;

void show_complex(complex c) // this functions displays complex value

complex Arch(complex z)
 complex c;
 float A,B;

 A=sqrt((z.re+1)*(z.re+1)+z.im*z.im)/2 +
 B=sqrt((z.re+1)*(z.re+1)+z.im*z.im)/2 -


 return c;

complex z={3,2};

void main(void)
 complex c;

 printf(") = +/- %f +/-i%f",c.re,c.im);

arcsin x


//  arcsin x function calculating.
//  (c) Johna Smith, 1996
//  Method description:
//    Calculating arcsin x using the following formula:
//                                      2n+1
//                     N  1*3*5..(2n-1)x
//    arcsin x  = x + SUM ------------------, |x|<1
//                    n=1 2*4*6..(2n)(2n+1)

#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>

#define N       30

double Arcsin(double x)
 double arcsin=x;
 double a=x;

 for (int i=1;i<N;i++)
   a *= x*x*(2*i-1)*(2*i-1)/((2*i+1)*2*i);
   arcsin += a;
 return arcsin;

void main(void)
 printf("C++ arcsin(0.5)=%g, this arcsin(0.5)=%g.",asin(0.5),Arcsin(0.5));

arcsin z


//  Calculactin function arcsin z, where z is a complex value
//  (c) Johna Smith, 1996
//  Method description:
//       1            2    2     1            2    2
//    A= - sqrt( (x+1)  + y  ) + - sqrt( (x-1)  + y  )
//       2                       2
//       1            2    2     1            2    2
//    B= - sqrt( (x+1)  + y  ) - - sqrt( (x-1)  + y  )
//       2                       2
//                                       2
//    arcsin z = acrsin B + i*ln(a+sqrt(a  -1))

#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>

struct complex
 float re;
 float im;

void show_complex(complex c) // this functions displays complex value

complex Arcsin(complex z)
 complex c;
 float A,B;

 A=sqrt((z.re+1)*(z.re+1)+z.im*z.im)/2 +
 B=sqrt((z.re+1)*(z.re+1)+z.im*z.im)/2 -


 return c;

complex z={3,2};

void main(void)
 printf(") = ");

arctg x


//  arctg x function calculating.
//  (c) Johna Smith, 1996
//  Method description:
//    Calculating arctg x using the following formulas:
//                              2n+1
//                  N      n   x
//     arctg x  =  SUM (-1)  --------, |x|<1
//                 n=0         2n+1
//                  N      n+1       1
//     arctg x  =  SUM (-1)    --------------, |x|>1
//                 n=0         (2n+1)x^(2n+1)

#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>

#define N       100
#define Pi      3.1415926536

double Arctg(double x)
 double arctg;
 double a;

 if (fabs(x)<1)
   for (int i=1;i<N;i++)
      a *= -x*x;
      arctg += a/(2*i+1);
   for (int i=1;i<N;i++)
      a *= -1/(x*x);
      arctg += a/(2*i+1);
   arctg += (x>0?Pi/2.0:-Pi/2.0);

 return arctg;

void main(void)
 printf("C++ arctg(0.5)=%g, this arctg(0.5)=%g.",atan(0.5),Arctg(0.5));

arctg z


//  arctg z function calculating, where z is a complex value
//  (c) Johna Smith, 1996
//  Method description:
//                 1          2x          1    x^2+(y+1)^2
//     arctg z  =  - arctg(---------) + i - ln(-----------)
//                 2       1-x^2-y^2      4    x^2+(y-1)^2

#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>

struct complex
 float re;
 float im;

void show_complex(complex c) // this functions displays complex value

complex Arctg(complex z)
 complex c;

 return c;

complex z={0.3,0.2};

void main(void)
 printf(") = ");

PM WWW ICQ   Вверх
Дата 22.12.2004, 11:09 (ссылка) | (нет голосов) Загрузка ... Загрузка ... Быстрая цитата Цитата

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Группа: Экс. модератор
Сообщений: 3094
Регистрация: 25.3.2002
Где: СПб

Репутация: 18
Всего: 62

arcsh x


//  arsh x function calculating.
//  (c) Johna Smith, 1996
//  Method description:
//    Calculating arccos x using the following formula:
//                                          2n+1
//                   N      n 1*3*5..(2n-1)x
//     arsh x = x + SUM (-1)  ------------------ , |x|<1
//                  n=1       2*4*6..(2n)(2n+1)

#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>

#define N       30

double Arsh(double x)
 double arsh=x;
 double a=x;

 for (int i=1;i<N;i++)
   a *= -x*x*(2*i-1)*(2*i-1)/((2*i+1)*2*i);
   arsh += a;
 return arsh;

void main(void)
 printf("Exact arsh(0.5210953)=0.5, this arsh(0.5)=%g.",Arsh(0.5210953));

arcsh z


//  Calculactin function arcsh z, where z is a complex value
//  (c) Johna Smith, 1996
//  Method description:
//       1            2    2     1            2    2
//    A= - sqrt( (x+1)  + y  ) + - sqrt( (x-1)  + y  )
//       2                       2
//       1            2    2     1            2    2
//    B= - sqrt( (x+1)  + y  ) - - sqrt( (x-1)  + y  )
//       2                       2
//                         2
//    arcsh z = ln(a+sqrt(a  -1)) - i*acrsin B

#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>

struct complex
 float re;
 float im;

void show_complex(complex c) // this functions displays complex value

complex Arcsh(complex z)
 complex c;
 float A,B,swp;

 swp=z.im;    // calculating arsh(z) as -arcsin(iz)

 A=sqrt((z.re+1)*(z.re+1)+z.im*z.im)/2 +
 B=sqrt((z.re+1)*(z.re+1)+z.im*z.im)/2 -


 return c;

complex z={3,2};

void main(void)
 printf(") = ");

arth x


//  arth x function calculating.
//  (c) Johna Smith, 1996
//  Method description:
//    Calculating arth x using the following formulas:
//                       2n+1
//                  N   x
//      arth x  =  SUM -------
//                 n=0  2n+1

#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>

#define N       30

double Arth(double x)
 double arth=x;
 double a=x;

 for (int i=1;i<N;i++)
   a *= x*x;
   arth += a/(2*i+1);

 return arth;

void main(void)
 printf("Exact arth(0.4621171)=0.5, this arth(0.4621171)=%g.",Arth(0.4621171));

arth z


//  arctg z function calculating, where z is a complex value
//  (c) Johna Smith, 1996
//  Method description:
//                   1    x^2+(y+1)^2    1          2x
//     arctg z  =    - ln(-----------) -i- arctg(---------)
//                   4    x^2+(y-1)^2    2       1-x^2-y^2

#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>

struct complex
 float re;
 float im;

void show_complex(complex c) // this functions displays complex value

complex Arth(complex z)
 complex c;
 float swp;

 swp=z.im;    // calculating arth(z) as -arctg(iz)


 return c;

complex z={0.3,0.2};

void main(void)
 printf(") = ");

Функция Бесселя


//  Bessel functions calculating.
//  (c) Johna Smith, 1996
//  Method description:
//    Bessel functions are solutions of the followind eqation:
//         2                     2
//        d w     1 dw          v
//        ---- +  - -- + ( 1 - --- )w = 0
//          2     x dx           2
//        dx                    x
//    This program calculates Bessel functions for integer v as infinite sum

#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>

// this function returns value of Jn(x)
double Jn(int n,double x)
 float nfact=1,ifact=1,nifact=1,sum=0,x2,element;
 int i;

 if (n>1) for (i=0;i<n;i++) nfact*=(i+1);  // n factorial
 } while (fabs(element)>1e-9);

 return pow(x/2,n)*(sum+1)/nfact;

// this function returns value of In(x)
double In(int n, double x)
 float nfact=1,ifact=1,nifact=1,sum=0,x2,element;
 int i;

 if (n>1) for (i=0;i<n;i++) nfact*=(i+1);  // n factorial
 } while (fabs(element)>1e-9);

 return pow(x/2,n)*(sum+1)/nfact;

void main(void)
 // Examples



//  Gamma function calculating.
//  (c) Johna Smith, 1996
//  Method description:
//             infinity  -t  x-1
//   Gamma(x)= Integral e   t    dt
//                0
//   This integral is approximated and calculated by Stirling's formula:
//                A
//             (A)    1/12A
//      Gamma= (-)  e       D sqrt(2 Pi A)
//             (e)
//   This algorithm is oriented for -10<x<=70

#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>

#define E  2.7182818285
#define Pi 3.1415926536

// this function returns value of Gamma(x)
double Gamma(double x)
 double A,z,g,c,D;
 int b;

 if (z<0)
   for(int i=b;i>0;i--)
 } else D=1;

 return g;

void main(void)
 // Examples
 printf("Gamma(-1.5)=%f, exact value is 2.363271801\n",Gamma(-1.5));
 printf("Gamma(-0.5)=%f, exact value is -3.544907702\n",Gamma(-0.5));
 printf("Gamma(1.5)=%f, exact value is 0.886226926\n",Gamma(1.5));
 printf("Gamma(40)=%f, exact value is 2.039788208E+046\n",Gamma(40));



//  Beta function calculating.
//  (c) Johna Smith, 1996
//  Method description:
//                 1      x-1      w-1
//   Beta(x,w)= Integral t    (1-t)   dt
//                 0
//              Gamma(x) Gamma(w)
//   Beta(x,w)= -----------------
//                 Gamma(x+w)
//   This algorithm is oriented for -10 < x,w,x+w <= 70

#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>

#define E       2.7182818285
#define Pi      3.1415926536

// this function returns value of Gamma(x)
double Gamma(double x)
 double A,z,g,c,D;
 int b;

 if (z<0)
    for(int i=b;i>0;i--)
 } else D=1;

 return g;

double Beta(double x, double w)

void main(void)
 // Examples
 printf("Beta(1,2)=%f, exact value is 0.5\n",Beta(1,2));

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ch x (x - real)


//  ch x function calculating.
//  (c) Johna Smith, 1996
//  Method description:
//    Calculating sh x using the following formulas:
//                      2n
//                  N  x
//        ch x  =  SUM ---
//                 n=0 2n!

#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>

#define N       30

double Ch(double x)
 double ch=1;
 double a=1;

 for (int i=0;i<N;i++)
   a *= x*x/((2*i+2)*(2*i+1));
   ch += a;

 return ch;

void main(void)
 printf("Exact ch(0.5)=%g, this ch(0.5)=%g.",(exp(0.5)+exp(-0.5))/2,Ch(0.5));

ch z (z - complex)


//  Calculactin function Ch(z), where z is a complex value
//  (c) Johna Smith, 1996
//  Method description:
//  ch z = ch x cos y + ish x sin y

#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>

struct complex
 float re;
 float im;

#define N       30  // precision

double Ch(double x)
 double ch=1;
 double a=1;

 for (int i=0;i<N;i++)

 return ch;

double Sh(double x)
 double sh=x;
 double a=x;

 for (int i=1;i<N;i++)

 return sh;

void show_complex(complex c) // this functions displays complex value

complex complexCh(complex z)
 complex c;


 return c;

complex z={3,2};

void main(void)
 printf(") = ");

cosec x (x - real)


//  Cosecans function calculating.
//  (c) Johna Smith, 1996
//  Method description:
//    Calculating cosec x using the following formula:
//            1   1     7    3    31    5    127    7
//  cosec x = - + - x + --- x  + ----- x  + ------ x  + ...
//            x   6     360      15120      604800

#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>

double Cosec(double x)
 double cosec=0;
 double coefficient[]={1, 1/6.0, 7/360.0, 31/15120.0, 127/604800.0};
 double a=1/x;

 for (int i=0;i<sizeof(coefficient)/sizeof(double);i++)

 return cosec;

void main(void)
 printf("C++ cosec(0.5)=%g, this cosec(0.5)=%g.",1/sin(0.5),Cosec(0.5));

cos x


//  Cosine function calculating.
//  (c) Johna Smith, 1996
//  Method description:
//    Calculating cos x using the following formula:
//                  2     4     6     8
//                 x     x     x     x
//    cos x = 1 - --- + --- - --- + --- - ...
//                 2!    4!    6!    8!

#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>

#define N       300

double Cos(double x)
 double cos=0;
 double a=1;

 for (int i=1;i<N;i++)
 return cos;

void main(void)
 printf("C++ Cos(0.5)=%g, this Cos(0.5)=%g.",cos(0.5),Cos(0.5));

cos z (z - complex)


//  Calculactin function cos(z), where z is a complex value
//  (c) Johna Smith, 1996
//  Method description:
//  cos z = cos x ch y + isin x sh y

#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>

struct complex
 float re;
 float im;

#define N       30  // precision

double Ch(double x)
 double ch=1;
 double a=1;

 for (int i=0;i<N;i++)

 return ch;

double Sh(double x)
 double sh=x;
 double a=x;

 for (int i=1;i<N;i++)

 return sh;

void show_complex(complex c) // this functions displays complex value

complex Cos(complex z)
 complex c;


 return c;

complex z={3,2};

void main(void)
 printf(") = ");

ctg x


//  Cotangent function calculating.
//  (c) Johna Smith, 1996
//  Method description:
//    Calculating ctg x using the following formula:
//            1   1     1   3    2   5    1    7
//    ctg x = - - - x - -- x  - --- x  - ---- x  - ...
//            x   3     45      945      4725

#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>

double Ctg(double x)
 double ctg=0;
 double coefficient[]={1, -1/3.0, -1/45.0, -2/945.0, -1/4725.0};
 double a=1/x;

 for (int i=0;i<sizeof(coefficient)/sizeof(double);i++)
   ctg += a*coefficient[i];
   a *= x*x;

 return ctg;

void main(void)
 printf("C++ ctg(0.5)=%g, this ctg(0.5)=%g.",1/tan(0.5),Ctg(0.5));

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e^x (x - real)


//  e^x function calculating.
//  (c) Johna Smith, 1996
//  Method description:
//    Calculating e^x using the following formula:
//                   2    3
//     x       x    x    x  
//    e  = 1 + -- + -- + -- + ...
//             1!   2!   3!

#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>

#define N       300

double Exp(double x)
 double exp=0;
 double a=1;

 for (int i=1;i<N;i++)
 return exp;

void main(void)
 printf("C++ exp(10)=%g, this exp(10)=%g.",exp(10),exp(10));

e^z (z - complex)


//  Calculactin function e^z, where z is a complex value
//  (c) Johna Smith, 1996
//  Method description:
//  e^z = e^x cos y + i e^x sin y

#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>

struct complex
 float re;
 float im;

void show_complex(complex c) // this functions displays complex value

complex Exp(complex z)
 complex c;


 return c;

complex z={3,2};

void main(void)
 printf(") = ");

tg x (x - real)


//  Tangent function calculating.
//  (c) Johna Smith, 1996
//  Method description:
//    Calculating tg x using the following formula:
//                1  3   2   5   17   7   62    9
//     tg x = x + - x  + -- x  + --- x  + ---- x  + ...
//                3      15      315      2835

#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>

double Tg(double x)
 double tg=0;
 double coefficient[]={1,1/3.0,2/15.0,17/315.0,62/2835.0};
 double a=x;

 for (int i=0;i<sizeof(coefficient)/sizeof(double);i++)

 return tg;

void main(void)
 printf("C++ Tg(0.5)=%g, this Tg(0.5)=%g.",tan(0.5),Tg(0.5));

tg z (z - complex)


//  Calculactin function tg(z), where z is a complex value
//  (c) Johna Smith, 1996
//  Method description:
//             sin(2x)             sh(2y)
//  tg z = --------------- + i --------------
//         cos(2x)+ch(2*y)     cos(2x)+ch(2y)

#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>

struct complex
 float re;
 float im;

#define N       30  // precision

double Ch(double x)
 double ch=1;
 double a=1;

 for (int i=0;i<N;i++)

 return ch;

double Sh(double x)
 double sh=x;
 double a=x;

 for (int i=1;i<N;i++)

 return sh;

void show_complex(complex c) // this functions displays complex value

complex Tg(complex z)
 complex c;


 return c;

complex z={3,2};

void main(void)
 printf(") = ");

th x (x - real)


//  th x function calculating.
//  (c) Johna Smith, 1996
//  Method description:
//    Calculating th x using the following formula:
//                1  3   2   5   17   7    62   9                Ї
//    sec x = x - - x  + -- x  - --- x  + ---- x  - ... ,  |x| < -
//                3      15      315      2835                   2

#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>

double Th(double x)
 double th=0;
 double coefficient[]={1, -1/3.0, 2/15.0, -17/315.0, 62/2835.0};
 double a=x;

 for (int i=0;i<sizeof(coefficient)/sizeof(double);i++)
   th += a*coefficient[i];
   a *= x*x;

 return th;

void main(void)
 printf("Exact th(0.5)=%g, this th(0.5)=%g.",

th z (z - complex)


//  Calculactin function th(z), where z is a complex value
//  (c) Johna Smith, 1996
//  Method description:
//              sh(2x)             sin(2y)
//  th z = --------------- + i --------------
//         ch(2x)+cos(2*y)     ch(2x)+cos(2y)

#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>

struct complex
 float re;
 float im;

#define N       30  // precision

double Ch(double x)
 double ch=1;
 double a=1;

 for (int i=0;i<N;i++)

 return ch;

double Sh(double x)
 double sh=x;
 double a=x;

 for (int i=1;i<N;i++)

 return sh;

void show_complex(complex c) // this functions displays complex value

complex complexTh(complex z)
 complex c;


 return c;

complex z={3,2};

void main(void)
 printf(") = ");

sin x (x- real)


//  Sine function calculating.
//  (c) Johna Smith, 1996
//  Method description:
//    Calculating sin x using the following formula:
//                  3     5     7     9
//                 x     x     x     x
//    sin x = x - --- + --- - --- + --- - ...
//                 3!    5!    7!    9!

#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>

#define N       300

double Sin(double x)
 double sin=0;
 double a=x;

 for (int i=1;i<N;i++)
 return sin;

void main(void)
 printf("C++ Sin(0.5)=%g, this Sin(0.5)=%g.",sin(0.5),Sin(0.5));

sin z (z - complex)


//  Calculactin function sin(z), where z is a complex value
//  (c) Johna Smith, 1996
//  Method description:
//  sin z = sin x ch y + icos x sh y

#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>

struct complex
 float re;
 float im;

#define N       30  // precision

double Ch(double x)
 double ch=1;
 double a=1;

 for (int i=0;i<N;i++)

 return ch;

double Sh(double x)
 double sh=x;
 double a=x;

 for (int i=1;i<N;i++)

 return sh;

void show_complex(complex c) // this functions displays complex value

complex Sin(complex z)
 complex c;


 return c;

complex z={3,2};

void main(void)
 printf(") = ");

sec x (x - real)


//  Secans function calculating.
//  (c) Johna Smith, 1996
//  Method description:
//    Calculating sec x using the following formula:
//                1  2   5   4   61   6   277   8
//    sec x = 1 + - x  + -- x  + --- x  + ---- x  + ...
//                2      24      720      8064

#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>

double Sec(double x)
 double sec=0;
 double coefficient[]={1, 1/2.0, 5/24.0, 61/720.0, 277/8064.0};
 double a=1;

 for (int i=0;i<sizeof(coefficient)/sizeof(double);i++)

 return sec;

void main(void)
 printf("C++ Sec(0.5)=%g, this Sec(0.5)=%g.",1/cos(0.5),Sec(0.5));

sh x (x - real)


//  sh x function calculating.
//  (c) Johna Smith, 1996
//  Method description:
//    Calculating sh x using the following formulas:
//                       2n-1
//                  N   x
//        sh x  =  SUM -------
//                 n=1 (2n-1)!

#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>

#define N       30

double Sh(double x)
 double sh=x;
 double a=x;

 for (int i=1;i<N;i++)

 return sh;

void main(void)
 printf("Exact sh(0.5)=%g, this sh(0.5)=%g.",(exp(0.5)-exp(-0.5))/2,Sh(0.5));

sh z (z - complex)


//  Calculactin function Sh(z), where z is a complex value
//  (c) Johna Smith, 1996
//  Method description:
//  sh z = sh x cos y + ich x sin y

#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>

struct complex
 float re;
 float im;

#define N       30  // precision

double Ch(double x)
 double ch=1;
 double a=1;

 for (int i=0;i<N;i++)

 return ch;

double Sh(double x)
 double sh=x;
 double a=x;

 for (int i=1;i<N;i++)

 return sh;

void show_complex(complex c) // this functions displays complex value

complex complexSh(complex z)
 complex c;


 return c;

complex z={3,2};

void main(void)
 printf(") = ");

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Факториал (формула Стирлинга)


//  Factorial calculation (Stirling solution)
//  (c) Johna Smith, 1996
//  Method description:
//   We just use Stirling method, improving it by using fast method
//  of calculating n^n.
//   !! Warning! this formula gives best results ONLY if n>>10

#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>

#define Pi 3.1415926536

long double factorial (long int n)
 long double factorial,b=1,tmp;
 long int k;


 // quick powering n^n
 while (k!=0)
   if (k%2!=0) b*=tmp;

 return factorial;

void main(void)
 printf("5! = %Lf\n35! = %Lf\n100! = %Lf\n",factorial(5L),

sqrt(z), where z is a complex value


//  Calculactin function sqrt(z), where z is a complex value
//  (c) Johna Smith, 1996
//  Method description:
//  sqrt(z) = +/- sqrt((x+sqrt(x^2+y^2))/2) +/- i*sqrt(-x+sqrt(x^2+y^2))/2)

#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>

struct complex
 float re;
 float im;

void show_complex(complex c) // this functions displays complex value

complex Sqrt(complex z)
 complex c;


 return c;

complex z={3,2};

void main(void)
 printf(") = +/- %f +/- i*%f",z.re,z.im);

ln x (x - real)


//  ln x function calculating.
//  (c) Johna Smith, 1996
//  Method description:
//    Calculating ln x using the following formula:
//               N     (x-1)^(2n+1)
//    ln x  = 2 SUM ------------------
//              n=0 (2n+1)(x+1)^(2n+1)

#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>

#define N       300

double Ln(double x)
 double ln=0;
 double a=(x+1)/(x-1);

 for (int i=0;i<N;i++)
 return 2*ln;

void main(void)
 printf("C++ ln(10)=%g, this ln(10)=%g.",log(10),Ln(10));

ln z (z - complex)


//  Calculactin function ln z, where z is a complex value
//  (c) Johna Smith, 1996
//  Method description:
//         1   2   2             y
//  ln z = - (x + y ) + i*(arctg - +2kЇ), k=0, +/-1, +/-2, ...
//         2                     x

#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>

struct complex
 float re;
 float im;

void show_complex(complex c) // this functions displays complex value

complex Ln(complex z)
 complex c;

 c.im=atan(z.im/z.re); // you can add 2kЇ here (we assume that k=0)

 return c;

complex z={3,2};

void main(void)
 printf(") = ");

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Динамические структуры данных

Bidirectional cycled list


//  Dynamic structures (bidirectional cycled list)
//  (c) Johna Smith, 1996
//  Method description:
// .................
// -> * -> * -> * ->
// <- * <- * <- * <-
// .  A    B    C  .
// .................

#include <stdio.h>
#include <alloc.h>

struct item
 int element;
 item *prev;
 item *next;

item *list; // base element of the list

// this function removes element pointed by i from list

void Remove(item* i)

// this function inserts element after
// element pointed by i
void Insert(item *i, int element)
 item *tmp;

 // creating new item
 // correcting nearest elements pointers

// this function searches element in the list
item* Search(int element)
 item *p,*q,*result=NULL;
 char found=0;

 while (p!=q && found==0)
   if (q->element==element)

 return result;

// this function prints the list
void printlist(void)
 item *p;

 while (p!=list)
   printf("%d ",p->element);

void main(void)
 // creating first element of the list

 printf("Adding elements 1,2,4 & 5\n");
 printf("\nSearching element 2\n");
 item *tmp=Search(2);
 printf("Inserting element 3 after it\n");
 printf("\nDeleting element 1\n");

 // destroying list
 while (list->next!=list) Remove(list->next);

Binary tree


//  Dynamic structures (binary tree)
//  (c) Johna Smith, 1996
//  Method description:
//               *
//            /     \
//           *       *
//         /   \   /   \
//        *     * *     *
//   From current element X left element is less than X and right element
// is greater than X. All elements in the must be different.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <alloc.h>
#include <conio.h>
#include <math.h>

struct item
 int element;
 item *left;
 item *right;

item *tree; // base element of the list

// this function searches element in the tree and returns 0 if element wasn't
// found and 1 - if element was found, result is address of element
char Search(int element, item** result)
 item *p,*q;
 char found=0;

 if (tree!=NULL)
   if (p->element==element) found=1;
     if (element<p->element) p=p->left;
     else p=p->right;
 while (!found && p!=NULL);

 return found;

// this function adds an element to the tree
void Add(int element)
 item *r,*s;

 if (Search(element,&r)==0)
   if (tree==NULL) tree=s; // if tree is empty make s=top of the tree
     if (element<r->element) r->left=s;
     else r->right=s;

// this is auxulary function for Remove procedure
void Del(item **r, item **q)
 item *tmp;

 if ((*r)->right==NULL)
 else Del(&((*r)->right),q);

// this function removes element with value 'element' from the tree
void Remove(int element, item **d)
 item *q;

 if (*d==NULL)
 printf("There is not element %d in the tree.\n",element);
 if (element<(*d)->element) Remove(element, &((*d)->left)); else
 if (element>(*d)->element) Remove(element, &((*d)->right)); else
   // element found
   if (q->right==NULL) *d=q->left; else
   if (q->left==NULL) *d=q->right; else

// this function prints the tree
void printtree(item *t, int offset=40, int depth=2)
 if (t->left!=NULL) printtree(t->left,offset-pow(2,6-depth),depth+1);
 if (t->right!=NULL) printtree(t->right,offset+pow(2,6-depth),depth+1);

void main(void)
 item *tmp;

 // creating tree

 // printing tree
 printf("Press a key to delete element 50...\n");
 // searching
 cprintf("Element 20 is%s found",(Search(20,&tmp)?"":"n't"));
 printf("\nElement 25 is%s found\n",(Search(25,&tmp)?"":"n't"));
 // removing all elements



//  Dynamic structures (stack)
//  (c) Johna Smith, 1996
//  Method description:
//    Stack is the queue with LIFO structure (Last In First Out)
//    There is only one accesible element in the stack - its top
//    Two operations defined for stack - pushing element to stack
//    and popping element feom stack

#include <stdio.h>
#include <alloc.h>

struct item
 int element;
 item *next;

item *stack=NULL; // base element of the stack

// this function pushes an to stack
void Push(int element)
 item *q;

// this function pops an element from stack
int Pop(void)
 int result;
 item *q;
 if (stack==NULL)
   printf("!POP error: stack is EMPTY");
 return result;

// this function prints the stack
void printstack(void)
 item *p;

 while (p!=NULL)
   printf("%d ",p->element);

void main(void)
 printf("Pushing elements 1,2,3\n");
 printf("\nPopping 2 elements\n");
 printf("%d ",Pop());

 // destroying stack
 while (stack!=NULL) Pop();



//  Dynamic structures (list)
//  (c) Johna Smith, 1996
//  Method description:
//    * -> * -> * -> nil
//    A    B    C

#include <stdio.h>
#include <alloc.h>

struct item
 int element;
 item *next;

item *list; // base element of the list
item *p; // current pointer

// this function adds an element to the end of list
void Add(int element)

// this function removes element from list
// after element pointed by i
void Remove(item* i)
 item *tmp;

 if (i->next!=NULL)

// this function inserts element after
// element pointed by i
void Insert(item *i, int element)
 item *tmp;


// this function searches element in the list
item* Search(int element)
 item *i,*result=NULL;
 char found=0;

 while (i!=NULL && found==0)
   if (i->element==element)

 return result;

// this function prints the list
void printlist(void)
 item *p;

 while (p!=NULL)
   printf("%d ",p->element);

void main(void)
 // creating first element of the list

 printf("Adding elements 1,2 & 4\n");
 printf("\nSearching element 2\n");
 item *tmp=Search(2);
 printf("Inserting element 3 after it\n");
 printf("\nDeleting element 1\n");

 // destroying list
 while (list->next!=NULL) Remove(list);

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 Сортировка массивов

Binary insertions


//  Binary insertion (array sorting)
//  (c) Johna Smith, 1996
//  Method description:
//    Split our array into two parts - sorted (left) and unsorted (right)
//    Initially sorted part contains only one element - first array element
//    Take an element from the unsorted part and put it in the right place in
//    the sorted part (using binary search to find this right place). So
//    sorted part contains now two elements. Repeat this process until
//    no elements left in the unsorted part.

#include <stdio.h>

const N=     10;  // array size

int array[N]={100,15,234,11,63,78,4,200,0,4}; // array of N integers
int element; // value of the element we want to insert
unsigned int right,left,middle; // auxulary variables for binary search

void show_array(void) // displays array
  for (int i=0;i<N;i++)
    printf("%d ",array[i]);

void main(void)
  // Display unsorted array
  printf("Unsorted array: ");

  // Sorting
  for (int i=1;i<N;i++) // main loop
    // Searching place for element i (binary search)
    while (left<right)
      if (array[middle]<=element) left=middle+1; else right=middle;

    // Inserting element i into the right place
    for (int j=i;j>right;j--) array[j]=array[j-1];

  // Display sorted array
  printf("\nSorted array: ");

Straight insertion


//  Straight insertion (array sorting)
//  (c) Johna Smith, 1996
//  Method description:
//    Split our array into two parts - sorted (left) and unsorted (right)
//    Initially sorted part contains only one element - first array element
//    Take an element from the unsorted part and put it in the right place in
//    the sorted part. So sorted part contains now two elements. Repeat
//    this process until no elements left in the unsorted part.

#include <stdio.h>

const N = 10;  // array size

int array[N]={100,15,234,11,63,78,4,200,0,4}; // array of N integers
int element; // value of the element we want to insert
unsigned int index; // index of the right position of the element

void show_array(void) // displays array
  for (int i=0;i<N;i++)
    printf("%d ",array[i]);

void main(void)
  // Display unsorted array
  printf("Unsorted array: ");

  // Sorting
  for (int i=1;i<N;i++) // main loop
    // Searching place for element i
    while (array[index]<array[i]) index++;
    // Inserting element i into the right place
    for (int j=i;j>index;j--) array[j]=array[j-1];

  // Display sorted array
  printf("\nSorted array: ");

Heap sort


//  Heap sort
//  (c) Johna Smith, 1996
//  Method description:
//    This algorithm sorts array using pyramids. The pyramid is the
//    sequence of characters h(L), h(L+1),...,h(R) with the following
//    properties:
//          h(i)<=h(2i);  h(i)<=h(2i+1), i=L..R/2
//                        h1
//                     /     \               This is an example of
//                   h2       h3                   pyramid
//                 /    \   /    \
//               h4     h5 h6     h7
//              .....................
//    There are two steps in this algorythm:
//    1) Building pyramid from the given array using Floyd method of
//    building pyramid "on the same place".
//    2) Sorting built pyramid:
//       Swap last pyramid element (x) with the top one and shift x
//       to the right place using Floyd method

#include <stdio.h>

const N = 10;  // array size

int array[N]={100,15,234,11,63,78,4,200,0,4}; // array of N integers
int swp; // auxulary variable for swapping
int left,right; // indexes for left and right bounds of the sorted part of the array

void show_array(void) // this function displays array
  for (int i=0;i<N;i++)
    printf("%d ",array[i]);

// this function shifts element in the pyramid to the right place
// it helps to build pyramid "on the same place" (using Floyd method)

void shift(int left, int right)
  int i,j;
  int swp;
  int element;

  if (j<right && array[j]<array[j+1]) j++;
  while (j<=right && element<array[j])
    // swapping elements
    // now i-th element is on j-th place:
    // and j-th element is lower (see pyramid picture)
    if (j<right && array[j]<array[j+1]) j++;

void main(void)
   // Displaying unsorted array
   printf("Unsorted array: ");

   // Sorting
   // building pyramid from array
   while (left>0)
   // sorting built pyramid
   while (right>0)
     // swapping elements
     // shifting element to the right place

   // Displaying sorted array
   printf("\nSorted array: ");

Straight selections


//  Straight selections (array sorting)
//  (б) Johna Smith, 1996
//  Method description:
//    searching for smallest element in array, swapping with first element,
//    repeat this operation starting search from second element and so on
//    array become sorted when we'll start search from (n-1)-th element

#include <stdio.h>

const N = 10;  // number of elements in array

int array[N]={100,15,234,11,63,78,4,200,0,4};
int min; // smallest element in array
int index; // index of the smallest element in array
int swp; // auxulary variable for swapping

void show_array(void) // this function prints array
  for (int i=0;i<N;i++)
    printf("%d ",array[i]);

void main(void)
   // Printing unsorted array
   printf("Unsorted array: ");

   // Sorting
   for (int i=0;i<N-1;i++) // main loop
     // searching for smallest element from i-th
     min=array[i]; // setting i-th elementas smallest
     for (int j=i+1;j<N;j++)
       if (array[j]<min)  // if there is element less than smallest
          min=array[j];  // then remember its value
          index=j;       // and index
     // swapping i-th and smallest element

   // Printing sorted array
   printf("\nSorted array: ");

Shaker sort


//  Shaker sort
//  (c) Johna Smith, 1996
//  Method description:
//    Advanced bubble sort.
//    There are two main steps:
//     1) Move greatest element to the end, moving forward and
//        remembering place of the last elements exchange
//        this place will be right bound of the unsorted part
//     2) Move smallest element to the beginning, moving backward and
//        remembering place of the last elements exchange
//        this place will be left bound of the unsorted part
//    Repeat this two steps while right bound is greater than left
//    This method is useful when almost all elements in the array
//    are sorted.

#include <stdio.h>

const N=     10;  // array size

int array[N]={100,15,234,11,63,78,4,200,0,4}; // array of N integers
int index; // auxulary variable (the place of last swap)
int swp; // auxulary variable for swapping
int left,right; // indexes for left and right bounds of the sorted part of the array

void show_array(void) // this function displays array
  for (int i=0;i<N;i++)
     printf("%d ",array[i]);

void main(void)
   // Displaying unsorted array
   printf("Unsorted array: ");

   // Sorting
     // moving smallest element to the beginning (moving backward)
     for (int i=right;i>left;i--)
        if (array[i-1]>array[i])
          // swapping a(i) and a(i+1)
          index=i; // save index
     // moving greatest element to the end (moving forward)
     for (i=left;i<right;i++)
       if (array[i]>array[i+1])
         // swapping a(i) and a(i+1)
         index=i; // save index
} while (left<right);

   // Displaying sorted array
   printf("\nSorted array: ");

Shell sort


//  Shell sort (array sorting)
//  (c) Johna Smith, 1996
//  Method description:
//    1) Sort elements (0,4,8,12,...) (step=4) using straight insertions method
//    2) Sort elements (0,2,4,6,8,...) (step=2) using straight insertions method
//    3) Sort all elements (step=1) using straight insertions method
//    Shell sort is faster than simple straight insertions because at each
//    step more and more elements are already sorted (productivity increased
//    by ~300% for random array of 256 elements & about 700% (!) for random array
//    of 2048 elements (N. Wirth, Algoritms and data structures)

#include <stdio.h>

const T = 4;   // number of distances
const N = 20;  // array size

int array[N]={100,15,234,11,63,78,4,200,0,4,14,32,44,58,1,2,3,9,8,7}; // array of N integers
int interval[T]={9,5,3,1}; // last interval must be 1
int step; // current step
int element; // value of the element we want to insert
unsigned int index; // index of the right position of the element

void show_array(void) // displays array
  for (int i=0;i<N;i++)
    printf("%d ",array[i]);

void main(void)
  // Display unsorted array
  printf("Unsorted array: ");

  // Sorting
  for (int m=0;m<T;m++)  // main loop (by all distances)
    // sorting (0,step,2*step,3*step,...) elements using straight insertions
    for (int i=0;i<N;i+=step)
      // Searching place for element i
      while (array[index]<array[i]) index+=step;
      // Inserting element i into the right place
      for (int j=i;j>index;j-=step) array[j]=array[j-step];

  // Display sorted array
  printf("\nSorted array: ");

Quick sort (recursive)


//  Quick sort (recursive)
//  (c) Johna Smith, 1996
//  Method description:
//    1) Split array into two parts and remember middle element
//    2) Scan left part for element greater than middle
//    3) Scan right part for element less than middle
//    4) Swap these elements
//    So we have an array where all left elements are less than right elements
//    Apply these four steps to each part (left and right) of the array
//    until we have parts that contain only one element.

#include <stdio.h>

const N=     10;  // array size

int array[N]={100,15,234,11,63,78,4,200,0,4}; // array of N integers

void show_array(void) // this function displays array
  for (int i=0;i<N;i++)
    printf("%d ",array[i]);

void sort(int left,int right)
  int i,j;
  int element; // auxulary variable for middle element in the interval
  int swp; // auxulary variable for swapping

  i=left;  // index for left part
  j=right;  // index for right part
  element=array[(left+right)/2]; // middle element
    while (array[i]<element) i++; // scanning left part
    while (element<array[j]) j--; // scanning right part
    if (i<=j)
      // swapping elements
      i++; j--;
  } while (i<=j);
  if (left<j) sort(left,j); // applying the same procedure to the left part
  if (i<right) sort(i,right); // applying the same procedure to the right part

void main(void)
  // Displaying unsorted array
  printf("Unsorted array: ");

  // Sorting

  // Displaying sorted array
  printf("\nSorted array: ");

Quick sort (non-recursive)


//  Quick sort (non-recursive)
//  (c) Johna Smith, 1996
//  Method description:
//    1) Split array into two parts and remember middle element
//    2) Scan left part for element greater than middle
//    3) Scan right part for element less than middle
//    4) Swap these elements
//    So we have an array where all left elements are less than right elements
//    Apply these four steps to each part (left and right) of the array
//    until we have parts that contain only one element.

#include <stdio.h>

const N = 10;         // array size
const STACK_SIZE = 4; // stack size must be >=log N

int array[N]={100,15,234,11,63,78,4,200,0,4}; // array of N integers

void show_array(void) // this function displays array
  for (int i=0;i<N;i++)
    printf("%d ",array[i]);

struct {int left; int right;} stack[STACK_SIZE]; // stack emulation
unsigned int ss; // current stack size
int i,j;
int element; // auxulary variable for middle element in the interval
int swp; // auxulary variable for swapping
int left,right; // interval bounds

void main(void)
  // Displaying unsorted array
  printf("Unsorted array: ");

  // Sorting
    // pushing from stack last request
      // splitting array[left]..array[right] interval
      i=left;  // index for left part
      j=right;  // index for right part
      element=array[(left+right)/2]; // middle element
        while (array[i]<element) i++; // scanning left part
        while (element<array[j]) j--; // scanning right part
        if (i<=j)
          // swapping elements
          i++; j--;
      } while (i<=j);
      // pushing request into stack
      // (we select longest part and push request for it to reduce stack size)
      if (j-left<right-i)
        if (i<right) // push request for the right part (because it's longer than left)
        right=j; // continue sorting left part
      } else
        if (left<j) // push request for the left part (because it's longer than right)
        left=i; // continue sorting right part
    } while(left<right);
  } while(ss!=0);

  // Displaying sorted array
  printf("\nSorted array: ");



//  Exchanges (array sorting)
//  (б) Johna Smith, 1996
//  Method description:
//    Using linear search find smallest i with the following property:
//    a(i)>a(i+1), swap a(i) and a(i+1) and repeat this process searching
//    from a(i+1). After one pass greatest number will be placed at right
//    place. We'll decrease amount of acting elements on each pass.
//    When 2 elements will left we'll say that array is sorted

#include <stdio.h>

const N=     10;  // number of array elements

int array[N]={100,15,234,11,63,78,4,200,0,4};
int swp; // auxulary variable for swapping
int m; // number of active elements on current pass

void show_array(void) // this function prints array
  for (int i=0;i<N;i++)
    printf("%d ",array[i]);

void main(void)
   // Printing unsorted array
   printf("Unsorted array: ");

   // Sorting
   m=N; // All elements acting at first pass
   while (m>1) // repeat passes while there is more than one element
     for (int i=0;i<m-1;i++) // main loop
       // searching for smallest element
       if (array[i]>array[i+1]) // if a(i)>a(i+1)
         // swapping a(i) and a(i+1)
     m--; // decreasing amount of acting elements

   // Printing sorted array
   printf("\nSorted array: ");

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Сортировка файлов

Straight merge


//  File sort (straight merge)
//  (c) Johna Smith, 1996
//  Method description:
//   This program reads data from file 1.dat and writes sorted data to 1.srt
//   Format of 1.dat: i1 i2 i3 i4 i5 i6 ..., where i(k) is integer
//   It also creates four temporary files: 1.tmp, 2.tmp, 3.tmp, 4.tmp
//   We use four files to sort given sequence of data.
//     1) Split file into 2 parts (A and B)
//     2) Combine A and B to C, sorting 2-element groups
//     3) Repeat these steps for file C, sorting 4-element groups,
//        8-elements,... while size of group less than file size.
//     We can optimize this method by uniting splitting and combining:
//     we just need to change destination on each step: combine one
//     group to C another to D, next group again to C and so on

#include <stdio.h>

int copy(FILE *A, FILE *B, FILE *C, int n)
 int a,b,q,r,m=0;

 // combining to C
 if (!feof(A)) fread(&a,sizeof(int),1,A);
 if (!feof(B)) fread(&b,sizeof(int),1,B);
 while (!feof(A) && !feof(B) && q<n && r<n)
   if (a<b)
     if (q<n) fread(&a,sizeof(int),1,A);
     if (r<n) fread(&b,sizeof(int),1,B);
 // writing remainders
 while (!feof(A) && q<n)
   if (q<n) fread(&a,sizeof(int),1,A);
 while (!feof(B) && r<n)
   if (r<n) fread(&b,sizeof(int),1,B);

 return m;

void main(void)
 FILE *A,*B,*C,*D,*input,*output;
 int N=0,c,m,p,l;

 // opening needed files (file1.dat must exist)

 // reading from source and splitting data into A & B
 while (!feof(input))
   fscanf(input,"%d ",&c);

 while (p<N)
   while (m!=0)
     // uniting splitting and combining
     // here we combine from A and B to C and D
   // swap A,B and C,D
   // now we'll combine from C and D and split to A and B
   // groups will be larger twice

 while (!feof(A))
   fprintf(output,"%d ",c);


Natural merge


//  File sort (natural merge)
//  (c) Johna Smith, 1996
//  Method description:
//   This program reads data from file 1.dat and writes sorted data to 1.srt
//   Format of 1.dat: i1 i2 i3 i4 i5 i6 ..., where i(k) is integer
//   It also creates four temporary files: 1.tmp, 2.tmp, 3.tmp
//   We use three files to sort given sequence of data.
//   Series - is a sequence of numbers with the following property: a(i)<=a(i+1)
//   1) Divide copy of the given file C into parts A and B, writing first
//      series from C to A, second one to B, third - to C, and so on
//   2) Combine files A and B into C, sorting distributed series
//   3) Repeat first two steps until there is more than one series

#include <stdio.h>

void main(void)
 FILE *A,*B,*C,*input,*output;
 int sorted,a,b,c,old;

 // opening needed files (file1.dat must exist)

 // reading from source and copying data into C
 while (!feof(input))
   fscanf(input,"%d ",&c);

   // reopeneing files A and B

   // distributing series from C to A and B
   while (!feof(C))
     // series to A
     } while (!feof(C) && old<=c);
     // series to B
     while (!feof(C) && old<=c)
       sorted=0; // if there are more than 1 series then sequence isn't sorted
   // reopening file C
   // combining A and B back to C
   while (!feof(A) && !feof(B))
     if (a<b)
       if (feof(A) || a<old)
       } while(!feof(B) && b>=old);
       if (feof(B) || b<old)
       } while(!feof(A) && a>=old);

   // copying remainder from A (or B) to C
   while (!feof(A))
   while (!feof(B))
 } while (!sorted);  // sort until there will be only one series

 // writing sorted sequence
 while (!feof(C))
   fprintf(output,"%d ",c);

 // closing all opened files

Balanced merge


//  File sort (balanced merge)
//  (c) Johna Smith, 1996
//  Method description:
//   This program reads data from file 1.dat and writes sorted data to 1.srt
//   Format of 1.dat: i1 i2 i3 i4 i5 i6 ..., where i(k) is integer
//   It also creates four temporary files: 1.tmp, 2.tmp, 3.tmp
//   We use N files to sort given sequence of data.
//   Series - is a sequence of numbers with the following property: a(i)<=a(i+1)
//   1) Divide copy of the given file C into N files, writing first
//      series from C to F1, second one to F2, third - to F3, and so on
//   2) Combine files F1,F2,F3,...,Fn, sorting distributed series
//   3) Repeat first two steps until there is more than one series

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>

#define N 10  // number of temporary files (must be even and greater than 2)
#define Nh N/2 // must be an integer

struct ExtFile
 int first; // current element of this file
 char eor; // indicates end of series

// this function copies data element from x to y, updating (.first) members
void copy(ExtFile *x, ExtFile *y)

void main(void)
 FILE *input,*output;
 ExtFile F[N];
 int l,old,j,mx,tx,min,x,t[N],ta[N],k1,k2;
 char name[13];

 // opening needed files (file1.dat must exist)
 for (int i=0;i<N;i++)

 // distributing given data
 fscanf(input,"%d ",&x);
 while (!feof(input))
   if (j<Nh-1) j++; else j=0;
     fscanf(input,"%d ",&x);
   } while (!feof(input) && x>=old);
 if (x<old)
   if (j<Nh-1) j++; else j=0;

 for (i=0;i<N;i++) t[i]=i;

   // merging t[0]..t[Nh-1] to t[Nh]..t[N-1]
   if(l<Nh) k1=l-1; else k1=Nh-1;
   l=0; // number of input series
   j=Nh; // index of input sequence
   // merging input series to t[j]
     // selecting minimal element from F1..Fn
       while (i<=k2)
       if (feof(F[ta[mx]].F))
         // excluding file
       } else
       if (F[ta[mx]].eor)
         // closing series
     } while(k2>=0);
     if(j<N-1) j++; else j=Nh;
   } while(k1>=0);
 } while (l!=1);

 // writing sorted sequence
 while (!feof(F[0].F))
   fprintf(output,"%d ",x);

 // closing all opened files
 for (i=0;i<N;i++) fclose(F[i].F);

Polyphase merge


//  File sort (polyphase merge)
//  (c) Johna Smith, 1996
//  Method description:
//   This program reads data from file 1.dat and writes sorted data to 1.srt
//   Format of 1.dat: i1 i2 i3 i4 i5 i6 ..., where i(k) is integer
//   It also creates four temporary files: 1.tmp, 2.tmp, 3.tmp
//   We use N files to sort given sequence of data.
//   Series - is a sequence of numbers with the following property: a(i)<=a(i+1)
//   1) Divide copy of the given file C into N-1 files, writing first
//      series from C to F1, second one to F2, third - to F3, and so on
//   2) Combine series from files F1,F2,F3,...,F(n-1) to Fn,
//      sorting distributed series
//   3) When we reach the end of one of F1..F(n-1) files we turn sequences
//      and will combine series to this new empty file. For example if we reach
//      end of F3 we will gather data from F1,F2,F4,..Fn to F3
//   4) Repeat first three steps until there is more than one series

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

#define N 6  // number of temporary files (must be greater than 2)

struct ExtFile
 int first; // current element of this file
 char eor; // indicates end of series

 FILE *output;
 ExtFile input;
 ExtFile F[N];  // array of files
 int level,i,j,k,mx,tx,xmin,x,t[N],ta[N],a[N],d[N],z,tn,dn;
 char name[13];

// this functions sets new value of variable j
// on the next step of data distribution we'll write to sequence #j
void select(void)
 if (d[j]<d[j+1]) j++;  // d[j] shows number of series in sequence #j
   if (d[j]==0)
     for (int i=0;i<N-1;i++)

// this function copies data element from x to y, updating (.first) members
void copy(ExtFile *x, ExtFile *y)
 x->eor=(x->first<y->first || feof(x->F));

// this function copies series from input to f[j]
void copyrun(void)
 } while (!input.eor && !feof(input.F));
 if (feof(input.F))
   if (input.first<F[j].first) select();

void main(void)
 // opening required files (file 1.dat must exist)
 fscanf(input.F,"%d ",&input.first);
 for (int i=0;i<N-1;i++)

 // initializing variables

 // distributing data from input to first N-1 sequences
 } while (!feof(input.F) && j!=N-2);

 while (!feof(input.F))
   if (F[j].first<=input.first)
     if (feof(input.F)) d[j]++; else copyrun();
   } else copyrun();

 // preparing first N-1 series for reading
 for (i=0;i<N-1;i++)

 // main loop
   // gathering data from t[0]..t[N-2] into t[N-1]
   // preparing file to write
     // gathering one series
     for (i=0;i<N-1;i++)
       if (d[i]>0) d[i]--;
     if (k==-1) d[N-1]++;
       // gathering one real series from t[0]..t[k] into t[N-1]
         // selecting series with minimal element to place it first
         while (i<k)
           if (x<xmin)
         // copying smallest element to output series
         // if we reach the end of the current input sequence
         // or end of series in it then close this source
         if (F[ta[mx]].eor)
           // closing this source
       } while (k!=-1);
   } while (z!=0);

   // swapping sequences


   // preparing file F[t[N-1]] to write

 } while (level!=0); // while there are more than one series

 // writing sorted sequence from F[t[0]]
 while (!feof(F[t[0]].F))
   fprintf(output,"%d ",x);

 // closing all opened files
 for (i=0;i<N;i++) fclose(F[i].F);

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Методы поиска

Binary search in sorted string


//  Binary search in sorted string
//  (c) Johna Smith, 1996
//  Method description:
//     1) Split string into two parts
//     2) If the middle symbol of the string is greater than searched one -
//        select left part else select right part
//     3) Split selected part into two parts (see 1)
//   When in the selected part will be only one symbol compare it with
//   searched one.

#include <stdio.h>

char string[]="0245789AAABDFHJKLXYZ"; // sorted ASCIIZ string
char symbol='J'; // symbol to find
unsigned int left,right; // bounds of the area where we search
unsigned int middle; // center of the area where we search
unsigned int length=sizeof(string)/sizeof(char); // string length

void main(void)
 printf("String: %s\n",string);


 // Here we avoid checking condition 'string[middle]==symbol'
 // because maximum number of steps is log N (where N is length
 // of the string) and some auxulary steps will be more effective
 // than comparing elements each step.
 while (left<right)
   if (string[middle]<symbol) left=middle+1; else right=middle;

 // We'll stop when left==right => if there is searched symbol in
 // the string both bounds will point at it
 if (string[right]==symbol) printf("Symbol '%c' found at position %d.",symbol,right+1);
 else printf("Symbol '%c' not found.",symbol);

Substring search. Boyer-Moore algorithm


//  Substring search. Boyer-Moore algorithm
//  (c) Johna Smith, 1996
//  Method description:
//    1) Build auxulary array D. D contains 256 elements (it's
//    amount of symbols in ASCII table. D(i) equals to length
//    of the substring if it doesn't contain character with code i.
//    And if substring contains character with code i then D(i)
//    equals to the distance between end of string and position of
//    this character closest to the end of string.
//    2) Scan string from the start, comparing it with the substring
//    If diferrence found we can skip next d(string(i)) positions,
//    where string(i) is the code of i-th character of the string and
//    i is the current position in the string.

#include <stdio.h>

char string[]="Unsorted string. ABCBBCBCA."; // ASCIIZ string
char substring[]="string"; // substring to find
const unsigned int string_length=sizeof(string)/sizeof(char)-1; // string length
const unsigned int substring_length=sizeof(substring)/sizeof(char)-1; // substring length
int i,j,k;
int d[256]; // auxulary array

void main(void)
 printf("String: %s\n",string);

 // Analysing substring, building array d
 for (int i=0;i<256;i++) d[i]=substring_length;
 for (i=0;i<substring_length-1;i++) d[substring[i]]=substring_length-i-1;

 // Searching
   j=substring_length; k=i;
   do // search difference between string and substring
   } while (j>=0 && string[k]==substring[j]);
   i+=d[string[i-1]]; // skip next d(string(i)) positions
 } while (j>=0 && i<string_length);

 // condition j<0 means that substring is found
 if (j<0) printf("Substring \"%s\" found.",substring);
 else printf("Substring \"%s\" not found.",substring);

Linear substring search


//  Linear substring search
//  (c) Johna Smith, 1996
//  Method description:
//    Simple search method.
//    1) Compare string and substring from first symbol of the string
//    2) If difference found compare string and substring from
//       second symbol of the string
//    Repeat these steps until no differencies found or end of string reached

#include <stdio.h>

char string[]="Unsorted string"; // ASCIIZ string
char substring[]="ring"; // substring to find
unsigned int position; // comparing from this position of the string
unsigned int subposition; // compared position of the substring
unsigned int string_length=sizeof(string)/sizeof(char); // string length
unsigned int substring_length=sizeof(substring)/sizeof(char); // substring length

void main(void)
 printf("String: %s\n",string);

 // finish compare when all symbols of substring compared (substring found)
 // or there left less than substring_length uncompared symbols
 // in the string (substring not found)
 while (subposition!=substring_length && position!=string_length-substring_length+1)
   subposition=0; // comparing from the beginning of the substring
   while (subposition<substring_length &&
   // compare from next position of the string

 if (subposition==substring_length) printf("Substring \"%s\" found from position %d.",substring,position);
 else printf("Substring \"%s\" not found.",substring);

Substring search. Knuth-Morris-Pratt algorithm


//  Substring search. Knuth-Morris-Pratt algorithm
//  (c) Johna Smith, 1996
//  Method description:
//    1) Build auxulary array D. D contains "substring_length" elements.
//    D(i) equals to the length of longest sequence of characters
//    of the substring with such properties:
//         ss(0)..ss(d(i)-1)==ss(i-d(i))..p(i-1);  (ss is a substring)
//         p(d(i))!=p(i);
//    2) Scan string from the start, comparing it with the substring
//    If diferrence found we can skip next d(string(i)) positions,
//    where string(i) is the code of i-th character of the string and
//    i is the current position in the string.

#include <stdio.h>

char string[]="Unsorted string. ABCBBCBCA."; // ASCIIZ string
char substring[]="BCB"; // substring to find
const unsigned int string_length=sizeof(string)/sizeof(char)-1; // string length
const unsigned int substring_length=sizeof(substring)/sizeof(char)-1; // substring length
int i,j,k;
int d[substring_length]; // auxulary array

void main(void)
 printf("String: %s\n",string);

 // Analysing substring, building array d
 j=0; k=-1; d[0]=-1;
 while (j<substring_length-1)
   while (k>=0 && substring[j]!=substring[k]) k=d[k];
   j++; k++;
   if (substring[j]==substring[k]) d[j]=d[k]; else d[j]=k;

 // Searching
 while (j<substring_length && i<string_length)
   // here j is the current position in the substring and i is
   // the current position in the string
   while (j>=0 && string[i]!=substring[j]) j=d[j]; //skip next d[j] positions
   i++; j++;
 // Condition j==substring length means that substring is found
 if (j==substring_length) printf("Substring \"%s\" found.",substring);
 else printf("Substring \"%s\" not found.",substring);

Linear search in the string


//  Linear search
//  (c) Johna Smith, 1996
//  Method description:
//    Simple search method. Take first element - if it is what we
//   need - stop searh else take next element.

#include <stdio.h>

char string[]="Unsorted string"; // ASCIIZ string
char symbol='d'; // symbol to find
char *p;
unsigned int position; // position of the found symbol
unsigned int length=sizeof(string)/sizeof(char); // string length

void main(void)
 printf("String: %s\n",string);

 // changing last (terminating) symbol of the string
 // to the symbol that we search allows us to avoid
 // checking condition 'end of string' - we always
 // will find symbol in the modified string
 for (p=string,position=1;*p!=symbol;p++,position++);
 string[length-1]='\0'; //restoring last symbol
 if (position!=length) printf("Symbol '%c' found at position %d.",symbol,position);
 else printf("Symbol '%c' not found.",symbol);

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//  Calculating det A, where A is matrix N x N
//  (c) Johna Smith, 1996
//  Method description:
//    This method based on two statements:
//    1) det A = a11, if A is matrix 1 x 1
//    2) |a11 a12 a13 ... a1n|                       |a11 a12 .. a1(i-1) a1(i+1) .. a1n |
//       |a21 a22 a23 ... a2n|    n     i+1          |a21 a22 .. a2(i-1) a2(i+1) .. a2n |
// det A=|a31 a32 a33 ... a3n| = SUM (-1)  a1i * det |a31 a32 .. a3(i-1) a3(i+1) .. a3n |
//       |...................|   i=1                 |................................  |
//       |...................|                       |an1 an2 .. an(i-1) an(i+1) .. ann |
//       |an1 an2 an3 ... ann|

#include <stdio.h>
#include <alloc.h>

#define N       5  // matrix size

int matrix[N][N]={{1,2,3,4,5},{2,1,3,4,5},{3,2,1,4,5},{4,3,2,1,5},{5,4,3,2,1}};

void show_matrix(int *matrix, int size) // this functions displays matrix
for(int i=0;i<size;i++)
  for(int j=0;j<size;j++)
    printf("%d ",*(matrix+i*size+j));

int Det(int *matrix, int const size)
 int *submatrix;
 int det=0;

 if (size>1)
   submatrix=(int *)malloc(sizeof(int)*(size-1)*(size-1));
   for (int i=0;i<size;i++)
     // creating new array (submatrix)
     for (int j=0;j<size-1;j++)
       for (int k=0;k<size-1;k++)
     // calling recursively function Det using submatrix as a parameter
     // and adding the result to final value
 } else det=*matrix;
 return det;

void main(void)
 // show given matrix

 // calculating determinante and displaying the result
 printf("det A = %d",Det(matrix[0],N));



//  Matrix operations (inversion)
//  (c) Johna Smith, 1996
//  Given: A (N x N), det A != 0                 -1
//  This algorithm inverts matrix A and returns A  .
//      -1
//   A*A  = E
//  We simply convert matrix A into matrix E, and do the same operations
//  over matrix B (initially B=E). Finally A=E, B=A^(-1).

#define N               3

#include <stdio.h>

float a[N][N]={{4,8,0},{8,8,8},{2,0,1}};

void Invert(float *matrix)
 float e[N][N];

 // initializing matrix e
 for (int i=0;i<N;i++)
   for (int j=0;j<N;j++)
 // converting matrix to e
   // normalizing row (making first element =1)
   float tmp=*(matrix+i*N+i);
   for(int j=N-1;j>=0;j--)
   // excluding i-th element from each row except i-th one
     if (j!=i)
       for(int k=N-1;k>=0;k--)

 // now e contains inverted matrix so we need only to copy e to matrix
   for(int j=0;j<N;j++)

void show_matrix(float *matrix) // this functions displays matrix
for(int i=0;i<N;i++)
  for(int j=0;j<N;j++)
    printf("%f ",*(matrix+i*N+j));

void main(void)
 // display matrix A
 // Invert it
 // display the inverted matrix
 // Invert it again
 // display the inversion of the inverted matrix



//  Matrix operations (addition)
//  (c) Johna Smith, 1996
//  Given: A,B - matrixes M x N
//  This algorithm sum these matrixes and display the result.

#define M    5
#define N    6

#include <stdio.h>

int a[N][M]={{1,2,3,4,5},{5,4,3,2,1},{1,2,3,4,5},{5,4,3,2,1},{1,2,3,4,5},{0,1,0,1,0}};
int b[N][M]={{5,4,3,2,1},{1,2,3,4,5},{5,4,3,2,1},{1,2,3,4,5},{5,4,3,2,1},{1,0,1,0,1}};
int c[N][M];

void show_matrix(int *matrix) // this functions displays matrix
for(int i=0;i<N;i++)
   for(int j=0;j<M;j++)
     printf("%d ",*(matrix+i*M+j));

void main(void)
 // display matrixes A and B

 // sum these matrixes
 for(int i=0;i<N;i++)
   for(int j=0;j<M;j++)

 // display the sum



//  Matrix operations (multiplication)
//  (c) Johna Smith, 1996
//  Given: A (M x N) and B (N x P)
//  This algorithm multiplies these matrixes and display the result.

#define M     3
#define N     4
#define P     2

#include <stdio.h>

int a[M][N]={{2,0,3,1},{5,1,2,0},{0,0,4,1}};
int b[N][P]={{1,3},{2,1},{4,0},{3,5}};
int c[M][P];

void show_matrix(int *matrix, int n, int m) // this functions displays matrix
for(int i=0;i<n;i++)
  for(int j=0;j<m;j++)
    printf("%d ",*(matrix+i*m+j));

void main(void)
 // display matrixes A and B

 // substract these matrixes
 for(int i=0;i<M;i++)
   for(int j=0;j<P;j++)
     for (int k=0;k<N;k++) c[i][j]+=a[i][k]*b[k][j];
 // display the difference



//  Matrix operations (substraction)
//  (c) Johna Smith, 1996
//  Given: A,B - matrixes M x N
//  This algorithm substract these matrixes and display the result.

#define M   5
#define N   6

#include <stdio.h>

int a[N][M]={{4,4,4,4,4},{5,4,3,2,1},{1,2,3,4,5},{5,4,3,2,1},{1,2,3,4,5},{0,1,0,1,0}};
int b[N][M]={{3,4,4,4,4},{5,3,3,2,1},{1,2,2,4,5},{5,4,3,1,1},{1,2,3,4,4},{0,1,0,1,0}};
int c[N][M];

void show_matrix(int *matrix) // this functions displays matrix
for(int i=0;i<N;i++)
   for(int j=0;j<M;j++)
     printf("%d ",*(matrix+i*M+j));

void main(void)
 // display matrixes A and B

 // substract these matrixes
 for(int i=0;i<N;i++)
   for(int j=0;j<M;j++)

 // display the difference



//  Matrix operations (transponating)
//  (c) Johna Smith, 1996
//  Given: A (N x N),                                 T
//  This algorithm transponates matrix A and returns A  .
//          T
//   A(ji)=A (ij)

#define N  3

#include <stdio.h>

float a[N][N]={{4,8,0},{8,8,8},{2,0,1}};

void Transponate(float *matrix)
 float swp;

 for (int i=0;i<N;i++)
   for (int j=i+1;j<N;j++)

void show_matrix(float *matrix) // this functions displays matrix
for(int i=0;i<N;i++)
  for(int j=0;j<N;j++)
    printf("%f ",*(matrix+i*N+j));

void main(void)
 // display matrix A
 // Transponate it
 // display transponated matrix
 // Transponate it again
 // display the transponation of the transponated matrix

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Операции с комплексными величинами

Сложение и вычитание в алгебраической форме


//  Complex values operations (addition and substraction in a+bi form)
//  (c) Johna Smith, 1996
//  Given: z1,z2 - complex values
//  z1=a1+i*b1, z2=a2+i*b2
//  z1+z2=(a1+a2)+i*(b1+b2)

#include <stdio.h>

struct complex
 float re;
 float im;

void show_complex(complex c) // this functions displays complex value

complex Add(complex a, complex b)
 complex c;


 return c;

complex Substract(complex a, complex b)
 complex c;


 return c;

complex a={2,3},b={4,6};

void main(void)
 // addition
 printf(" + ");
 printf(" = ");

 // substraction
 printf(" - ");
 printf(" = ");

Деление в алгебраической форме


//  Complex values operations (division in a+bi form)
//  (c) Johna Smith, 1996
//  Given: z1,z2 - complex values
//  z1=a1+i*b1, z2=a2+i*b2
//  z1/z2=(a1*a2-b1*b2)/(a2^2+b2^2)+i*(b1*a2-a1*b2)/(a2^2+b2^2)

#include <stdio.h>

struct complex
 float re;
 float im;

void show_complex(complex c) // this functions displays complex value

complex Div(complex a, complex b)
 complex c;


 return c;

complex a={2,3},b={-1,2};

void main(void)
 printf(" / ");
 printf(" = ");

Умножение в алгебраической форме


//  Complex values operations (multiplication in a+bi form)
//  (c) Johna Smith, 1996
//  Given: z1,z2 - complex values
//  z1=a1+i*b1, z2=a2+i*b2
//  z1*z2=(a1*a2-b1*b2)+i*(a1*b2+a2*b1)

#include <stdio.h>

struct complex
 float re;
 float im;

void show_complex(complex c) // this functions displays complex value

complex Mul(complex a, complex b)
 complex c;


 return c;

complex a={2,3},b={-1,2};

void main(void)
 printf(" * ");
 printf(" = ");

Деление в экспоненциальной форме


//  Complex values operations (division in M*exp(i*phi) form)
//  (c) Johna Smith, 1996
//  Given: z1,z2 - complex values
//  z1=M1*exp(i*phi1), z2=M2*exp(i*phi2)
//  z1/z2=M1/M2*exp(i*(phi1-phi2))

#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>

#define Pi      3.1415926536

struct exp_complex
 float M;
 float phi;

void show_exp_complex(exp_complex c) // this functions displays complex value

exp_complex Div(exp_complex a,exp_complex b)
 exp_complex c;


 return c;

exp_complex a={1,0}, b={-1,-Pi/2};

void main(void)
 printf(" / ");
 printf(" = ");

Умножение в экспоненциальной форме


//  Complex values operations (multiplication in M*exp(i*phi) form)
//  (c) Johna Smith, 1996
//  Given: z1,z2 - complex values
//  z1=M1*exp(i*phi1), z2=M2*exp(i*phi2)
//  z1*z2=M1*M2*exp(i*(phi1+phi2))

#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>

#define Pi      3.1415926536

struct exp_complex
 float M;
 float phi;

void show_exp_complex(exp_complex c) // this functions displays complex value

exp_complex Mul(exp_complex a,exp_complex b)
 exp_complex c;


 return c;

exp_complex a={-1,Pi/2}, b={-1,-Pi/2};

void main(void)
 printf(" * ");
 printf(" = ");

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Математическая статистика

Интервальная оценка среднего (рассмотрены случаи значений доверительной вероятности 0.95 и 0.99)


//  Calculating <x>, (x-dx,x+dx)
//  (c) Johna Smith, 1996
//  Method description:
//    dx=t(alpha,n)*Sn/sqrt(n)
//    <x>=Sum x/n

#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>

#define N   6 // number of experiments
float x[N]={3,5,4,5,3,4}; // experimental data

double Student095(unsigned int n)
 double result;


 return result;

double Student099(unsigned int n)
 double result;


 return result;

// this function calculates average x
double Average(void)
 double sum=0;

 for (int i=0;i<N;i++) sum+=x[i];

 return sum/N;

// this function calculates delta x
double DeltaX(void)
 double ave,sum=0,Sn;

 for (int i=0;i<N;i++) sum+=x[i]*x[i];

 return Student095(N)*Sn/sqrt(N); // you can use Student099 if you want

void main(void)
 printf("Data: ");
 for (int i=0;i<N;i++) printf("%f ",x[i]);
 printf("\nx=%f +/- %f",Average(),DeltaX());

Вычисление коэффициента Стьюдента


//  Calculating Student's coefficients t(alpha,n), if alpha=0.95 or 0.99
//  (c) Johna Smith, 1996
//  Method description:
//   To calculate Student's coefficients we use the following
//  approximation:
//    t(n)=C0+C1/(n-1)+C2(n-1)^(-C3)
//  Coefficients Ci for alpha=0.95 and alpha=0.99 is given
//  n - number of experiments

#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>

double Student095(unsigned int n)
 double result;


 return result;

double Student099(unsigned int n)
 double result;


 return result;

void main(void)
 printf("alpha=0.95 n=5 t5= %g\n",Student095(5));
 printf("alpha=0.99 n=15 t15= %g",Student099(15));

Теоретический коэффициент корреляции для двух величин


//  Calculating theoretical corellation coefficient for two values
//  (c) Johna Smith, 1996
//  Method description:
//    Corellation coefficient shows dependencies between two values

#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>

#define N       3 // number of experiments

double x[N]={1,2,3};
double y[N]={2,4,5};

double TheoreticalCorellation(void)
 double sxy=0,sx2=0,sy2=0;

 for (int i=0;i<N;i++)

 return sxy/sqrt(sx2*sy2);

void main(void)
 for (int i=0;i<N;i++) printf("%f %f\n",x[i],y[i]);
 printf("\nCorellation coefficient r= %f\n",TheoreticalCorellation());

Сглаживание экспериментальных данных по 3 точкам


//  Smoothing experimental data by 3 points
//  (c) Johna Smith, 1996
//  Method description:
//    We smooth experimental data to enclose them to real curve.
//    All formulas use smallest sqares method to approximate data.
//    This program uses smoothing using 3-points groups

#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>

#define N 10      // number of experiments

float data[N]={0.9,2.12,2.92,4.15,4.9,6.1,6.92,8.15,9.05,9.8};
float smoothed[N];

void main(void)
 for (int i=0;i<N;i++) printf("%.4f ",data[i]);

 for (i=1;i<N-1;i++) smoothed[i]=(data[i-1]+data[i]+data[i+1])/3;

 printf("\nSmoothed data:\n");
 for (i=0;i<N;i++) printf("%.4f ",smoothed[i]);

Сглаживание экспериментальных данных по 5 точкам


//  Smoothing experimental data by 5 points
//  (c) Johna Smith, 1996
//  Method description:
//    We smooth experimental data to enclose them to real curve.
//    All formulas use smallest sqares method to approximate data.
//    This program uses smoothing using 5-points groups

#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>

#define N  10      // number of experiments

float data[N]={0.9,2.12,2.92,4.15,4.9,6.1,6.92,8.15,9.05,9.8};
float smoothed[N];

void main(void)
 for (int i=0;i<N;i++) printf("%.4f ",data[i]);

 for (i=2;i<N-2;i++) smoothed[i]=(data[i-2]+data[i-1]+data[i]+

 printf("\nSmoothed data:\n");
 for (i=0;i<N;i++) printf("%.4f ",smoothed[i]);

Сглаживание экспериментальных данных по 7 точкам


//  Smoothing experimental data by 7 points
//  (c) Johna Smith, 1996
//  Method description:
//    We smooth experimental data to enclose them to real curve.
//    All formulas use smallest sqares method to approximate data.
//    This program uses smoothing using 7-points groups

#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>

#define N 10      // number of experiments

float data[N]={0.7,1.08,1.39,1.64,1.76,1.99,2.04,2.22,2.28,2.42};
float smoothed[N];

void main(void)
 for (int i=0;i<N;i++) printf("%.4f ",data[i]);

 smoothed[0]=(39*data[0]+8*data[1]-4*(data[2]+data[3]-data[5]) + data[4]-2*data[6])/42;
 smoothed[1]=(8*data[0]+19*data[1]+16*data[2]+6*data[3]-4*data[4] - 7*data[5]+4*data[7])/42;
 smoothed[2]=(-4*data[0]+16*data[1]+19*data[2]+12*data[3]+2*data[4] - 4*data[5]+data[6])/42;

 for (i=3;i<N-3;i++)
   smoothed[i]=(7*data[i]+6*(data[i-1]+data[i+1]) +

 smoothed[N-3]=(data[N-7]-4*data[N-6]+2*data[N-5]+12*data[N-4] +
 smoothed[N-2]=(4*data[N-7]-7*data[N-6]-4*data[N-5]+6*data[N-4] +
 smoothed[N-1]=(-2*data[N-7]+4*data[N-6]+data[N-5]-4*data[N-4] -

 printf("\nSmoothed data:\n");
 for (i=0;i<N;i++) printf("%.4f ",smoothed[i]);

Эмпирический коэффициент корреляции для двух величин


//  Calculating empirical corellation coefficient for two values
//  (c) Johna Smith, 1996
//  Method description:
//    Corellation coefficient shows dependencies between two values

#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>

#define N 3 // number of experiments

double x[N]={1,2,3};
double y[N]={2,4,5};

double EmpiricalCorellation(void)
 double sxy=0,sx2=0,sy2=0,sx=0,sy=0;

 for (int i=0;i<N;i++)

 return (sxy-sx*sy/N)/(sqrt(sx2-sx*sx/N)*sqrt(sy2-sy*sy/N));

void main(void)
 for (int i=0;i<N;i++) printf("%f %f\n",x[i],y[i]);
 printf("\nCorellation coefficient r= %f\n",EmpiricalCorellation());

Эмпирический коэффициент корреляции для трех величин


//  Calculating corellation coefficient for three values
//  (c) Johna Smith, 1996
//  Method description:
//    Corellation coefficient shows dependencies between three values

#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>

#define N   3 // number of experiments

double x[N]={1,2,3};
double y[N]={2,4,5};
double z[N]={1,7,0};

double EmpiricalCorellation2D(double *i, double *j)
 double sij=0,si2=0,sj2=0,si=0,sj=0;

 for (int a=0;a<N;a++)

 return (sij-si*sj/N)/(sqrt(si2-si*si/N)*sqrt(sj2-sj*sj/N));

double Corellation3D(void)
 double rxz,ryz,rxy;

 // calculating partial corellation coefficients

 return sqrt((rxz*rxz-ryz*ryz-2*rxy*rxz*ryz)/(1-rxy*rxy));

void main(void)
 for (int i=0;i<N;i++) printf("%f %f %f\n",x[i],y[i],z[i]);
 printf("\nCorellation coefficient R= %f\n",Corellation3D());

Частный коэффициент корреляции для трех величин


//  Calculating partial corellation coefficient for three values
//  (c) Johna Smith, 1996
//  Method description:
//   Partial corellation coefficient shows dependencies between two values
//   using set of three values (we exclude influence of one of these values)

#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>

// excluding influence of z, recieving corellation
// coefficients between x,y  y,z and x,z
double PartialCorellation3D(double rxy,double rxz,double ryz)
 return (rxy-rxz*ryz)/sqrt((1-rxz*rxz)*(1-ryz*ryz));

void main(void)
 double rxy=0.998753,rxz=0.69753,ryz=0.7473;

 printf("%f %f %f\n",rxy,rxz,ryz);
 printf("\nPartial corellation coefficient r= %.10f\n",

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Интегрирование функций

Метод трапеций


//  Integrating function (trapecias method)
//  (c) Johna Smith, 1996
//  Method description:
//   We approximate area under function with trapecias, using
//   the same intervals by the X axe.

#include <stdio.h>

double f(double x)
 // !!! you should specify your own function here

 return x;

double Integrate(double x1, double x2, double step)
 double x=x1;
 double I=0; // integral value

 while (x<x2-step)
   // calculating trapecia's area as f(x)+f(x+step) * halfheight of it
   I += (f(x)+f(x+step))*step/2;
   x += step;

 return I;

void main(void)

Метод Симпсона


//  Integrating function (Simpson's method)
//  (c) Johna Smith, 1996
//  Method description:
//    We approximate area under function with parabolas, using
//    three points. We repeat calculation with less step if
//    the diffference between I(h) and I(h/2) is greater than eps

#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>

double f(double x)
 // you should specify your own function here
 return x*x*sin(x);

double Integrate(double x1, double x2, double step, double precision)
 double x=x1;
 double I1=0,I2=0; // integral value
 double s;


   while (x<x2)

   step/=2.0;  // try once more using less step
 } while (fabs(I1-I2)>precision);

 return I2;

void main(void)

Метод прямоугольников


//  Integrating function (rectanges method)
//  (c) Johna Smith, 1996
//  Method description:
//    We approximate area under function with rectangles, using
//    the same intervals by the X axe.

#include <stdio.h>

double f(double x)
 // you should specify your own function here
 return x;

double Integrate(double x1, double x2, double step)
 double x=x1;
 double I=0; // integral value
 while (x<x2-step)
   // calculating function at the halfpoint of interval
 return I;

void main(void)

Метод Монте-Карло


//  Integrating function (Monte-Karlo method)
//  (c) Johna Smith, 1996
//  Method description:
//   We generate random numbers from interval [a;b] where we want to
//   integrate our function and sum function values in this random points.
//   Here we use approximation of the integral:
//   I=<y>*sigma, where <y> is average value of the function f on [a;b]
//   and sigma is volume of integrating area (if we integrate by interval it
//   is its length)

#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

double f(double x)
 // you should specify your own function here
 return x*x*sin(x);

double Integrate(double x1, double x2, long int steps)
 double I=0; // integral value

 randomize();  // initializing random numbers generator
 for (long int i=0;i<steps;i++)

 return I;

void main(void)


Число дней между двумя датами


//  Calculating number of days between two dates
//  (c) Johna Smith, 1996
//  Method description:
//    We calculte two Julian dates and substract them
//    Result will be number of days between two dates

#include <stdio.h>

enum Month {January=1,February,March,April,May,June,July,August,

struct Date
 float day;
 Month month;
 int year;

double JulianDate(Date date)
 long int A,B,Y,M;

 if (date.month==January || date.month==February)
 } else
 if ((date.year>1581) ||
     (date.year==1581 && date.month>October) ||
     (date.year==1581 && date.month==October && date.day>=15))
 } else B=0;

 return B+(long int)(365.25*Y)+(long int)(30.6001*(M+1))+date.day+1720994.5;

Date Revolution={17.5,October,1917};
Date Today={11,October,1996};

void main(void)
 printf("Days between %f/%d/%d and %f/%d/%d = %f",

Определение дня недели по дате


//  Calculating day of week by date
//  (c) Johna Smith, 1996
//  Method description:
//  Here we use special formulas different for January & February
//  and other monthes. Use this algorithm only for dates after
//  October, 15, 1528

#include <stdio.h>

enum Month {January=1,February,March,April,May,June,July,August,

struct Date
 float day;
 Month month;
 int year;

int DayOfWeek(Date date)
 float F;

 if (date.month<March)

 return  F-7*(int)(F/7)-1;

Date Today={11,October,1996};

void main(void)
 printf("%f/%d/%d is ",Today.day,Today.month,Today.year);
 switch (DayOfWeek(Today))
   case -1:printf("Sunday\n");break;
   case 0:printf("Monday\n");break;
   case 1:printf("Tuesday\n");break;
   case 2:printf("Wednesday\n");break;
   case 3:printf("Thursday\n");break;
   case 4:printf("Friday\n");break;
   case 5:printf("Saturday\n");break;

Вычисление даты по юлианскому календарю


//  Julian date calculating
//  (c) Johna Smith, 1996
//  Method description:
//    Julian date is the number of days since afternoon (GMT) of
//    January, 1, 4713 BC.

#include <stdio.h>

enum Month {January=1,February,March,April,May,June,July,August,

struct Date
 float day;
 Month month;
 int year;

double JulianDate(Date date)
 long int A,B,Y,M;

 if (date.month==January || date.month==February)
 } else
 if ((date.year>1581) ||
     (date.year==1581 && date.month>October) ||
     (date.year==1581 && date.month==October && date.day>=15))

 return B+(long int)(365.25*Y)+(long int)(30.6001*(M+1))+date.day+1720994.5;

Date Revolution={17.5,October,1917};

void main(void)
 printf("%f/%d/%d = %f",Revolution.day,Revolution.month,

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Решение систем линейных уравнений

Метод квадратного корня


//  Solving system of linear equations (square root method)
//  (c) Johna Smith, 1996
//  Method description:
//    From given matrix A we build two auxulary triangular matrixes S & D
//    Then solving equations Gy=b (where g[I][j]=s[j][I]*d[j]) and Sx=y
//    we obtain vector x.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>

#define N    4     // size of matrix
#define N1   N+1

float matrix[N][N1]=

void ShowMatrix(void)
 for (int i=0;i<N;i++)
   for (int j=0;j<N;j++)

void main(void)
 // Variables declaration
 register char i,j,k;
 float s[N][N],x[N],y[N],d[N],sum;

 // Printing given matrix

 // Building matrixes S and D
 for (j=0;j<N;j++)
   for (i=0;i<=j;i++)
     for (k=0;k<i;k++)
     if (i==j)
     else s[i][j]=sum/(d[i]*s[i][i]);

 // Solving equation Gy=b (G: g[I][j]=s[j][I]*d[j])
 for (i=0;i<N;i++)
   for (j=0;j<i;j++) y[i]-=s[j][i]*d[j]*y[j];

 // Solving equation Sx=y
 for (i=N-1;i>=0;i--)
   for (j=i+1;j<N;j++) x[i]-=s[i][j]*x[j];

 // Printing solution
 for (i=0;i<N;i++)

Метод Некрасова


//  Solving system of linear equations (Nekrasov method)
//  (c) Johna Smith, 1996
//  Method description:
//    This is an iterative method of solving systems of linear equations.
//    Criteria for end of iterations is ||xn||-||x(n-1)||<epsilon, where
//    ||x|| is norm of vector x.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>

#define N     4     // size of matrix
#define N1    N+1

float matrix[N][N1]=

void ShowMatrix(void)
 for (int i=0;i<N;i++)
   for (int j=0;j<N;j++)

// this function calculates ||x||
float norma(float *x)
 float sum=0;

 for (unsigned i=0;i<N;i++) sum+=fabs(*(x+i));
 return sum;

void main(void)
 // Variables declaration
 register char i,j;
 float x_current[N],x_next[N],sum1,sum2,epsilon;

 // Printing given matrix

 // Solving
   for (i=0;i<N;i++) x_current[i]=x_next[i];
   for (i=0;i<N;i++)
     for(j=0;j<i;j++) sum1+=matrix[i][j]*x_next[j];
     for(j=i+1;j<N;j++) sum2+=matrix[i][j]*x_current[j];
 } while (fabs(norma(x_current)-norma(x_next))>epsilon);

 // Printing solution
 for (i=0;i<N;i++)

Метод 3-диагональных матриц


//  Solving system of linear equations (3-diagonal matrix)
//  (c) Johna Smith, 1996
//  Method description:
//    This method is developed for 3-diagonal matrixes:
//    (a11 a12 0 ..............)
//    (a21 a22 a23 0 ..........)
//    (0   a32 a33 a34 0 ......) = M
//    (........................)
//    (.......... 0 an(n-1) ann)
//    Cause all elements except three diagonals is 0 we'll store
//    only non zero elements in the A,B,C arrays. Array D stores
//    vector B (M*X=B). We build two auxulary vectors P and Q and
//    then calculate vector X using the following recurrent formula:
//      X(k-1)=P(k)*X(k)+Q(k)

#include <stdio.h>

#define N    20
#define N1   N+1

void main(void)
 // Variables declaration
 register int i,i1,k;  // using processor registers for better performance
 float a[N]={0,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1};
 float b[N]={2,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,2};
 float c[N]={-1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,0};
 float d[N]={0,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,0};
 float x[N1],p[N1],q[N1],tmp;

 // Some initializations

 c[N-1]=0; // to avoid overflow

 // Building vectors P and Q
 for (i=0;i<N;i++)
   if ((tmp=b[i]+a[i]*p[i])==0)
     printf("Wrong method for such system...\n");

 // Building vector X
 for (k=N;k>0;k--) x[k-1]=p[k]*x[k]+q[k];

 // Printing solution
 for (i=0;i<N;i++)

Метод Гаусса


//  Solving system of linear equations (Gauss method)
//  (c) Johna Smith, 1996
//  Method description:
//    This methos based on excluding variables from equations.
//    Using first equation we exclude x1 from all other equations
//    Using second equation equation we exclude x2 from all equations
//   (excluding first) and so on. So we have triangular matrix from which
//    we can easily get vector X. (AX=B)

#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>

#define N     4     // size of matrix
#define N1    N+1

float matrix[N][N1]=

void ShowMatrix(void)
 for (int i=0;i<N;i++)
   for (int j=0;j<N;j++)

void main(void)
 // Variables declaration
 float tmp,x[N1];
 register short int i,j,k;

 // Printing given matrix
 // Main loop
 for (i=0;i<N;i++)
   // Excluding variable x[i] from equations
   for (j=N;j>=i;j--) matrix[i][j]/=tmp;
   for (j=i+1;j<N;j++)
     for (k=N;k>=i;k--)

 // Calculating vector x
 for (i=N-2;i>=0;i--)
   for (j=i+1;j<N;j++) x[i]-=matrix[i][j]*x[j];

 // Printing solution
 for (i=0;i<N;i++)

Метод Гаусса с выбором максимального элемента


//  Solving system of linear equations (Gauss method with max element selecting)
//  (c) Johna Smith, 1996
//  Method description:
//    This methos based on excluding variables from equations.
//    Using first equation we exclude x1 from all other equations
//    Using second equation equation we exclude x2 from all equations
//    (excluding first) and so on. So we have triangular matrix from which
//    we can easily get vector X. (AX=B)
//    'Selecting max element' means that on each step we select equation
//    with max element in current column and use it as next equation to exclude
//    variable.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>

#define N      4     // size of matrix
#define N1     N+1

float matrix[N][N1]=

void ShowMatrix(void)
 for (int i=0;i<N;i++)
   for (int j=0;j<N;j++)

void main(void)
 // Variables declaration
 float max,swp,tmp,x[N1];
 register short int row_with_max_element,i,j,k;

 // Printing given matrix
 // Main loop
 for (i=0;i<N;i++)
   // Searching for max element in the current column (i)
   for (j=i+1;j<N;j++)
     if (fabs(matrix[j][i])>max)
   // Swapping 2 lines of matrix - row_with_max_element & i
   if (row_with_max_element!=i)
   for (j=0;j<N1;j++)
   // Excluding variable x[i] from equations
   for (j=N;j>=i;j--) matrix[i][j]/=tmp;
   for (j=i+1;j<N;j++)
     for (k=N;k>=i;k--)

 // Calculating vector x
 for (i=N-2;i>=0;i--)
   for (j=i+1;j<N;j++) x[i]-=matrix[i][j]*x[j];

 // Printing solution
 for (i=0;i<N;i++)

Метод итераций


//  Solving system of linear equations (iterations method)
//  (c) Johna Smith, 1996
//  Method description:
//  This program automatically transforms system of equations to
//  iterative form and solves it.
//  Iterative form:
//     x1=a11*x1+a12*x2+... + a1n*xn+b1
//     x2=a21*x1+a22*x2+... + a2n*xn+b2
//     ...
//     xn=an1*x1+an2*x2+... + ann*xn+bn
//  Setting first iteration of vector X we can get next iteration from
//  such form of system of equations. Iterations will be finished when
//  difference between two consequitive iterations will be less than epsilon

#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>

#define N      3     // size of matrix
#define N1     N+1

float matrix[N][N1]=
int maxiterations=10;  // maximum number of iterations
float epsilon=0.0001;  // required accuracy

void ShowMatrix(void)
 for (int i=0;i<N;i++)
   for (int j=0;j<N;j++)

void main(void)
 // Variables declaration
 float x[N],y[N],t;
 register short int i,j,k;
 int iterations=0;

 // Printing given matrix

 // setting first iteration of vector X
 for (i=0;i<N;i++) x[i]=matrix[i][N];
   for (i=0;i<N;i++)
     for (j=0;j<N;j++)
   // checking solution
   while (fabs(x[k]-y[k])<epsilon && k<N) k++;
   // new iteration becomes old
   for(i=0;i<N;i++) x[i]=y[i];
 } while (k!=N && iterations<maxiterations);

 if (iterations==maxiterations)
   printf("Iterations are very slow...");
 } else
   // Printing solution
   for (i=0;i<N;i++)
   printf("%d iterations were made",iterations);

Метод Монте-Карло


//  Solving system of linear equations (Monte-Karlo method)
//  (c) Johna Smith, 1996
//  Method description:
//    We should translate given system of linear equations to special form:
//      x1=a(11)x1+a(12)x2+...+a(1n)xn+a(1n+1)
//      x2=a(21)x2+a(22)x2+...+a(2n)xn+a(2n+1)
//      ....
//      xn=a(n1)x1+a(n2)x2+...+a(nn)xn+a(nn+1)
//            n
//     where SUM |aij|<1 (i=1, 2, ... ,n)
//           j=1
//    Lets divide interval [0;1] into N+1 smaller intervals.
//    Imagine a particle that is moving randomly at [0;1] interval.
//    Remember its moves until it reachs one of the bounds of the interval.
//    So we'll get a trajectory of the particle s(i),s(j),s(k),s(l),s(m),...
//    If particle moves from interval s(i) to s(j) we'll write v(ij)
//    y[i]=v(ij)*v(jk)*...*v(tm)*w(m), v(ij)=sign(aij), v(jk)=sign(ajk)
//                    n
//   w(m)=a(mn+1)/(1-SUM a(mj)),   x[i]=y/M, where M is number of particle runs
//                   j=1

#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

#define N     3     // size of matrix
#define N1    N+1
#define M     1000 // number of tries

float matrix[N][N1]=

void ShowMatrix(void)
 for (int i=0;i<N;i++)
   for (int j=0;j<N;j++)

void main(void)
 // Variables declaration
 float b[N][N],w[N],y,c,x[N],l;
 register short int i,j,v;
 unsigned char finish;
 int row,   // currently analysed row
     tries; // number of tries to calculate true root by generating randoms

 // Transforming matrix
 for (i=0;i<N;i++)
   for (j=0;j<N1;j++) l+=fabs(matrix[i][j]);
   for (j=0;j<N1;j++) matrix[i][j]=v*(matrix[i][j])/l+(i==j?1:0);
 // Printing transformed matrix

 // filling matrix B
 for (i=0;i<N;i++)
 // filling matrix w
 for(i=0;i<N;i++) w[i]=matrix[i][N]/(1-b[i][N-1]);

 // for each equation in the system
   while (tries<M)
     // generating random number
     while(j>=0 && !finish)
       if (c>b[row][j])
         if (j==N-1)
     if (!finish)
   // calculating root

 // Printing solution
 for (i=0;i<N;i++)

Метод ортогонализации


//  Solving system of linear equations (orthogonalization method)
//  (c) Johna Smith, 1996
//  Method description:
//    Given system of linear equations:
//      a11 x1 + a12 x2 + ... + a1n xn + a(1n+1) = 0
//      a21 x1 + a22 x2 + ... + a2n xn + a(2n+1) = 0
//      an1 x1 + an2 x2 + ... + ann xn + a(nn+1) = 0
//    Left part of each equation is a result of scalar multiplication of
//    two vectors: ai=(ai1,ai2,...,ain,a(in+1)) and x=(x1,x2,..,xn,1)
//    So to solve this system we need only to build vector x which will be
//    orthogonal to each of ai vectors.
//                            n+1
//    Let u1=a1,   b1=u1/sqrt(SUM u(1j)^2)
//                            j=1
//    Other ui we can get from the following iterative formula:
//                      k
//       u(k+1)=u(k+1)-SUM {u(k+1), bj}bj, where {..} means scalar multiplication
//                     j=1
//                          n+1
//       b(k+1)=u(k+1)/sqrt(SUM u(k+1,j)^2)
//                          j=1
//    And finally we can obtain roots of this system from this formula:
//    xi=b(n+1,i)/b(n+1n+1)

#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

#define N     3     // size of matrix
#define N1    N+1

double matrix[N1][N1]=

void ShowMatrix(void)
 for (int i=0;i<N;i++)
   for (int j=0;j<N;j++)

void main(void)
 // Variables declaration
 double c[N],x[N],s;
 int i,j,k,l,m;


 // expanding system by vector (0,0,0,...,0,1)
 for (i=0;i<N;i++) matrix[N][i]=0;

 // for all equations
 for (i=0;i<N1;i++)
   if (i>0)
     // make some iterations to increase accuracy of calculations
     while (k<=3)
       for (l=0;l<i;l++)
         for(m=0;m<N1;m++) c[l]+=matrix[l][m]*matrix[i][m];
       for (j=0;j<N1;j++)
         for(l=0;l<i;l++) s+=c[l]*matrix[l][j];
    // normalizing vector
    for (k=0;k<N1;k++) s+=matrix[i][k]*matrix[i][k];
    for (j=0;j<N1;j++) matrix[i][j]/=s;

 for (j=0;j<N;j++) x[j]=matrix[N][j]/s;

 // Printing solution
 for (i=0;i<N;i++)

Метод Зайделя


//  Solving system of linear equations (Zaidel method)
//  (c) Johna Smith, 1996
//  Method description:
//    Given: system of linear equations
//       a11 x1 + a12 x2 + ... + a1n xn = b1
//       a21 x1 + a22 x2 + ... + a2n xn = b2
//       ...
//       an1 x1 + an2 x2 + ... + ann xn = bn
//    We use following iterative formula to solve this system:
//                     1    i-1                N
//     xi(j+1)=xi(j)- --- ( SUM aik xk(j+1) + SUM aik xk(j) -bi)
//                    aii   k=1               k=i
//     where xi(j+1) is j+1-th iteration, xi(j) is j-th iteration

#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>

#define N    3     // size of matrix
#define N1   N+1

float matrix[N][N1]=
float z[N]={0,0,0};  // first iteration

float epsilon=0.0001;  // required accuracy

void ShowMatrix(void)
 for (int i=0;i<N;i++)
   for (int j=0;j<N;j++)

void main(void)
 // Variables declaration
 float x[N];
 short int i,j;
 int iterations=0,finish=0;

 // Printing given matrix

 while (!finish)
   for (i=0;i<N;i++)
     for (j=0;j<N;j++) x[i]+=matrix[i][j]*z[j];
     // don't stop iterations until required accuracy is reached
     if (fabs(x[i]/matrix[i][i])>=epsilon) finish=0;
     // next iteration

 // Printing solution
 for (i=0;i<N;i++)
 printf("%d iterations were made",iterations);

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Решение нелинейных уравнений

Метод хорд


//  Solving nonlinear equations (chords method)
//  (c) Johna Smith, 1996
//  Method description:
//    given: f(x)=0, [a;b], f(a)*f(b)<0
//    find x0: f(x0)=0
//    We approximate curve by chord between its borders and get
//    point where the chord crosses X axe as a new border of
//    interval with the root. When interval becomes small enough
//    we can take one of its borders as a solution.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>

// this function returns value of f(x)
double f(double x)
 // sin 2x - ln x = 0
 return sin(2*x)-log(x);

double Solve(double a, double b, double epsilon)
 double u,v,x,y;

 u=f(a); v=f(b);
   // x - new border
   // determine whether x is left or right border
   // f(a)*f(b)<0 condition must be true
   if (y*u<0)
   } else
 } while (b-a>epsilon);
 return x;

void main(void)
 printf("sin 2x - ln x = 0, [a;b]=[1.3;1.5]");

Метод дихотомии


//  Solving nonlinear equations (dichotomia method)
//  (c) Johna Smith, 1996
//  Method description:
//    given: f(x)=0, [a;b], f(a)*f(b)<0
//    find x0: f(x0)=0
//    We split interval into two parts and select that part that
//    contains root of the equation by checking condition
//    f(a)*f(b)<0 We take middle point of the interval as a new border of
//    interval with the root. When interval becomes small enough
//    we can take one of its borders as a solution.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>

// this function returns value of f(x)
double f(double x)
 // sin 2x - ln x = 0
 return sin(2*x)-log(x);

double Solve(double a, double b, double epsilon)
 double x;

   // x - new border
   // determine whether x is left or right border
   // f(a)*f(b)<0 condition must be true
   if (f(x)*f(a)<0) b=x;
   else a=x;
 } while (b-a>epsilon);
 return x;

void main(void)
 printf("sin 2x - ln x = 0, [a;b]=[1.3;1.5]");

Метод Эйткена-Стеффенсона


//  Solving nonlinear equations (Eitken-Steffenson method)
//  (c) Johna Smith, 1996
//  Method description:
//    This method is used for solving equations like x=f(x)
//    (see also iterations method)
//    Here we use the following iterations:
//     x(n+1)=(x0*x2-x1^2)/(x0-2x1+x2)

#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>

// this function returns value of f(x)
double f(double x)
 // x = x + 0.37(sin 2x - ln x)
 return x+0.37*(sin(2*x)-log(x));

double Solve(double x, double epsilon)
 double x1,x2,xold,tmp;

 } while (fabs(xold-x)>epsilon && tmp!=0);

 return x;

void main(void)
 printf("sin 2x - ln x = 0, [a;b]=[1.3;1.5]");

Метод итераций


//  Solving nonlinear equations (iterations method)
//  (c) Johna Smith, 1996
//  Method description:
//    This method is used for solving equations like x=f(x)
//    We should set first approximation of the root and then
//    make some iterations x=f(x). When the difference between
//    two consequental iterations will be less than epsilon we
//    can say that we found the root.
//    To apply this method to equations like F(x)=0 we should
//    transform it into iterational form x=f(x), where f(x):
//      1) defined on [a;b]
//      2) for every point on [a;b] exists f'(x)
//      3) for every x from [a;b] f(x) is in [a;b]
//      4) exists number q : |f'(x)|<=q<1 for all x from [a;b]

#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>

// this function returns value of f(x)
double f(double x)
 // x = x + 0.37(sin 2x - ln x)
 return x+0.37*(sin(2*x)-log(x));

double Solve(double x, double epsilon)
 double x1;

 } while (fabs(x1-x)>epsilon);

 return x;

void main(void)
 printf("sin 2x - ln x = 0");

Метод Ньютона


//  Solving nonlinear equations (Newton method)
//  (c) Johna Smith, 1996
//  Method description:
//    Here we use the following iterations:
//     x(n+1)=xn-f(xn)/f'(xn)

#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>

// this function returns value of f(x)
double f(double x)
 // sin 2x - ln x = 0
 return sin(2*x)-log(x);

double Solve(double x, double epsilon)
 double x1;

 } while (fabs(x1-x)>epsilon);

 return x;

void main(void)
 printf("sin 2x - ln x = 0, [a;b]=[1.3;1.5]");

Метод Лобачевского


//  Solving nonlinear equations (Lobachevsky method)
//  (c) Johna Smith, 1996
//  Method description:
//   Given: a0+a1x+a2x^2+...+anx^n=0
//   This method allows to find modulus of the greatest root of this equation
//   even if it's complex. But in last case there can appear several messages
//   about impossibilty of calculation root of negative number.
//   The main idea of this method is to change given equation to other
//   equation which roots equals to powered roots of given equation. For example
//   if roots of the given equation are x0,x1,.. xn then roots of new equation
//   will be x0^2, x1^2, ..., xn^2. Repeating this operation we get an equation
//   where one root is much greater than other ones. So we can easily
//   obtain modulus of the greatrest root of the given equation.
//   To obtain other roots of equation we need to divide given equation
//   by (x-x0) (where x0 is found root) and apply this method to result.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>

#define N   4
#define N1  N+1
#define Iterations  15  // number of iterations

double a[N1]={24,-50,35,-10,1};

void main(void)
 double r,b[N1],c[N1],g,bi,d;
 int z,k;

 // printing given equation
 for(int i=1;i<N1;i++) printf("%+fx^%d",a[i],i);

 // preparing auxiliary arrays b and c
 for (i=0;i<N1;i++)

 // setting required parameters

 // make all iterations
 for(int y=0;y<Iterations;y++)
   // calculate coefficients c[i] (coefficients of new equation)
     for(int j=i%2;j<N1;j+=2)
   // check whether we could calculate root of d
     // calculating and printing new iteration
     for (i=0;i<N1;i++)
       // preparing data for next iteration
   } else
     // d is negative - can't calculate root
       // preparing data for next iteration
     printf("no iteration (can't calculate root from negative number)\n");

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Всего: 62


Метод Эйткена


//  Interpolation (using Eitken method)
//  (c) Johna Smith, 1996
//  Method description:
//    Given: several points of the unknown function
//    We should find values of this function between given points
//    Interpolation polynom isn't calculated directly:
//    To calculate values of function between given points we should
//    use the following formulas of linear interpolation:
//                  1     |y0  x0-x|
//     y(x,x0,x1)=------- |        |
//                (x1-x0) |y1  x1-x|
//                  1     |y0  x0-x|
//     y(x,x0,x2)=------- |        |
//                (x2-x0) |y2  x2-x|
//                      1   |y(x,x0,x1)  x1-x|
//     y(x,x0,x1,x2)=-------|                | and so on...
//                   (x2-x1)|y(x,x0,x2)  x2-x|

#include <stdio.h>

#define N  4

float x[N]={-0.12, 1.68, 3.41, 5.62};
float y[N]={0.324, -0.6, -0.4, -0.21};

float xvalues[N-1],f[N-1],tmp[N];
float xa;

void main(void)
 // initializing variables
 for(int i=0;i<N-1;i++)
   xvalues[i]=(x[i+1]+x[i])/2; // we'll calculate function between given points

 // calculating function values between given points
 for (int z=0;z<N-1;z++)
   for(int j=0;j<N;j++) tmp[j]=y[j];

 for (i=0;i<N-1;i++)
   printf("F(%f)= %f\n",xvalues[i],f[i]);

Полином Лагранжа


//  Interpolation (using Lagrange polynom)
//  (c) Johna Smith, 1996
//  Method description:
//    Given: several points of the unknown function
//    We should find values of this function between given points and
//    approximate  function by polynom.
//    Interpolation polynom calculated by the following formula:
//             N       (x-x0)...(x-x(i-1))(x-x(i+1))...(x-xn)
//       L(x)=SUM y(i)----------------------------------------
//            i=0     (xi-x0)..(xi-x(i-1))(xi-x(i+1))..(xi-xn)
//    To calculate values of function between given points we should
//    calculate value of interpolation polynom in these points.

#include <stdio.h>

#define N  4

float x[N]={-0.12, 1.68, 3.41, 5.62};
float y[N]={0.324, -0.6, -0.4, -0.21};
float xvalues[N-1],f[N-1];
int i,j,z;
float l,k;
float pow[N],temp[N],tempaux[N];

void main(void)
 // initializing variables
   xvalues[z]=(x[z+1]+x[z])/2; // calculating function between given points
 for(z=0;z<N;z++) pow[z]=0;

 // calculating function values
       if(i!=j) l*=(xvalues[z]-x[j])/(x[i]-x[j]);

 // Determining interpolation polynom
     if(i!=z) k/=(x[z]-x[i]);
   for(i=0;i<N;i++) temp[i]=0;
       for(j=0;j<N-1;j++) tempaux[j+1]=temp[j];
       for(j=0;j<N;j++) tempaux[j]-=temp[j]*x[i];
       for(j=0;j<N;j++) temp[j]=tempaux[j];
   for(i=0;i<N;i++) pow[i]+=temp[i];

 // printing results
 for(z=0;z<N-1;z++) printf("F(%f)=%f\n",xvalues[z],f[z]);
 printf("\nPolynom: F(X)=");
 for(z=N-1;z>0;z--) printf("%fX^%d+\n",pow[z],z);

Метод Ньютона


//  Interpolation (using Newton polynom)
//  (c) Johna Smith, 1996
//  Method description:
//    Given: several points of the unknown function
//    We should find values of this function between given points and
//    approximate  function by polynom.
//    Interpolation polynom is searched by the following formulas:
// P(x)=y1+(x-x1)f(x1,x2)+(x-x1)(x-x2)f(x1,x2,x3)+...              n
//                       +(x-x1)(x-x2)...(x-x(n-1))f(x1,x2,..,xn)=SUM Ak fi
//     i            i      i-j             k  k                   i=0
// fi=MUL (x-xj) = SUM aj x    ;   ak=(-1)  MUL xj
//    j=1          j=0                       j=1
//         1  l      m+1          k         m
//  a(k-l)=- SUM (-1)   a(k-l+m) SUM (-1/xp); a0=1
//         l m=1                 p=1
//    To calculate values of function between given points we should
//    calculate value of interpolation polynom in these points.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>

#define N  4

float x[N]={-0.12, 1.68, 3.41, 5.62};
float Y[N]={0.324, -0.6, -0.4, -0.21};
float xvalues[N-1],f[N],a[N],y[N],pw,w,s;
int i,j,z,k,l,m,p;

void main(void)
 // initializing variables
   xvalues[z]=(x[z+1]+x[z])/2; // calculating function between given points
 for(z=0;z<N;z++) y[z]=Y[z];
 //           n-1
 // P   (x) = SUM A[k]
 //  n-1      k=0
   for(i=1;i<=N-k;i++) y[i-1]=(y[i]-y[i-1])/(x[i+k-1]-x[i-1]);
   //          k  k
   // a[k]=(-1)  MUL x[j]
   //            j=1
   for(j=1;j<=k;j++) pw*=x[j-1];

   //        1  l      m+1          k            m
   // a[k-l]=- SUM (-1)   a[k-l+m] SUM  (-1/x[p])
   //        l m=1                 p=1
   if (k!=1)
         for(p=1;p<=k;p++) s+=pow(-1/x[p-1],m);

   for(j=N;j>=N-k;j--) f[j-1]+=a[j-N+k]*y[0];

 // printing results
   for(i=1;i<N;i++) s=s*xvalues[z]+f[i];
 printf("\nPolynom: F(X)=");
 for(z=0;z<N-1;z++) printf("%fX^%d+\n",f[z],N-z-1);

Операции с полиномами

Вычисление производной


//  Calculating derivative of the polynom (analitically)
//  (c) Johna Smith, 1996
//  Method description:
//    P(x) - polynom,  deg P = N
//    P(x) = a0 x^n + a1 x^(n-1) + ... + an
//    calculating P'(x)
//    P'(x) = n a0 x^(n-1) + (n-1) a1 x^(n-2) +...

#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>

void PrintPolynom(float *p, int n)
 for(int i=0;i<n;i++)
   printf("%+f x^%d",*(p+i),n-i-1);

#define N   4  // polynom degree

float Polynom[N]={1,2,3,4}; // x^3 + 2x^2 + 3x + 4 = P(x)

void main(void)
 // printing given polynom

 // calculating derivative
 for(int i=0;i<N;i++)

 // printing derivative

Деление полиномов


//  Dividing polynoms (analitically)
//  (c) Johna Smith, 1996
//  Method description:
//    P(x) - polynom,  deg P = N
//    Q(x) - polynom,  deg Q = M, M<=N
//    P(x) = a0 x^n + a1 x^(n-1) + ... + an
//    Q(x) = b0 x^m + b1 x^(m-1) + ... + bm
//    calculating P(x)/Q(x)=S(x)+R(x)/Q(x), deg R < deg Q

#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>

void PrintPolynom(float *p, int n)
 for(int i=0;i<n;i++)
   printf("%+f x^%d",*(p+i),n-i-1);

#define N    4  // deg P-1
#define M    2  // deg Q-1

float P[N]={1,1,1,-3}; // x^3 + x^2 + x - 3 = P(x)
float Q[M]={1,-1};     // x - 1 = Q(x)
float S[N-M+1];        // S(x)

// 0 here means constant that will be in          

// the integral I(P)=I+C

void main(void)
 // printing given polynoms

 for (int i=0;i<N+M-1;i++) S[i]=0;

 // dividing
   for(int j=0;j<M;j++)

 // printing result
 // and remainder

Интеграл от полинома


//  Calculating integral of the polynom (analitically)
//  (c) Johna Smith, 1996
//  Method description:
//    P(x) - polynom,  deg P = N
//    P(x) = a0 x^n + a1 x^(n-1) + ... + an
//    calculating Integral(P(x)dx)
//    Integral(P(x)dx) =  a0/(n+1) x^(n+1) + a1/n x^n +...

#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>

void PrintPolynom(float *p, int n)
 for(int i=0;i<n;i++)
   printf("%+f x^%d",*(p+i),n-i-1);

#define N  4  // polynom degree

float Polynom[N+1]={8,6,4,1,0}; // 8x^3 + 6x^2 + 4x + 1 = P(x)

// 0 here means constant that will be in
// the integral I(P)=I+C

void main(void)
 // printing given polynom

 // calculating integral
 for(int i=0;i<N;i++)

 // printing integral

Умножение полиномов


//  Multiplication of polynoms (analitically)
//  (c) Johna Smith, 1996
//  Method description:
//    P(x) - polynom,  deg P = N
//    Q(x) - polynom,  deg Q = M
//    P(x) = a0 x^n + a1 x^(n-1) + ... + an
//    Q(x) = b0 x^m + b1 x^(m-1) + ... + bm
//    calculating S(x)=P(x)*Q(x)

#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>

void PrintPolynom(float *p, int n)
 for(int i=0;i<n;i++)
   printf("%+f x^%d",*(p+i),n-i-1);

#define N       4  // deg P-1
#define M       2  // deg Q-1

float P[N]={2,0,4,1}; // 2x^3 + 4x + 1 = P(x)
float Q[M]={1,-2};    // x - 2 = Q(x)
float S[M+N-1];       // S(x)

// 0 here means constant that will be in
// the integral I(P)=I+C

void main(void)
 // printing given polynoms

 for (int i=0;i<N+M-1;i++) S[i]=0;

 // multiplying
   for(int j=0;j<M;j++)

 // printing results

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Всего: 62

Сжатие и шифрование

Компрессия/декомпрессия RLE


//  Compressing/decompressing file (RLE technology)
//  (c) Johna Smith, 1996
//  Method description:
//  This compression method is based on coding sequences like AAA..A
//  We can write this sequence as two bytes N A, where A is
//  character and N is amount of its repetitions. So this method is
//  very useful for *.bmp files. But if there aren't such sequences
//  then each separate character will turn into two - 1 A 1 B ...

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <errno.h>

void usage(void)
 // show how to use this program if there isn't enough parameters
 printf("Usage: compress.exe filename1 COMPRESS|DECOMPRESS filename2\n");
 printf("filename1 - name of source file\n");
 printf("filename2 - name of destination file\n");
 printf("\nExample: compress.exe compress.bmp COMPRESS compress.rle\n");

FILE *input, *output;

void compress(void)
 unsigned char c1,c,length;
 unsigned long int rcounter=0,wcounter=0;

   } while (!feof(input) && c1==c && length!=255);
   // putting char and number of its repetitions to output
 } while (!feof(input));
 printf("%ld byte(s) compressed\n",rcounter);
 printf("ratio: %d\n",wcounter/rcounter);

void decompress(void)
 unsigned char c,length;
 unsigned long int rcounter=0,wcounter=0;

   for(int i=0;i<length;i++)
 } while (!feof(input));
 printf("%ld byte(s) decompressed\n",wcounter);
 printf("ratio: %d\n",wcounter/rcounter);

void main(int argc, char **argv)
 // copyleft;)_
 printf("Compress. copyleft {c} 1996 Johna Smith. freeware\n\n");
 // analysing parameters
 if (argc!=4)
 if ((input=fopen(argv[1],"rb"))==NULL)
   // error opening file
   printf("! ERR03: can't open source file :(\n");
 if ((output=fopen(argv[3],"wb"))==NULL)
   // error opening file
   printf("! ERR04: can't open destination file :(\n");
 if (stricmp(argv[2],"COMPRESS")==0) compress();else
 if (stricmp(argv[2],"DECOMPRESS")==0) decompress();else
   // must be COMPRESS or DECOMPRESS magic word there to know what to do
   printf("! ERR02: serious bug was found in second parameter :)\n");

Шифрование/дешифрование сдвигом


//  Encrypting/decrypting file (shift method)
//  (c) Johna Smith, 1996
//  Method description:
//    1) Set the base for randomizer (this is the main code for decrypting)
//    2) Get random number using the following formula: x=fract(11*x+Pi)
//    3) Crypt character using formula ch'=ch+rnd()*255
//    4) Repeat steps 3 & 4 for all chars in the text

#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <errno.h>

#define Pi  3.14159265358979323846

void usage(void)
 // show how to use this program if there isn't enough parameters
 printf("Usage: crypt.exe filename1 DECRYPT|ENCRYPT filename2 key\n");
 printf("filename1 - name of source file\n");
 printf("filename2 - name of destination file\n");
 printf("key - key code, must be a number\n");
 printf("\nExample: crypt.exe crypt.cpp ENCRYPT crypt.crp 123.45678\n");

float rnd(float _base=0)  // generates random number
 static float base;
 float tmp;

 // reinitializing randomizer if _base!=0
 if (_base!=0) base=_base;

 // generating random number

 return base;

FILE *input, *output;

void encrypt(void)
 unsigned char ch;
 int tmp;
 unsigned long int counter=0;

   // encrypting char
   if (ch+tmp>255) ch+=(tmp-255);
   else ch+=tmp;
   // putting char to output
   // getting char from input
 } while (!feof(input));
 printf("%ld byte(s) encrypted\n");

void decrypt(void)
 unsigned char ch;
 int tmp;
 unsigned long int counter=0;

   // decrypting char
   if ((int)ch<tmp) ch-=(tmp-255);
   else ch-=tmp;
   // putting char to output
   // getting char from input
 } while (!feof(input));
 printf("%ld byte(s) decrypted\n");

void main(int argc, char **argv)
 // copyleft;)_
 printf("Crypt. copyleft {c} 1996 Johna Smith. freeware\n\n");
 // analysing parameters
 if (argc!=5)
 rnd(atof(argv[4])); // setting up randomizer base
 if (errno==ERANGE)
   // wrong key code
   printf("! ERR01: key code is out of range\n");
 if ((input=fopen(argv[1],"rb"))==NULL)
   // error opening file
   printf("! ERR03: can't open source file :(\n");
 if ((output=fopen(argv[3],"wb"))==NULL)
   // error opening file
   printf("! ERR04: can't open destination file :(\n");
 if (stricmp(argv[2],"ENCRYPT")==0) encrypt();else
 if (stricmp(argv[2],"DECRYPT")==0) decrypt();else
   // must be ENCRYPT or DECRYPT magic word there to know what to do
   printf("! ERR02: serious bug was found in second parameter :)\n");

Шифрование/дешифрование ХОR-ом


//  Encrypting/decrypting file (xor method)
//  (c) Johna Smith, 1996
//  Method description:
//    1) Get the key code (this is the main code for crypting)
//    2) Crypt part of text using formula str'=str xor keycode
//    3) Repeat step 2 for all parts of text
//   (a xor b) xor b = a -> encrypting==decrypting

#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <errno.h>

void usage(void)
 // show how to use this program if there isn't enough parameters
 printf("Usage: xorcrypt.exe filename1 filename2 key\n");
 printf("filename1 - name of source file\n");
 printf("filename2 - name of destination file\n");
 printf("key - key code, can be up to 20 characters (without spaces)\n");
 printf("\nExample: xorcrypt.exe xorcrypt.cpp xorcrypt.crp SAMPLEKEYCODE\n");

FILE *input, *output;
char keycode[20];
char keycodelength;

void encrypt(void)
 unsigned char ch;
 char j=0;
 unsigned long int counter=0;

   // processing char
   ch=(ch | keycode[j])-(ch & keycode[j]);  // a xor b = a or b-a and b
   if (j==keycodelength) j=0;
   // putting char to output
   // getting char from input
 } while (!feof(input));
 printf("%ld byte(s) processed\n");

void main(int argc, char **argv)
 // copyleft;)_
 printf("XORCrypt. copyleft {c} 1996 Johna Smith. freeware\n\n");
 // analysing parameters
 if (argc!=4)
 if (strlen(argv[3])>20)
   // key code is too long
   printf("! ERR01: key code is too long\n");
 if ((input=fopen(argv[1],"rb"))==NULL)
   // error opening file
   printf("! ERR03: can't open source file :(\n");
 if ((output=fopen(argv[2],"wb"))==NULL)
   // error opening file
   printf("! ERR04: can't open destination file :(\n");

PM WWW ICQ   Вверх
Дата 23.12.2004, 14:31 (ссылка) | (нет голосов) Загрузка ... Загрузка ... Быстрая цитата Цитата

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Где: СПб

Репутация: 18
Всего: 62

Решение дифференциальных уравнений

Метод Эйлера


//  Solving differential equations (Eiler method)
//  (c) Johna Smith, 1996
//  Method description:
//    Given differential equation y'=f(x,y) and starting conditions
//    x=x0, y(x0)=y0. We should find solution of this equation
//    at [a;b] interval.
//    y(i+1) calculated as y(i) + delta y(i)
//    delta y=h*f(x,y(i))
//    In this example y'=cos(y)+3x, [a;b]=[0;1], x0=0, y0=1.3

#include <math.h>
#include <stdio.h>

const float a=0,b=1; // bound of the interval
const int num_points=10; // number of point to solve
float x0=0,y0=1.3; // initial conditions
int M=1;

float f(float x, float y)
 return (cos(y)+3*x); // y'=cos(y)+3*x

void calculate(int m,float *y)
 float x,yi,h;

 yi=y0; x=x0;
 for (int i=0;i<num_points;i++)
   for (int k=0;k<m;k++)

void main(void)

 float yh[num_points],yh2[num_points];

 calculate(2*M,yh2);  // doubled step for better accuracy
 // epsilon is difference between solutions with single
 // and double steps
 for (int i=0;i<num_points;i++)

Метод Адамса


//  Solving differential equations (Adams method)
//  (c) Johna Smith, 1996
//  Method description:
//    Given differential equation y'=f(x,y) and starting conditions
//    x=x0, y(x0)=y0. We should find solution of this equation
//    at [a;b] interval.
//    We use Runge-Kutta method to process first 'num_starting_points'
//    points and then use Adams extrapolation to process other points.
//    In this example y'=x+y, [a;b]=[0;2], x0=0, y0=1

#include <math.h>
#include <stdio.h>

const float a=0,b=2;             // bounds of the interval
const int num_points=10,         // number of points to solve
         num_starting_points=4; // number of points to solve with Runge-Kutta method
float x0=0,y0=1;                 // starting conditions

float f(float x, float y)
 return x+y;  // y'=x+y

// this function realises Runge-Kutta method for n starting points
void calculate(float *y)
 float k1,k2,k3,k4,x,yi,h;

 h=(b-a)/num_points;  // step
 yi=y0; x=x0;
 for (int i=0;i<num_starting_points;i++)

void main(void)

 float y[num_points+1],h;

 // apply Runge-Kutta method
 // extrapolating
 for (int i=num_starting_points;i<num_points;i++)
   y[i] = y[i-1]+h/24*(55*f(x0+(i-1)*h,y[i-1])-

 printf("X\t\tY\t\tExact solution\n");
 for (i=0;i<num_points;i++)

Метод Эйлера-Коши


//  Solving differential equations (Eiler-Coshi method)
//  (c) Johna Smith, 1996
//  Method description:
//    Given differential equation y'=f(x,y) and starting conditions
//    x=x0, y(x0)=y0. We should find solution of this equation
//    at [a;b] interval.
//    y(i+1) calculated as y(i) + delta y(i)
//    delta y=h*(f(x,y(i))+f(x,z))/2, z=y(i)+h*(f(x(i),y(i))
//    In this example y'=cos(y)+3x, [a;b]=[0;1], x0=0, y0=1.3

#include <math.h>
#include <stdio.h>

const float a=0,b=1;     // bound of the interval
const int num_points=10; // number of point to solve
float x0=0,y0=1.3;       // initial conditions
int M=1;

float f(float x, float y)
 return (cos(y)+3*x); // y'=cos(y)+3*x

void calculate(int m,float *y)
 float x,yi,h,z;

 yi=y0; x=x0;
 for (int i=0;i<num_points;i++)
   for (int k=0;k<m;k++)

void main(void)

 float yh[num_points],yh2[num_points];

 calculate(2*M,yh2);  // doubled step for better accuracy
 // epsilon is difference between solutions with single
 // and double steps
 for (int i=0;i<num_points;i++)

Метод Рунге-Кутта


//  Solving differential equations (Runge-Kutta method)
//  (c) Johna Smith, 1996
//  Method description:
//    Given differential equation y'=f(x,y) and starting conditions
//    x=x0, y(x0)=y0. We should find solution of this equation
//    at [a;b] interval.
//    y(i+1) calculated as y(i) + delta y(i)
//    delta y =1/6 k1 + 1/3 k2 + 1/3 k3 + 1/6 k4
//    k1=hf(x,y)
//    k2=hf(x+h/2,y+k1/2)
//    k3=hf(x+h/2,y+k2/2)
//    k4=hf(x+h,y+k3)
//    In this example y'=cos(x+y)+x-y, [a;b]=[0;1], x0=0, y0=0

#include <math.h>
#include <stdio.h>

const float a=0,b=1;     // bound of the interval
const int num_points=10; // number of point to solve
float x0=0,y0=0;         // initial conditions
int M=1;

float f(float x, float y)
 return (cos(x+y)+x-y); // y'=cos(x+y)+x-y

void calculate(int m,float *y)
 float k1,k2,k3,k4,x,yi,h;

 yi=y0; x=x0;
 for (int i=0;i<num_points;i++)
   for (int k=0;k<m;k++)
     // calculatin coefficients k

void main(void)
 float yh[num_points],yh2[num_points];

 calculate(2*M,yh2);  // doubled step for better accuracy
 // epsilon is difference between solutions with single
 // and double steps
 for (int i=0;i<num_points;i++)

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Вычисление CRC



//  Calculacting CRC-16 (DOS) of data block
//  (c) Johna Smith, 1996
//  Method description:
//    CRC is used to check data sequences for errors
//    CRC-16 DOS is DOS modification of 16-bit control code (CRC)
//    To calculate CRC-16 DOS
//    1) CRC=0
//    2) Call CRC16DOS for each byte of data block
//    3) Call CRC16DOS(0) twice
//    Function CRC16DOS recieves current CRC value and returns updated value

#include <stdio.h>

int CRC16DOS(char c, unsigned int crc)
 unsigned int CRC_MASK=0xa001;

   mov     al,c      // register AL contains current byte value (8 bits)
   mov     dx,crc    // register DX contains current CRC value (16 bits)
   push    cx        // store CX register in stack
   mov     cx,8      // put number 8 into CX register (CX=8)
   ror     al,1
   //  ROR  AL,1 - shifting bits of AL to the right, putting lowest
   //  bit to highest bit and to carry flag
   //  Example: 10010110b -> 01001011b and Carry Flag is set to 0
   rcr     dx,1
   //  RCR  DX,1  -  shifting  bits  of  DX to the right (like >> operation)
   //  and putting value from Carry Flag to the highetst bit
   //  Example: 10010110b (Carry Flag=1) -> 11001011 (Carry Flag=0)
   jnc     CRC2  // Goto CRC2 if Carry Flag is 0
   xor     dx,CRC_MASK // DX=DX xor CRC_MASK=(DX | CRC_MASK) - (DX & CRC_MASK)
   loop    CRC_Loop // CX--; if (CX!=0) goto CRC_Loop
   pop     cx       // restore CX register from stack
   mov     crc,dx   // CRC=DX

 return crc;

void main(void)
 int crc=0;   // initially CRC=0
 char data[]="This is data sample.";

 // Call CRC16DOS for each byte in the block
 for (int i=0;i<sizeof(data)/sizeof(char);i++) crc=CRC16DOS(data[i],crc);
 // Calculate CRC(0) twice

 // Print calculated value



//  Calculacting CRC-16 (CCITT) of data block
//  (c) Johna Smith, 1996
//  Method description:
//    CRC is used to check data sequences for errors
//    CRC-16 CCITT is CCITT modification of 16-bit control code (CRC)
//    To calculate CRC-16 CCITT
//    1) CRC=0
//    2) Call CRC16CCITT for each byte of data block
//    3) Call CRC16CCITT(0) twice
//    Function CRC16CCITT recieves current CRC value and returns updated value

#include <stdio.h>

int CRC16CCITT(char c, unsigned int crc)
 unsigned int CRC_MASK=0x1021;

   mov     al,c     // register AL contains current byte value (8 bits)
   mov     dx,crc   // register DX contains current CRC value (16 bits)
   push    cx       // store CX register in stack
   mov     cx,8     // put number 8 into CX register (CX=8)
   rol     al,1
   //  ROL  AL,1 - shifting bits of AL to the left, putting highest
   //  bit to the lowest bit and to carry flag
   //  Example: 11010110b -> 10101101b and Carry Flag is set to 1
   rcl     dx,1
   //  RCL  DX,1  -  shifting  bits  of  DX to the left (like << operation)
   //  and putting value from Carry Flag to the lowest bit
   //  Example: 01010110b (Carry Flag=1) -> 10101101b (Carry Flag=0)
   jnc     CRC2     // Goto CRC2 if Carry Flag is 0
   xor     dx,CRC_MASK // DX=DX xor CRC_MASK=(DX | CRC_MASK) - (DX & CRC_MASK)
   loop    CRC_Loop // CX--; if (CX!=0) goto CRC_Loop
   pop     cx       // restore CX register from stack
   mov     crc,dx   // CRC=DX
 return crc;

void main(void)
 int crc=0;   // initially CRC=0
 char data[]="This is data sample.";

 for (int i=0;i<sizeof(data)/sizeof(char);i++) crc=CRC16CCITT(data[i],crc);
 // Calculate CRC(0) twice

 // Print calculated value



//  Calculacting CRC-32 of data block
//  (c) Johna Smith, 1996
//  Method description:
//    CRC is used to check data sequences for errors
//    CRC-32 is 32-bit control code (CRC)
//    To calculate CRC-32:
//    1) CRC=-1
//    2) Call CRC32 for each byte of data block
//    3) CRC=~CRC
//    Function CRC32 recieves current CRC value and returns updated value

#include <stdio.h>

long int CRC32(char c, long int crc)
 int CRC_MASK=0x8320; // CRC-32 mask lo word
 int CRC_MASK1=0xEDB8; // CRC-32 mask hi word
 char CRC_FF=CRC_MASK & 0xFF;
 int d,b;

 d=(int)crc;  // d is lo word of CRC-32
 b=crc>>16;   // b is hi word of CRC-32
   mov al,c   // register AL contains current byte value (8 bits)
   mov bx,b   // register BX contains hi word of current CRC value (16 bits)
   mov dx,d   // register BX contains lo word of current CRC value (16 bits)
   push cx    // store CX register in stack
   push ax    // store AX register in stack
   xor al,dl  // AL=AL xor DL=(AL | DL) - (AL & DL)
   mov cx,8   // put number 8 into CX register (CX=8)
   shr bx,1   // bx>>=1 (shifting bits of BX to the right)
   rcr dx,1
   //  RCR  DX,1  -  shifting  bits  of  DX to the right (like >> operation)
   //  and putting value from Carry Flag to the highetst bit
   //  Example: 10010110b (Carry Flag=1) -> 11001011 (Carry Flag=0)
   shr al,1   // al>>=1 (shifting bits of AL to the right)
   jnc CRC2   // Goto CRC2 if Carry Flag is 0
   xor dx,CRC_MASK  // DX=DX xor CRC_MASK=(DX | CRC_MASK) - (DX & CRC_MASK)
   xor bx,CRC_MASK1 // BX=BX xor CRC_MASK1=(BX | CRC_MASK1) - (BX & CRC_MASK1)
   xor al,CRC_FF // AL=AL xor CRC_MFF=(AL | CRC_FF) - (AL & CRC_FF)
   loop CRC_Loop // CX--; if (CX!=0) goto CRC_Loop
   pop ax        // restore AX register from stack
   pop cx        // restore CX register from stack
   mov b,bx      // b=BX
   mov d,dx      // d=DX
 // combining lo word and hi word to unsigned long crc
 crc=( (unsigned long)( ((unsigned)(d)) | (((unsigned long)((unsigned)(b)))<<16)) );

 return crc;

void main(void)
 unsigned long int crc32=-1; // initially CRC=-1
 char data32[]={1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0};

 // Call CRC32 for each byte of data block
 for (int i=0;i<sizeof(data32)/sizeof(char);i++) crc32=CRC32(data32[i],crc32);

 // Print calculated value

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Число размещений из M по N


//  Calculating number of possible allocations
//  (c) Johna Smith, 1996
//  Method description:
//   Number of possible allocations from n elements by m-element groups is
//   equal to   m     n!
//             A  = ------
//              n   (n-m)!

#include <stdio.h>

double factorial (int n)
 double factorial=1;

 for (int i=2;i<=n;i++)

 return factorial;

double Anm(int n, int m)
 return (factorial(n)/factorial(n-m));

void main(void)
 printf("Number of allocations from 10 elements by 5 is Anm = %f\n",Anm(10,5));

Число сочетаний из N по M


//  Calculating number of possible combinations
//  (c) Johna Smith, 1996
//  Method description:
//    Number of possible combinations of n elements to m-element groups is
//   equal to   m      n!
//             C  = --------
//              n   m!(n-m)!

#include <stdio.h>

double factorial (int n)
 double factorial=1;

 for (int i=2;i<=n;i++)

 return factorial;

double Cnm(int n, int m)
 return (factorial(n)/(factorial(m)*factorial(n-m)));

void main(void)
 printf("Number of combination from 10 elements by 5 is Cnm = %f\n",Cnm(10,5));

Найти дробную часть Х


//  Calculating {x}, where {x} is the fractional part of x
//  (c) Johna Smith, 1996
//  Method description:
//   Calculate integer part of x ([x]):
//    1) Assume that integer part c is 0
//    2) If the given value x is positive then increase c while it is less than x
//       if the given value x is negative then decrease c while it is greater than x
//   Calculate the fractional part of x:
//    3) {x}=x-[x]

#include <stdio.h>

float Frac(float x)
 int c=0;

 // calculating integer part of x, [x]=c
 if (x>=0)
   while (x>=c+1) c++;
   while (x<c-1) c--;
 // {x}=x-[x]

 return x-c;

void main(void)
 printf("Pi=%f {Pi}=%f\n",3.1415926536,Frac(3.1415926536));

Округлить Х к ближайшему целому, меньшему, чем Х


//  Calculating [x], where [x] is the nearest to x integer that is less than x
//  [3.1415]=3 and [-3.1415]=-4 (not -3, because -3 is greater than -3.1415
//  (c) Johna Smith, 1996
//  Method description:
//    1) Assume that integer part c is 0
//    2) If the given value x is positive then increase c while it is less than x
//       if the given value x is negative then decrease c while it is greater than x

#include <stdio.h>

int Integer(float x)
 int c=0;

 if (x>=0)
   while (x>=c+1) c++;
   while (x<c) c--;
 return c;

void main(void)
 printf("Pi=3.1415926536 [Pi]=%d\n",Integer(3.1415926536));

Факториал (решение "в лоб")


//  Factorial calculation (exact solution)
//  (c) Johna Smith, 1996
//  Method description:
//   We just use definition of factorial n!=1*2*3*...*n

#include <stdio.h>

double factorial (int n)
 double factorial=1;

 for (int i=2;i<=n;i++)

 return factorial;

void main(void)
 printf("5! = %f\n35! = %f\n100! = %f\n",factorial(5),

Факториал (через логарифм)


//  Factorial calculation (logarithm solution)
//  (c) Johna Smith, 1996
//  Method description:
//   We just use logarithmic method:
//            sum(k=1;n) lg(k)
//     n! = 10

#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>

long double factorial (int n)
 long double factorial;
 double sum=0;

 for (int i=1;i<=n;i++) sum+=(log(i)/log(10));

 return factorial;

void main(void)
 printf("5! = %Lf\n35! = %Lf\n100! = %Lf\n",factorial(5),

Квадратный корень (метод Ньютона)


//  Square root calculating. Newton method
//  (c) Johna Smith, 1996
//  Method description:
//    0) Given: A      Find: A^(1/2)
//    1) Find out first approximation x0 of the sqare root of A
//    2) x(n+1)=(x(n)+A/x(n))/2 while x(n+1)-x(n)<=1

#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>

// recieving value of A and first approximation of the sqare root

float NewtonSqrt(float A, float x)
 float xold;

 } while (x!=xold);
 return x;

void main(void)
 printf("C++ Sqrt(13)=%f,  Newton Sqrt(13)=%f.",sqrt(13),NewtonSqrt(13,3.5));

Наибольший общий делитель (алгоритм Евклида)


//  Calculating NOD using Evklid algorithm
//  (c) Johna Smith, 1996
//  Method description:
//    NOD(a,b) is greatest integer number with the following property:
//     a/NOD=m, b/NOD=n, where m,n - are integer

#include <stdio.h>

int NOD(int a,int b)
 int tmp;

 // on each step we make following modifications
 // a   -> b
 // b%a -> a, where b%a is remainder of b/a
 while (a!=0)

 return b;

void main(void)
 printf("NOD(1532,24) = %d\n",NOD(1532,24));

Нахождение простых чисел


//  Finding prime numbers
//  (c) Johna Smith, 1996
//  Method description:
//   We take a number and try to divide it. If we can divide it
//   without remainder - this is not prime number.
//   We can take into account only odd numbers, because we can
//   divide all even number by 2. Also we can store all prime
//   numbers that are already found in an array and try to divide
//   all new numbers only by numbers from this array.
//   If we want to find all prime numbers less than N the size of
//   the array should be sqrt(N)/2

#include <stdio.h>

#define N   160  // so we can find all prime numbers that are less than 100000
#define M   25   // check all numbers less than 250

int Simple[N];
int k=0;
enum {yes,no} simple;

void main(void)
 // it's easy: 2 and 3 are prime
 if (M>=2) printf("2\n"); // 2 is simple 'cause we can divide it only by itself and 1
 if (M>=3) printf("3\n");

 // but what we can say about other numbers:
 for(int i=5;i<=M;i+=2)
   for(int j=0;j<k;j++)
     if (Simple[j]*Simple[j]>i) break; // other Simple[j] is too big for i
     if ((i%Simple[j])==0) simple=no; // there's no remainder - not prime
   if (simple==yes)

Нахождение простых сомножителей числа


//  Searching prime multipliers
//  (c) Johna Smith, 1996
//  Method description:
//    Given: number A
//    We should find a1,a2,a3,..an with the following properties:
//    1) ai is prime numbers
//    2) a1*a2*...*an=A
//    We can do it by consequitive dividing A by 2 and all prime numbers
//    while sqrt(A)+1<=d, where d is prime number

#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>

unsigned long int A=1234567890L;

void main(void)
 unsigned long int b;

 while (A%2==0 && A!=1)
   // divide by 2 while it is possible
   printf("2 ");
 while (b<sqrt(A)+1)
   if (A%b==0)
     // dividing by prime number
     printf("%ld ",b);
   } else b+=2;

Быстрое возведение в степень x^y


//  Quick powering
//  (c) Johna Smith, 1996
//  Method description:
//    Calculate A to the power of k, A is real, k is natural, k>0
//    If k is even we can use the following formula:
//                              k/2
//                   k   (   2 )
//              b = A  = ( A   )
//    and assume k=k/2; A=A*A;
//    If k is odd we assume k=k-1, b=b*A and k becomes even

#include <stdio.h>

void main(void)
 long double A = 8.0;
 long int    k = 19;
 long double b=1;

 printf("%Lf^%ld = ",A,k);
 while (k!=0)
   if (k%2!=0) b*=A;

Быстрое вычисление корня n-й степени x^(1/y)


//  Quick powering
//  (c) Johna Smith, 1996
//  Method description:
//    Calculate A to the power of 1/k, A is real, k is natural, k>0
//    We can use iterations:
//               k-1
//    x    = (a/x   +(k-1)x  )/k
//     n+1       n         n

#include <stdio.h>

long double Root(long double a, long int k)
 long double xn=(a+k-1)/k; // first iteration
 long double x,xk;

   xk=1; // x^(k-1)
   for (long int i=0;i<k-1;i++) xk*=x;
 } while (x!=xn); // while there's difference between two consequitive iterations
 return x;

void main(void)
 long double A=1048576L;
 long int k=20;

 printf("%Lf to the power of %Lf is %Lf",A,(long double)(1.0/k),Root(A,k));

Генерация случайных чисел с нормальным распределением


//  Generating random numbers with normal distribution
//  (c) Johna Smith, 1996
//  Method description:
//    1) Select the base for randomizer
//    2) Generate two random numbers from 0 to 1
//    3) Calculate two randoms with normal distribution, return one of them
//       and remember other to return next time without generating new randoms
//  This method gives us random numbers with dispersion=1 and average=0  

#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>

#define Pi  3.14159265358979323846

float nrnd(float _base=0)
 static float base;
 static float tact=1;
 static float second_value;
 float factor,argument,tmp;

 // reinitializing randomizer if _base!=0
 if (_base!=0) base=_base;

 if (tact==1)
   // generating random from 0 to 1
   // calculating factor
   // generating random from 0 to 1
   // calculating argumeent
   // generating final random numbers with normal distribution
   return factor*cos(argument);
   return second_value;

void main(void)
 // Setting the base for randiomizer (not 0)
 // Generating random numbers
 for (int i=0;i<10;i++) printf("%d. %f\n",i+1,nrnd());

Генерация случайных чисел в интервале 0...1


//  Generating random number between 0 and 1
//  (c) Johna Smith, 1996
//  Method description:
//    1) Select the base for randomizer
//    2) Get random number using the following formula: x=fract(11*x+Pi)

#include <stdio.h>

#define Pi  3.14159265358979323846

float rnd(float _base=0)
 static float base;
 float tmp;

 // reinitializing randomizer if _base!=0
 if (_base!=0) base=_base;

 // generating random number

 return base;

void main(void)
 // Setting the base for randiomizer (not 0)
 // Generating random numbers
 for (int i=0;i<10;i++) printf("%d. %f\n",i+1,rnd());

Собственые числа и собственные вектора матрицы


//  Searching own number and own vector for matrix A
//  (c) Johna Smith, 1996
//  Method description:
//    Given: matrix A
//    We need to find max lambda and vector X: A*X=lambda*X
//    In this algorythm we'll use iterations to find vector X.
//                         n
//    On each step lambda=SUM (A*x(i),x(i)), where (..) means scalar multiplication
//                        i=1

#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>

#define N   3   // size of matrix

float matrix[N][N]={
float x_current[N]={1,1}; // first iteration
const unsigned m=300;     // number of iterations

void ShowMatrix(void)
 for (int i=0;i<N;i++)
   for (int j=0;j<N;j++)

void main(void)
 // Variables declaration
 int i,j,k;
 float A_x_current[N],lambda,alpha;

 // all iterations
   // multiplying matrix A by vector x_current
   for (i=0;i<N;i++) A_x_current[i]=0;
   for (i=0;i<N;i++)  // A*X(k)
     for (j=0;j<N;j++)
   for (i=0;i<N;i++)  // (A*X(k),X(k))

   // normalizing x_current
   for (i=0;i<N;i++)
     alpha+=A_x_current[i]*A_x_current[i]; // alpha(k)

   for (i=0;i<N;i++) x_current[i]=alpha*A_x_current[i]; // X(k+1)

 // Printing given matrix

 // Printing solution
 for (i=0;i<N;i++) printf("%f%s",x_current[i],(i==N-1?")":","));

Инвестиции, проценты, прибыли


//  Investments, percents, incomes
//  (c) Johna Smith, 1996
//  Method description:
//    s0 - initial investment
//    s  - final sum on account
//    P  - sum on account increased by P % per year
//    N  - number of years
//   If we know three of these values we can calculate fourth value

#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>

// this function calculates s0
float StartValue(float end_value, float percents_per_period, float periods)
 return end_value/pow(1+percents_per_period/100,periods);

// this function calculates s
float EndValue(float start_value, float percents_per_period, float periods)
 return start_value*pow(1+percents_per_period/100,periods);

// this function calculates P
float PercentsPerPeriod(float start_value, float end_value, float periods)
 return 100*(pow(end_value/start_value,1/periods)-1);

// this function calculates N
float Periods(float start_value, float end_value, float percents_per_period)
 return (log10(end_value)-log10(start_value))/log10(1+percents_per_period/100);

void main(void)
 // If we invest $5000 for 5 years and bank pays 3% per year
 // the final sum on the account will be...
 // How much should we invest if we want to get $30000 and we
 // can wait 22 years and bank pays 3% per year
 // How much years we will wait if we invest $20000 and want to
 // get $30000. Bank pays 3% per year
 // If we want to invest $15000, wait 18 years and get $30000
 // then we need to find bank which pays 'PercentsPerPeriod' % per year

Регулярные инвестиции, проценты, прибыли


//  Regular investments, percents, incomes
//  (c) Johna Smith, 1996
//  Method description:
//    s1 - investment per year (we invest each year 's1' dollars)
//    s  - final sum on account
//    P  - sum on account increased by P % per year
//    N  - number of years
//   If we know three of these values we can calculate fourth value

#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>

// this function calculates s1
float InvestmentValue(float end_value, float percents_per_period, float periods)
 float I=percents_per_period/100;

 return end_value*I/(pow(1+I,periods)-1);

// this function calculates s
float EndValue(float investment_value, float percents_per_period, float periods)
 float I=percents_per_period/100;

 return investment_value*(pow(1+I,periods)-1)/I;

// this function calculates P
float PercentsPerPeriod(float investment_value, float end_value, float periods)
 float i=0, h=0.01;

 while (fabs(h)>2.5e-4)
   do i+=h; while ((end_value*i/(pow(1+i,periods)-1)-investment_value)/h>=0);


 return i*100;

// this function calculates N
float Periods(float investment_value, float end_value, float percents_per_period)
 float I=percents_per_period/100;

 return log(end_value*I/investment_value+1)/log(1+I);

void main(void)
 // If we will invest $1000 every year during 10 years and bank pays 3%
 // per year the final sum on the account will be...

 // How much years we will wait if we invest $1000 every year and want to
 // get $30000. Bank pays 3% per year

 // How much should we invest every year if we want to get $30000 and we
 // can wait 20 years and bank pays 3% per year

 // If we want to invest $1000 every year during 20 years and get $30000
 // then we need to find bank which pays 'PercentsPerPeriod' % per year

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Дата 12.4.2011, 20:34 (ссылка) | (нет голосов) Загрузка ... Загрузка ... Быстрая цитата Цитата


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